So before Christmas I mentioned about a certain lil Drummer Boy that keeps trying to get back in my life. Here's the link to that post in case your new. Drummer Boy. However I didn't know what he wanted to come back as? Friends, lovers, boyfriend/girlfriend, aquitanaces...etc. I had told him a few days before X-mas to call me the following week after the holiday. Well instead he called today.
Now we broke up the stupid way. He just stopped calling one day 2 years ago.The "Disappearing Act" I like to call it. Too many guys are dependent on this cop-out. Anywho, Drummer Boy is cute with his blonde hair & very clear blue eyes, he's a very good kisser, has a job, and of course is a drummer. I actually have missing low tones in my ears. I have a 100% of my natural hearing but sometimes things are just a lil TOO LOUD for me to listen. *Cough* Drums being played an inch in front of me *Cough*. But the drumming thing isn't why I'm so torn on him...
At first everyone & me included thought he was probably calling cuz he was lonely & wanted something probably physical. But after 3 times of me telling him, "Oh sorry I can't, I'm just really busy right now from the holidays" on 3 different situations, he still Called again, still wants to hang out with me. That just seems weird to me. Where has he been that he would now after 2 years want me back in his life??? Our relationship wasn't anything spectacular. It didn't go far. I don't think he even called me his girlfriend and definitely never said, "I love you" so why return from the void? We get along on aim but we haven't seen each other in those 2 years so what would it be like face to face?
We made plans to chill on Saturday night. He suggested Saturday night so I'm like...isn't that date night?? (Yes, I'm doing the freak-out girl analyze everything again). I don't know what we're going to do yet so I guess I'll be able to tell then if it's a date or just a hang-out or a reunion special....If I don't go I'd regret at least knowing why he's trying so hard to come back....
But if I go & he wants to date me, well I don't know what I'd say. I'm lonely. Honestly. I hope that doesn't sway my judgment. I do remember liking him, but I'm WAY TOO AWARE of things that I Don't like about him. Or maybe he's changed in 2 years? Ack. Who knows. That's why I'm going on Saturday. To know.
My labyrinth just brought back another twist & I'm so shouting about it. I'm definitely going to pick out a Date Outfit, a Hang-out Friend Outfit, & a "I realize I don't want to go back with him" Outfit for Saturday. Soo much to think about & so lil time.
I thought Drummer Boy left without a trace...I was wrong.

i don't like to tell people what to do...ok i lie, i do, but i won't with you. i say just be careful.
I've always been a little wary of drummers. Bass players are the unsung heroes of any band, and are usually sweethearts.
Hope the date goes well. Stick to your guns.
best of luck with this!
boys are so confusing at times.
aww, I wish you luck and I hope that on Saturday you know more for certain where you satnd, but from experience you will probably be even more confused. I sure do wich my own version of "drummer buy" woulg come abck to me randomly after two years....wow, that's sad of me to say lol
Don't forget to tell us what happens...(wear knock him dead clothes,to show him what he threw away)
We'll be waiting to see what happens...
Personally, I'd be super petty and show up and then act like a jerk. But...that's probably why people call me "immature" :) I'm sure you'll make the right decision...
Maybe he changed for the better in those two years! He might be more mature now and realises he might have missed out on something great after his 'Disappearing Act'! You're right to give it a shot though!
two years in along time. especially considering your ages when you first dated, people can really grow up from when they turn 20 to age 25. I think you should give him a chance and not try to only dwell on what you didn't like about it. however, if after the dinner he still seems to be the same noncommittal jerk than don't see him again, ever. its a worth a shot though.
He better have asked you out to formally apologize for his behavior two years ago. Seriously. If he's trying to get back together after disappearing, without even acknowledging that he was a jerk, that's just rude.
I know what you mean though about being lonely and how that alters your judgement sometime. But when you go out with him, just remember all the bad things about him. Just remember how he treated you. I would be sick if he disappeared on you again. You totally don't deserve that right now or need it right now. It would be a horrible start to the year.
Go with an open mind, but protect yourself.
Interesstinngggg....boy sounds persistent. Good quality. 2 years and someone can definitely change. He's probably been thinking about you a lot more than you think.
When in doubt...dress up :0) I'm sure you'll pull the perfect outfit!
