It's my 30th post so I'm going to take a second and explain the lil dollie in my title picture. Well, that's me in the mask. Few people get their moment where they meet their favorite famous person, get to see their favorite band perform, or get to *gasp* talk to your favorite celebrities. I got my moment & a few stolen seconds of fame.
The doll mask was my costume for the music video, "Looking Glass" from my favorite band, The Birthday Massacre. I was cast as an extra in the video and Actually got my name in the CD pamphlet. I still can't believe this. Yeah, I'm wearing a mask but to be in one of your favorite bands videos!!! I'd do anything.
It was filmed 2 years in the middle of winter in Jersey City, NJ. I never knew a real life acting job would be soo much work. It was mostly waiting around for the director and the crew to set up the classroom scenes. I wouldn't trade one minute of waiting for anything. However sitting in a hot room in a school girl outfit with a ceramic mask on your head is not an easy job!! hehe. The band actually came and chilled with all us girls and they were amazing. Just amazing. They thanked us every second they got. They look all gothic and scary but they are the nicest people ever. They signed photos for us, they signed our masks, and gave us as many hugs as we wanted. Also when I went to see them in concert about a year and half later they actually remembered me out of the 30 girls that was there. I'm still in shock, really I am.

The picture is via here: The Birthday Massacre The Birthday Massacre are what people call Bubblegum Gothic Pop. I have NO idea what that means!. They aren't that main-stream, but they have a sound like Evanescence mixed with Seether mixed with a dash of nine inch nails mixed with a meaning to their lyrics touched with something fresh and totally new. It's dark, but if you listen to the words, you'll be right with them. My favorite songs are "To Die for", "Happy Birthday", and "Blue". I love their lyrics, I love their videos, and their songs. You can find their cds at Hot Topic and "The Looking Glass" single is there and if you happen to buy it and see a Melanie. That's me! =)
It was one of the Coolest moments of my life. All I can think of right now tho is that scene in "Legally Blonde" where the Harvard Admissions is like, "She was in a Ricky Martin Video??". lol.
Here's the The Birthday Massacre, "Looking Glass" video. I'm the girl in the #3 mask, and the girl standing in the hallway at the end when a band member takes a book out of her hand. lol. Hope you enjoy. The title of this blog is a lyric from this song. Look for the #3!! <3
So this was one of many of my random things I've randomly done. Back then I was a student & worker by day, and an music video extra by night. hehe. I've reached a serious Omg I think Coffee stopped working with me mode lately so I need to sleep. This music video experience was a dream come true.
And I'd like to take a second to just say R.I.P Patrick Swayze. You were a terrific actor and you will be missed.

That's so cool! I like the song and video. You made me crack up with, "She was in a Ricky Martin video." Hope you had a good day! xoxo
wow that's cool you're in the video clip ! :D too bad i can't watch it :( the mask is rather cute . haha .
I'll miss Patrick too and cool story about the doll and video, sounds like a great band!
It's scary. I mean. I've never liked masks and clowns...haha
Thanks for ur lovely comment on my blog
wow ur so lucky,I cant describe my feeling when get the same moment with you
I miss patrick,I just watched ghost and dirty dancing last night
I love the Birthday Massacre! :) You're the first one on Blogger that I've met who even knows about them! :)
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