I'm definitely going to have to do a video blog soon because Thank You to me in words just isn't doing enough. Thank you everyone for your comments, they've helped so much. I've been trying my hardest to keep myself busy and of course when your walking on a tight rope time goes at a snail's pace. Seriously yesterday was a million years long!!!! I even tried to meet someone new...but that was a disaster. Thankfully I didn't even introduce myself to the guy yet before I saw the "kiss" so I quickly shucked it off...yeah let me explain.
A guy had messaged me a while back about the town I live in, that his band was playing at a local bar. The night he was supposed to play got canceled due to the weather so the re-schedule date was this Saturday. I put on my new shoes, a nice tastefully low shirt, make-up, & had my new french manicure to show off. I spotted him quickly but he was with his whole band so I watched him for a bit. I was invited to this event on facebook so he knew I might have been there. Well...he seemed cute, a lil short, but he was the lead singer so of course he was dressed nice. I was trying to figure out my game plan to approach him when a girl came in. She went up to him & then he kissed her, hugged her, and his eyes lit up after this. I don't know who she was or whatever but yeahhhh I choose to leave the bar. It was easy because his back was to the door. I forgot for a split second that he was a musician & wouldn't have fan-girls all over him...I was quickly reminded. Oh well. I'm happy I hesitated in saying hi. Next...
That was a downer but I went to the local brewery & met some chill people there, one of which was a magician so he made me smile. He's got a girlfriend but he did tricks all night for me. It helped. But, I really feel lost lately. My mind is just running a marathon of the past & it's bugging me out. I think what my mind is trying to do is search for that good station like on a radio...search for those times when I was genuinely happy. But I will have to wait and see like everything else.
I'm one of those people that when I have to be serious I can be serious in an instant & when I can just sit back & have fun I will rock this town. I can't wait for tomorrow be over so I will know things & can actually think straight. I feel okay & I'm not scared for tomorrow but my mind is just floating everywhere. It'll be okay. I'm going to head to bed so tomorrow will come faster.
I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight because they say when I wake up there might be 6 inches of snow on the ground...
CHIN UP, pretty. :) Good things are coming.
hi how re u
looks very sad
looks you enjoyed alot
Melanie, God I've been thinking about you this weekend. I don't pray much but you're certainly in my prayers lately, especially today. Please let us know how things go as soon as you're up to it.
Isn't it amazing how much you can grow to care about someone you've never met. You're very dear to me. *Big hug* Mel.
If you do a video blog that would be awesome! go for it!
Hi sweetheart! I'm glad you kept yourself busy this weekend. I'm so excited for you to finally get some news today. Stay strong!!! :)
Wow, I can't tell you how much I can relate to the first about a guy who ends up having a girl or at least a fangirl. Sucks.
At least you are fine and your mind is just wandering. Could be you.
Do something amazing to start your morning right, girl. Everything else will fall into place after that.
I'm sorry things aren't going well, but I would like to say your radio metaphor is a great one, I totally know what you mean. I think the problem is (ok corny sentence coming up, sorry) is we never really realize we're happy when we truly are. it is only when we look back that we find the good moments, although since I feel like I am sleep walking through my days this past month, I can easily say that time isn't now.
I'd love a video post of you, I just did one and it was pretty easy. plus I love hearing girls voices, it makes it more real haha
Don't worry about hon, you aren't the only one feeling lost. Lost feels so normal for me, I'm actually searching for dysfunctional.
Hugs and luck xxx
You're in my prayers sweets. I hope today goes ok for you!
I feel lost a lot too, Bathwater. Great blog, btw!
I used to go out with a guy who had a band and I learned as a result I probably wouldn't trust a musician. Then the guy I went out with last year was an actor/director so I realised I should just avoid all creative types, lol.
Hope today goes okay for you. You're in my thoughts. xx
Let us know how it went...
You need to stay away from guys in bands - try hanging out at jazz clubs or with the local symphony if you want a musician...
I've had that happen to me before where I've dressed nicely for a guy only to discover some other girl there who got his attention. Ehh, oh well...
I'm confident that good things are on their way for you :)
aww :(, hope you feel asleep quickly and that the week has been much better to you.
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