I don't think you being lonely will sway your decision, but don't settle in to a relationship you don't think you'd be 100% happy. Don't setttttle!!
Good luck, Melanie. I think your heart will tell you what's right.
Good luck - I hope it works out for the best for you in whichever way you want. Men can be so confusing damn them!
Kate x
To bad logic will play no part in the decision process once you are on the date-- er hanging out or whatever it is you are doing ;).
I hope only the best works out for you. Just keep your walls up around your heart a little higher. You are too gorgeous of a person to be hurt again and deserve only the best. XOXO
I advise you to be very cautious, just in case he hasn't changed. Even he has and he wants you back, make him work hard for the privilege.
Whatever happens I hope things work out the best for you. I'm not sure people ever really change, but maybe he's had time to realize that he acted immature and truly feels bad...
best of luck for whatever you want to happen!
Saturday!? That's LONG time from now! hahaha! but don't forget to tell us what happened! im gonna go with the other girls and say GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
oh and dang girl... go get em drummer boys ;]
Sometimes people come back, and that's why saying "never" is a bad idea. We can't predict the future. We can't control it. We just have to submit and act accordingly.
Maybe things will go okay.
I definitely understand the analyze everything thing. I do it, too.
Sounds like a classic case of you hate them for leaving but don't know how to feel about their return. I think you should go and hear him out (not forgive necessarily) But hear him out. I would, but I'm curious about everything. And a masochist.
Yeah, maybe you shouldn't listen to me :)
In my own experience, getting back with an ex is a bad idea. Especially consider the way he disappeared out of your life last time.
That being said, there's always exceptions to the rule, and maybe this is one! So good luck and just make sure you know exactly what you want from him before you do or DON'T DO anything you might regret later.
Best of luck sweetie. I always find that break ups happen for a reason and are usually best left alone, but you never know. Have a great one! Thanks for the comments on my Gwen post honey. Kori xoxo
GOOD LUCK!! I think you should just do whatever is in your heart!!
Hi Melanie ... doesn't Drummer Boy know that we girls don't like playing games?! Just dress to kill, honey, and make him regret not having touched base sooner!
Post your killer Saturday night outfit, okay?
Allow me to be a little cynical.
I cannot wait until Saturday just to know what happens. This sounds like a great novela. :)
Buenos deseos,
oh wow! i haven't been around almost a week and so much has happened! oh melanie, i am excited and scared for u at the same time (to be perfectly honest)! if i were in ur position, i would most likely do the same...meet him b/c i have to know:) at the same time, please guard ur heart:) wish u all the best, melanie!
First, I want to say that I am so so sorry about the passing of your family friend. I have to get caught up on your blog, but I did see about that and I saw your video! Your so cute! I really hope that you are feeling better or a best as you can right now. :o)
Girl, I still don't know about Little Drummer Boy. I am going with Banana's and Susan on this one... be careful and listen to your heart! Also, try to remember that you are in a sort of vunerable place right now. Being lonely and suffering a loss. Don't allow that to cloud your judgement (not preaching - just being concerned :o) ). Anyhow, will be looking forward to hearing how things go!!! Make sure you are looking fly too! Knock Little Drummer Boy dead girl! Perhaps, you may even want to play a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T before you go out on this venture!!! Wishing you the best! xoxo!!!
Oh man... I'd just be really careful and take it super slow. Get to know him again, and stick to your guns! Loneliness is lonely, but a disappearing act... is just not cool.
Why do the musicians suck us in - i can't figure it out. Be careful, and have fun!!
see how it goes but don't give in right away. Guys tend to get really persistent when the tables are turned and we're the ones brushing them off!
I' m sure you are a smart cookie~ all the best dear! Don't let this learning experience ever weigh us down, life is too special & so are you~
I think before you start anything, you should straight up ask him what the heck happened 2 years ago. Be smart and careful!
ooo keep us posted on what happens!
Good luck darlin and remember to guard your heart. You deserve someone who loves you for only you!
Maybe it's never without a trace...
Go slow, be yourself, have a good time.
I've been a horrible blogger and am just catching up.
He disappeared for 2 years? Hmmm...I know you went out with him, did he explain himself?
I don't know what I'd do. If I really liked him, I'd go just because I'd be curious. But, I would definitely have a wall around me.
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