I never had Barbie's dream house but I always wanted one. My lil cousin had one so when I went to her house I always hogged it. hehe. Sorry Marina, but I was 5 years old when I did that. =) Image via Toy's R' Us.
Well I almost put a bid on my own very first home this week. There was a studio condo in my parent's complex up for sale about 6 doors down from where we now are. ( I still live with my parents btw...hey struggling recent graduate needs all the help she can get.) The studio condo was on the 2nd floor with the big studio room with a raised bed like a loft, a separate room for the kitchen, a full bathroom, 1 walk-in closet, and 2 other smaller closets. I regret to say that it would have been perfect for just me. But I just can't swing it yet.
I went to the open house and I thought Ohhh Maybe Just Maybe I'm heading in the right direction. My problem is that I could afford to live there no problem with the common charges & the mortgage payment but the money down is the problem. I just don't have enough. I should be sad but I'm actually not sad at all.
This actually was a very realistic moment for me but in a total good way. I'm doing the self-discovery, trying to not feel so lost, but I think I actually needed this event to put things in perspective for me, realistically. I feel like there is soo much pressure on me because the stereotype thing is to Graduate college, move out, find the job in your career. However, a lil known personal fact about me is that I am Never Ever the stereotypical anything. The fact that I could even possibily afford a mortgage payment & still pay my bills too made me feel soo grown-up. The whole not having enough for the money down thing tho did remind me of Woa, I'm only 24 just turned, I just graduated college, my parents aren't kicking me out yet, I need to find a better job...so I actually can just peacefully march a lil time until I do have the money. (I drew a picture of ants in my lil cherry notebook when I wrote about marching time. lol.)
I can't march too much time but I think I need to take a step back & live the life I have right now. Alot of bloggers have recently said this and I think it's because the fall is coming which mean the holidays are lurking around every corner. It's soo hard to relax when everyone keeps tellina ya too. But I'm gunna try.
There will come a day when I will have my dream home and a place to hang my hat that I can decorate and always have a fresh batch of chocolate-covered strawberries on my coffee table for my guests...just not yet. It's okay...I loved the feeling of house hunting & when I can truly afford something Ohhh I can't wait for that joy. =)
I have my resume writing class Tueday Night!! Can't wait!! Hope everyone has a lovely week.
See there is a light & life in the cracks. I saw this lil leaf trying to grow in the cracks of my parking lot of my parents condo and I had to take a picture. Photo by me. =)

Yes. Your time will come. I am a college grad as well and I was really blue about life after college. I thought the same as you about the whole just stepping into a career. You should take full advantage of living at home. I was not able to do that, but I really think that you will be able to save up some cash like that. Well good luck! Try not to feel so lost. It will all work out like it should in the end. :o)
Hi Melanie,
Smart way to look at it. It's hard to know when to draw that line because while you don't want to live at home forever, as long as things are good there it's a comfortable arrangement. One day when you're on your own I'm sure you'll look back on the happy times you had while you lived with your parents.
Nice to see you're keeping a level head about things, buying a home can be an emotional decision when you see something that you just HAVE to have. I think when the time's right you'll know it. More importantly, you'll FEEL it. I'm impressed that you're in a position to be thinking about it right now; most people aren't at your age.
Don't worry about feeling lost, doing the self-discovery thing. I DEFINITELY know what that's like. But if there's one thing I've learned this past year it's that most people (regardless of age) are trying to find SOME part of themselves, and where they fit in. I really believe that. The nice thing is we don't have to have all the answers right away. It'll come to you Melanie, of that I'm sure. :)
I loved how you related the pic of the leaf to how things can still grow in the darkness in our lives. Very beautiful and inspiring.
BTW the Eurythmics line is actually, "Sweet dreams are made of this...who am I to disagree."
I never owned a Barbie Dream House either (lol) but I confess to eating half-cooked chocolate crap that my sister made in her 'Easy-Bake' oven. Pretty gross looking back on it, but of course since kids will eat just about anything I liked it at the time.
I am definitely in a similar situation. I cant afford a down payment yet either but not really ready to be in more debt. Our time will come!
Too funny... I'm also going through similar frustrations this week. I applied for information with Wells Fargo yesterday. They are know to have some of the best mortgage rates. I used to be in the mortgage biz pre-crash while in school. Would love to buy, but all the new restrictions suck. Have you tried the FHA with 3% down... still alot of cash though. I would love to go back and live with my parents now... we'll maybe live closer. ;)
I'm having the "I want to start my own biz" from home phase, and that "unfilled college grad" thing right now. And want all my own furniture. I'm sick of handme down mixed-match. Arggh! I understand where you are coming from completley. :)
I'm also a struggling recent grad living with her mom. Although I'm nowhere near moving out. Maybe next year...I'm still dreaming about it.
oh god I LOVED the pic *.*
it's so awsome, and green :]
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