I can't imagine how amazing it must be to actually go to one of these movie award shows. My God it must be amazing. To sit next to these actors & actresses. To watch them walk right in front of you. I don't know if I could even think or speak. I'd probably just sit there or stand there with my mouth gaping open & maybe...just maybe I'd remember to breath or blink.
I've always wanted to be an actress in my life. Since I was lil. My claim to fame is that I'm the girl in the #3 doll-mask in The Birthday Massacre music video, "Looking Glass", & a few skits of some of my friends. I would love to be in Hollywood. I know I have a math degree & didn't pursue acting but who knows? One thing I've learned lately is that nothing is definite & you never know what life is going to throw at you next.
That red carpet....Omg. To walk up that red carpet at any award show would just be a dream. An absolute dream. Maybe one day....Maybe.
Dream - The first step towards reality.
I wish friend to be on-screen.
You're a star to me Melanie! :)
oh I agree I wold love it too lol, but like you said maybe one day, everything starts with a dream! maybe when your book gets published and turned into a movie you will make your dream come true!! :)
I used to fantasize about such a thing in high school...I was such a drama nerd. :P But then I realized that I didn't have much acting ability haha!
PS. I'm sorry for being MIA lately...I have been incredibly depressed and not in the blogging mood. I am gradually feeling better though and hope to start posting again regularly by Monday. :)
PPS. I also wanted to thank you for all your support and sweet comments lately. Honestly, I don't think I could have made it through all this horror without my closest blogging friends (which includes YOU, of course). It has been such a blessing. Thank you for being such an awesome friend and amazing blogger! xoxo
Dream big Melanie... don't stop dreaming!!! xoxo
Those awards shows give us a look at how the stars look now. They always look so different from the movies and television. It is always fun to watch.
I went out with an actor for a few months last year and it seemed like a tough life. The acting didn't support him, he had to teach drama too and do the acting on the side, and in the time I was with him, the only jobs he got were in two adverts. I always kinda wanted to be an actor too (the reason I knew this guy was because we took drama together in school years ago!) but I don't have the patience and the capacity to be knocked down and get back up again.
It's all about dreaming big, persistence, and having a tough skin. Take it from me, trying to break in the biz myself and surrounded by people and friends from all over trying to do the same thing. Go for it. From my personal experience, the best actors aren't made from training and acting schools, they just seem to have more life experience than most to draw from.
Dreams are what keep me going x
Yeah it's be cool to go to the Golden Globes or something like that. I think you can still do acting as a side job/hobby even though you got a math degree and perhaps a full time job already! Why not!? :)
You never know! I think it would be so cool to pick out an awesome dress and get to borrow really nice diamonds.
Go get it girl, who's stopping you!?
Yes girl! Never give up on your dream. I have always wanted to be an actress too. I dream the same dream as well as writing my own novels and films. I pretty much want to be like Tyler Perry - who does the bulk of his own stuff. I practice my interview speeches to myself (perhaps that is tmi - lol) Anyhow, you never always know what will happen in life. I would continue to pursue it! I am still pursuing my dreams too. You will get to the red carpet one day. Who knows we may both be there at the same time and be able to do a photo op! That would be so FABULOUS!!! YAY!!! :o)
You would fit right in with the glamorous stars!
Sorry to have ruined the winner of Project Runway for you, next time I won't post my photos until a couple day out.
I think the acting industry can be a blessing or a curse. The more successful you are sometimes the more outof control you life can become.I suppose it's about having the right people around you to keep your grounded. Having said that - follow your dream!
I adore red carpet too!
To be able to put on one of those gorgeous gowns...like the emerald one Lea Michele wore to the SAGs. Swoon!
It's great to dream!!! and you can definitely make your dreams become reality. :) It's never to late girlie. :)
Love & Aloha,
I love the glam of awards shows. My friend has a concierge company in LA, and got tickets to last years American Music Awards and was sitting within feet of all the stars. Then she went to one of the after parties, and danced with Pink, and the ladies from Desperate Housewives. Surreal.
There's a site called Seatfiller.com and you can be a seat-filler at these shows. They don't want the seats to appear empty on TV, so if a star goes off to the toilet, they get you to go sit in their place while they're gone. You should sign up!
Hi Melanie,
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my final blog post. I have no intention of ending my blogging, but obviously I must do it at a different url and with some new guidelines. I really need it as an outlet currently so I just started a new one today. please find me at the new url linked above, and ironically even though you suggested posting under an alias, jayne was always an alias. I now post under my real name, but intend to keep it out of my personal life. please stop by!
Seatfiller.com????? That is probably one of the most awesomest things I've ever heard of. Woa.
I was thinking last night how terrified I would be to go up there in front of all of those people. It takes a lot of nerve!
you know. if you are really all that keen about the whole stuff and all. why don't you make yourself a portfolio. or even better.. once you write a book. meet up actual script writers who work on hollywood projects.. and then get linked up.. :D.. good idea eh???
It would be amazing but I would be really nervous. It would be fun to dress up though!
That would be amazing. The red carpet, the lights, the amazing outfits, the attention. Desirable. You can get there if you try.
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