One day about a year ago I went to a Renaissance Faire & decided to go to a fortune teller to read my palm. I always thought things like this were cool...maybe just maybe they would be right. Well after about a 3 minute inspection of my left hand which is the picture above the fortune teller sighed & said, "Miss you have far too many lines on your hand that it's just too hard to read. Let me give you your money back." Dumbfounded I just stared at her blankly for a minute & she then closed my hand into a soft fist & then said, "It's okay. You have the hands of a tired worker & your life is very complicated it seems. But your young, things change." I don't know if she was just tired from the day & didn't want to decipher the many lines on my hand or if maybe she was right.
I've always seemed to have a complicated life. That must be why I have a ridiculous amount of lines on my hands. Nothing is ever easy. You would think for a single girl, only child, has a job, lives at home, has a few friends, that has graduated from college would get a lil lesser of a load of stress & complication. Nope. I wish I did.
The boy never just likes me & then calls, the job will one day turn to a nightmare, the friends will back-stab me & not care when any human being would in the situation, the pain in my side is actually something wrong, the ex never just leaves they want to be friends, the pretty high-heels make me trip a lil every now & again, & the waterproof 18 hour eye-liner fades so I look like a raccoon when I come home from work. How do get out of this maze? How to look past this rut?
I've kinda started off the new year like I started off this blog. Many things to do but will I ever actually do them? It's so easy just to say this or that. Well I'm starting to them. The fortune teller gave me my money back so I have to change this tired worker future...
Firstly I took The Mess, My Brown Eyed Mr. Big, that I wish would come back in my life but I'm just kidding myself, off my Speed Dial. Maybe if I don't see his name everytime I click the number 7 I will forget easier. He's gone, I haven't talked to him without a short text in about a month & a half. I'm upset but I have to move on. He gave me the "We gotta chill soon" a while back but when I responded "That'd be cool, I miss you." There was no back response from him. I put all the lil things he's given me over the past 3 years in a box for safe keeping. No use looking at all the stuff. No use at all. I can't bring myself to call. I want to check up on the friend I so dearly miss but I guess he wasn't a friend at all if he will just leave to be in the spotlight with another. Whatever...goodbye Speed Dial #7.
Secondly today I went back to the GYM!!!! Yes, it's been a while but it's really hard to get motivated when your stomach still hurts from your gall bladder removal surgery. But I did it! I walked for a 1.5 miles & Bicycled for 10 minutes. Yes it's not alot but I have to go easy with this. I still am not healed. I learned that from trying to dance like Shakira the other night. Yeah she must have fake hips. hehe.
I don't think you can erase the lines on your hand or alter them, but I can affect the outcome of them. Few small starts on the resolutions but they are starts. I'm not going to be "Calling now for my free reading" but I've very interested in the real outcome. I can't just sit here. I'm on the move, I'm trying & need to keep at it!! *Wishing*

Day #4: Smile Project: Watching the episode of "Mythbusters" about proving the myth that Elephants are actually afraid of Mice. It was hilarious. I laughed so hard!! They are afraid of mice!!!!
Day #5: Smile Project: My mom said she was proud of me that I can balance my checkbook & that I'm aware of how finances work. It made me smile to hear her say that.
aww, the myth about mice is true? wow lol and am glad that you have been moving in a good direction toward your goals good bye speed dial 7!! So far my resolutions have stuck some of them others will take far longer to even begin to take effect but I am sure we will both do good! ..I love your smile project which I woulc have come up with somethign like that I need more reminders of happiness in my life :)
I've started my new year's resolution! It's good to know that your exercising. That was one of my resolutions too! :)
Your hand looks perfectly normal to me and good job! It is time that #7 was opened for someone else!
You've made great strides with your resolutions. I wish I could say the same. I'm working it on it though. Keep at it, Melanie. You'll get there.
Nice on the trip back to the gym! I myself did something similar, I played in the usual Sunday night soccer games I used to go to every week for only the second time this past Sunday. Actually played the whole game this time, but I'm extremely sore all over right now. It's always hard when someone doesn't reciprocate the feelings you have for them. I hope it passes quickly for you. And for the other stresses in your life, I think one of the most profound things I have ever heard in relation to writing was, "You're the writer of the script of YOUR life".
Giving your money back was honest and kind. Better than her telling you some jibberish that isn't true, although you would probably have been none the wiser.
I've been where you are regarding SD#7, now is the time for you to move on and eventually, you will feel better for it.
Sorry to hear about your operation and good on you for going to the gym! Much more than I have done and I don't officially have anything wrong with me.
Anyway, lovely entry my dear!
In a way you could see it as a blessing she didn't read your fortune. After all, life is fun when you don't know what is going to happen. And you wouldn't want to have high hopes for something, only for it not to...
I'm glad you put away all of Mess's things. He obviously doesn't care about you or even seem to have a heart at all. To be friends with someone and then just ditch them is cruel and selfish. You're so much better off without him.
Good work on getting to the gym! That's one of my resolutions that I need to work on. Haha!
