In lieu of current circumstances I just can't seem to wrap my head around a post of meaning. I found out yesterday that my mom will be losing her job come June 30th. Things usually happen in 3's so I'm hoping this was the third whammie for this sequence of crap that is happening. Thank you everyone for the comments yesterday. For a brief moment I thought I was over-reacting to what happened & putting my friend in the blame spot but she could of at least been caring about what happened. Anywho, I will be going around to visit everyone's blogs too that I miss ever so much.

Well, now the purpose of this post.
Ask me any Question that comes to mind & I promise to answer it honestly & truthfully. You can be anonymous if you choose. I'll answer them later today. Okay...let it roll!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom losing her job, Melanie; that's horrible.
As for a do you view the world - glass half full or glass half empty?
Yeah losing a job really sucks. Sorry too.
Q: What is your idea of true joy (not mere happiness, which is fleeting)?
So sorry about the friend =/ and your Mom losing her job.
Q: How do you push forward when you are having bad times?
Sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family as a whole, and your mother.
Sorry about your mom :( That sucks.
As for a question...what do you do for a job now? What is your dream job?
What's your favorite food (s)?
I love these question posts!
I'm sorry to hear about this Melanie. You've made it through a lot though so you can make it through this
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Did you know that I have a copy of your favorite painting in my downstairs bathroom?
Oh no so sorry about your mom! Hope your day is going okay.
Question - what is your favorite place to shop at?
Place you would love to travel to?
Do you have plans to someday get married and have children?
When one door closes- others always open!
Q: Ever thought of moving? Like across the country...
I'm sorry about your Mom. My dad lost his job a few months ago, but he's slowly getting back up on his feet - I'm sure your Mom will do the same :)
Question: If you could take a week vacation anywhere right now, where would you go?
Who is God, and what's his problem?
Thanks for your encouraging comment Melanie. My painting is getting there...
I'm sorry about all of the downers in your life right now, especially your mom's job :( It's really sad when stuff like that happens. Stay strong and I'm certain things will get better somehow, some way!!!
@Simon. Excellent question!
Aw honey, I'm so sorry to hear that. Seems all the bad stuff happens at once huh? I feel bad for missing yesterday's post, gotta give it a read. I haven't spent as much time here as I'd like.
As for questions (pick as many or as few as you like):
-from where/who do you get your strength?
-if you wanted people to know just one thing about you, what would it be?
-what's the strangest thing you've ever done?
-describe your ideal man
-what's your best physical/personality trait?
-what draws you to a person?
-how old were you when you first fell for a guy?
-when was your first kiss?
I'll stop here before the questions get too juicy. lol
Hope you're feeling better soon Mel.
Hello sweet thing!
I'm really sorry for your mum loosing her job, the situation is so sad right now... what can I say!
My question is: who will you choose to be the actress in a movie about your life and why?
I'm so sorry about your mom, Mel. It seems like the recession is hitting everyone left and right and won't give up. :(
My question for you...(Damn, Barry took all the good ones! Lol).
Here we go: If you had to live in another time period, which would it be? Why?
Oh, what the heck. Here is another question: what is the craziest thing you have ever done?
I always believe that bad luck comes in three so you can expect good things coming your way now.
Have a great day! xoxo
So sorry to hear! So many in this country are experiencing this... I hope you and your mom keep a positive outlook :)
Oh gosh I think you have enough questions to answer honey...
So sorry about your mom and your friend.
hugs to you sweetie,
Sorry to hear about your mom.. but I am sure everything's going to be alright :)
My question for you is -
What is your favorite smell?
Hey Mel :)
Ok ha....if you could go back in time, to any age of your life, and tell yourself to DO or NOT TO DO something, which age would you go back to?
Have a fab day :)
I'm not sure if someone already asked this, but what is your favorite book?
So sorry to hear about your Mom.
My question is what were you like in high school? Did you like the experience?
Don't get too put down about your present misfortunes. we all have our rough spots but if we don't let them drag us down we'll be twice as quick in recovering. Here is something my dad told me once 'nothing bad happens to good people' at first I was confused by it but I now finally get it.And once you understand it life will be a lot easier for you too.
I'm gonna go with the shallow question: what is your beauty routine?
oh now i feel like truth or dare...when someone wants me to do a 'truth' i can't think of a question to ask! LOL!
xox alison
aw man. sorry to hear about your mom. hope everything works out for her. i don't believe in the three's theory but either way i hope the bad luck ends.
as for a question, i got nente. i can never think of one when asked.
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