Oh everyone I haven't blogged in a few days but I have the greatest excuse Ever!! I've been outside. lol. Winter is over & Spring has arrived. "I can see clearly now the rain is gone...". No more being Indoor Kitty for me. I've been running around like the lil Blind Melon bee girl trying to find the rest of her fellow bees. =)
My allergies are driving me nuts but I'm fighting them. hehe. The daffodils are blooming, the first Blue Jay or Cardinal birdies can be spotted, & nature has come back to life! The sunshine is beaming through my window onto my laptop as I write this. I want to just go out and roll-around in it. It just feels soo good to get up out of the house, off my ass, & walk around.
I wondered back in November if I had Seasonal Effectiveness Disorder where the seasons actually affect your mood. I definitely have it. Just waking up and seeing the sun has that smile on my face!
I did get to go to Six Flags Great Adventure this week too!! It was an absolutely blast. I'm going to post about that on Monday. I got photo tags to do, I got awards to do, I got more cheesecakes to make for tomorrow's Easter Day. I'm a Catholic so I do celebrate Easter. I'm going up to Connecticut to see my grandparents & other family. I hope it's a nice day.
So I leave you now with the Blind Melon video for "No Rain". I love that she's happy in the end of the video. I just love it!
Have any of you been able to enjoy this Spring weather yet? I hope so...
I'm glad you are up and about, Melanie, enjoy the outdoors, it's healthy for body and mind. Happy Easter.
Spring is the best! Glad you are feeling so cheerful. It is intermittently sunny and rainy here, but that is better than solid rain!! xx
Isnt' spring wonderful?? And it does make you want to frolic like a li'l bee ;) I'm much happier, too, now that winter is gone...
xoxo J
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so much! and that is a great song!
I love the autumn (or fall as you call it) when you can smell bonfires burning and have a cup of hot coffee with the smell of roasting chesnuts :) can't beat it. But you know that winter is just around the corner...
Hey sweetie! I have an award for you over at my blog! Kori xoxo
Love love love the blind melon referance. very witty.
spring sounds so wonderful. here its always summer, gets boring at times
Glad you are enjoying Spring and I love that song/video :)
Happy Easter Melanie :o)
For some years I had "winter depressions" - but rediscovered the joy of cuddling up in a blanket, adding some candle light, cup of tea and a great book... am now embrasing winter as reading time.....
I love that music video! Although I have issues with roller coasters I love theme parks. Hooray for fun weekends!
I love that point where the weather FINALLY Gets nice. Especially since we ALL seem to have had horrific Winters this year. Enjoy it all you can!
It's about time for this beautiful warm weather! I've been out on the motorcycle driving my life away! and even managed to get a sunburn!! I'm so glad that you have been out too!! good luck w/ you allergies!
I like your blog, I'm a new follower. Please check out my blog as well (and follow you like .. i hope you do)
The Blind Melon bee girl got to appear on the MTV video music awards a much better fate than that of the lead singer.
Springtime is a lovely time! Glad the weather has been so nice for you!
Isn't Spring the best????? Happy Easter.
I just recently got my first ever blog award. I don't typically do this sort of thing, but I thought it was appropriate to give one to some of my favorite bloggers, and you're one of them! Check out my Easter blog post to see the new award. :)
Spring is definitely your season Melanie... go out and have fun.
Happy Easter my dear! xoxo
I'm so jealous. I hate living in Oregon, where there are three seasons: spring (June-August), fall (September-November) and disgusting (all the rest of the year. All of my friends back home in Texas are already bitching about it being too hot. I'm like, okay kids, come up here where it was still dumping snow last weekend. You'll appreciate your flipflops and BBQs then.
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