Hope the week is treating you well!
Yessss ugh goodbye speed dial. My ex hasn't made it back on that list yet. And he won't. You deserve someone that will be there for you! And so do I! Even though it hurts to move know in your heart it's for the better. If you expect men to hurt you they will. Men follow the rules we just have to set them.
I like your smile project :)
Good for you! Speed dial is the devil sometimes... I need to get back to the gym too- you've inspired me! :)
happy new year! i have definitely started my resolutions... i just have to stop adding new ones or i won't be able to keep up :)
i see that you are/were reading The Lovely Bones - i just recently finished reading it - did you love it? (I did) I'm interested to see what it will be like in the movie-version that recently came out!
I would've been tempted to hit that fortune teller. Whatever.
I'm glad she didn't see your fortune. Girl, you are on the right track. I'm happy that you got read of speed dial 7. Hmmmmmm... why don't you put Mr Platform in #7 then? Just a thought! You know that I'm a Mr Platform fanatic. xoxo
Good job on giving the money back!!
you have a good attitude and you are headed in the right direction!
and that palm reader?!?!? um, not sure what to say about that!
a friend and i went to see a psychic once, and the psychic told my friend that she had a BLACK AURA. my friend was FURIOUS!!! and of course i was dying laughing on the inside (she is scary -- didn't want to laugh outloud and incur her wrath!)!
I compliment you on the walking, that's great, never let up on it. You will meet new people out there, maybe a new love. You are a pretty woman, and there is a nice guy waiting to meet you. That's your fortune for today, also no charge!
My best, Secretia
I've not started mine yet - I'm going to leave them til next week since that feels like my first proper full "non holiday" week. Then I'll be kicking my own ass and getting on with it.
Good for you for starting already! :)
I started going back to the gym too. You'll start to feel a lot better from it I think. But yes, do NOT over do it!
Yay for going back to the gym...I need to get on that too.
You shouldn't erase the lines on your hands. It's just the way it is and you shouldn't believe everything what the fortune teller tells you. Do you actually believe in fortune tellers? You're young. Go out and have fun, because before you know've turned 40 and have accomplished nothing. It's a lil over 10 years ahead of you...time flies when you're having fun. Wednesday the 6th of januari 2010 will never occur again in the existence of this universe!
I was on vacation so I barely bothered with resolutions haha, so far the stay positive one isn't going too well...ugg.
yay for the gym! its best to start slow, apparently you should only increase your workout by 10% each week otherwise your body cannot handle it, good luck!
and speed dial shifting may seem like a small step, but a big one considering how connected we are to phones these days, way to go!
hi, melanie! i agree with the people above, i'm glad she didn't read ur fortune either:) i'm so proud of u for erasing speed dial #7. i know how hard it is when ur heart and brain are butting heads (ive been in this situation a few times eeks), but i'm so glad ure taking a step in the right direction. this mess boy doesn't deserve u anyways:) i'm inspired to go to the gym now:) good for u! i hope u will fully recover soon:)
When I see the palm of your hands with multiple lines running through them I do not see a messy, lost life. I see a life with so many opportunities and choices that it is simply hard to pick one.
Run through every single one of those lines, all the way down to the end, until you run out of breath. I bet you have an awesome adventure ahead of you.
Can I now work as a fortune teller? just kidding jeje. But I mean everything I said. Go for it!
P.S. Thanks for the comment! I definitely believe that unless we appreciate life's minutes, we are not living. Sometimes it is not even our fault. We are on a constant rush; catching the train, running to work, class, rushing through lunch; we don't have the time to even enjoy life, the things we do.
I am glad you are back at the gym! I hope you keep getting better.
Buenos deseos,
hehe.. i see. on the contrary i have very few lines on my hand.. only the main lines are dark and the rest isn't even there. and i still have a messed up life. according to the last person who saw my hand i am suppose to have a pretty chilled out life. but then i think its a matter of perspective. i think you already know my resolution for this year. and i will be meeting up with a few friends to discuss it in a comic store. talk about being professional :P.. anyways.. i think every one is bored with work, so being the evil person i am i will exploit this miserable human tragedy called life >:).. and you gotta do more than just work all time ... :)
Hi! I'm new to your blog and I hope we can be friends. I love how random you are because I am the same way! I believe it makes life more interesting. Also, I could not stop laughing at what the fortune teller told you. It is one of those very unexpected moments. I wonder if she's said that to a lot of people just to get out of her job... Just like you, I need to start going to the gym and working out. That is one new years resolution I am determined to come true. Studies show less than 2% of resolutions actually come true. Keep up the good work!
Check out my blog!
Oh dear!You had a surgery? ...I'm glad you're ok now and going on the positive path :)
God Bless you :-*
I can't believe she didn't read your palm! What the what?
You make your future anyhow, and it sounds like your doing a good job so far.
You mentioned the Ren Faire - I think you commented that you liked that I love that place, and so do you! :) Good job for being true to your finances, I seriously need to work on that and good job for making it to the gym, yipee!
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