Okay, let's get personal. Well there has been some controversy on my blog over a certain item of a clothing. A thong actually. There is a Victoria Secret thong called "The Lacie". What makes this panty an issue is the size. It is advertised as One Size Fits all. Are you kidding me? It didn't look magical, it didn't seem to have extra stretch to it, but nevertheless it is just one size. I was going to splurge & buy one to see if I could fit this One Size, but luckily I got a coupon for a free one in the mail the other day for entering in my email address. All I can say is, OMG I'M GRATEFUL THAT IT WAS FREE!!!!
The answer to the One Size Fits all question is this: NOPE. Now I understand I'm not Heidi Klum or Miranda Kerr. Well, so what. However I do have secret dreams of wearing lingerie like the ones they wear. Not today, that ain't happening. I picked up the solid black one because hey I love black lingerie & to my disappointment it did not fit.
Ever have that feeling with your underwear that its not pulled up all the way?? LOL! I know that sounds funny but wearing The Lacie for the 5 minutes that I did it just felt wrong. I felt really heavy, & it didn't really even come up anywhere near my hips & it looked ridiculous. I think I'd be embarrassed to wear it, little alone wear it for someone. SO Ms. Victoria Secret, What the hell????? Is this why there was a free coupon for people because you weren't sure if it would actually fit everyone?
One Size?? One Size?? Come on. Now I'm not heavy nor am I thin. My hips are about 38' around. That's not that bad. I weigh about 160 pounds and are 5'5". I'm disappointed that I went into Victoria Secret & wasn't able to wear the panty that was on the first table when you walk in the store with the HUGE sign staring me in the face.
Am I missing something here?? Was there something in the fine print that said One Size translates to a Small?? I don't get it. I just don't. I would actually love to wear it because I like the cut & the black lace looks so pretty, but it just doesn't fit right. Sigh. I would honestly think twice if your going to buy one because it might not fit. What a shame.
Hmmm...So what am I going to do with this lil Lacie thing. Well my stuffed animal bear was giving me a weird look when I was writing this so I decided to put it on her. lol. I think it looks great. Until I loose a hip to make it fit, I think she's just going to have to be the talk of the town *Cough* I mean, bedroom...

That thing on your bear is really supposed to be one size fits all????? No way. Well, thanks for the heads up. I won't be purchasing those. They are pretty, though, aren't they?
That sounds so silly, what were they thinking. Hey teddy scored though. The pictures made me laugh.
Just catching up on your previous posts, that bacon one was pretty funny :)
Ahhh there is nothing worse than underwear that don't fit. I feel ya girl!!
I'd like to know how anyone could honestly market an item of clothing as one size fits all, when it loosely fits a stuffed animal! I mean, really now. So glad you got it free. At least it looks nice on Miss Bear. ^_^
haha, no you had it right the first time: talk of the town. that bear looks like a slut =P
however, i do hope you never mention to any of the guys you date that you still own stuffed animals...
aww, just kidding!
haha, clearly a one size fits all for teddy bears. Well, that sucks, and it really does seem pretty silly to even say it's a "one size fits all". But at least now I know never to buy that for anyone down the line. I'm just going to have to rummage through future girlfriends' drawers to figure out their size and I may or may not be caught while doing it. Thanks Mel!
Ha, ha, ha! But I find this kind of underwear so uncomfortable ... or I've got a weird pelvis?!
Heehee maybe one size fits all refers to teddy bears? It looks teeny there is no way I'd fit into that!! x
One size fits all bears. Awww, makes much more sense now !
Lol, seriously, sizes were invented for a reason.. we're all different and we cannot fit the same mold. Silly Victoria, Tssssss.
this was real funny..:) thanks for your honesty..
oh yeah I also wanted to tell you, that I wanted to link your blog from mine, MAKE A BUTTON Lol :) That woudl be very cool, I feel too selfish not spreading the word about your awesome blog! :)
That was smart dressing up the little bear in that thing! I dislike any lingerie or panties that are tight and confining, and I hate panty things that feel like ass dental floss!
"One size fits all"? Sure, in a blanket it does.
Try Fredericks of Hollywood's lace thong..Which I'm happy to report come in many sizes and colors. they feel really light and very comfortable. I'm a 'model' build (5'10 and 140 with 32" hips) and hated the VS thong too.
That's too bad. I have come to realize..one size fits all means...one size fits sizes 0-3.. lol..At least the pink bow is cute..and the bear looks smexy!
I got a free coupon for one in the mail yesterday! Mind as well give it a whirl...although after that review, I'm not sure that its worth it. Oh well! Maybe I can cut the lace off and make something cute out of it :)
This is hilarious! I just got a coupon in the mail for one of these and I automatically thought of you and whether you had tested it out. Now I'm debating using the coupon!
ome size fits all is such a joke, thanks for posting this!
haha! i got a good laugh out of this one! this is good to know!
What the heck?! Really? Don't they realize by advertising One-size-fits-all, they are alienating pretty much all their customers who aren't models?
But I love that your bear is putting them to good use, hahahah.
Well you can always sue them for false advertising I suppose. Just don't call the bear in as a witness.
That's crazy they would come out with that, they of all people should know something can't fit one size!
That is so funny. Stinks it didn't fit but atleast it was free! :)
Thanks for the review and the laugh, darling!
hahhaha omg that is so funny!!!
My friend wants the bear's number
Such a bummer about the Lacie, at least it was free. Just wanted to say I'm with you on the Dawson's Creek finale being the BEST ever. I cried like crazy but I loved the way they did it. I was especially pleased by who Joey ends up with. oh + if you ever get the chance, watch re-runs or rent the DVD's of My So Called Life, you won't be disappointed. :)
Ok one size fits all for a THONG?! That's ridiculous lol, good thing it was free ;)
this cracked me up!!! guess i won't be buying any one size fits all underwear anytime soon...
lol, hilarious post.
I've recently started a blog and would love it if you dropped by/exchanged links with me. :)
Uhm wow, I'd be scared to try that damn thing...that bear looks lil bitty :) lol.
I am no girl, but this post was so funny. I was laughing almost out loud as I read...lol
I guess that is Victoria's secret...one size does not fit all.
Nevertheless, the item looks quite sexy--it is a magical turn on.... mmmm
Con aprecio,
finally catching up on all of your posts:
eww that much bacon! yuck! even if it is the same number of calories, its a different type of food, I think protein is more filling than carbs. I had a friend who ate 20 hardboiled eggs once, he actually did it!
this post was hilarious, one sizes fits all is such BS!
as for your post about your friend. I actually have a lot of friends who do a lot more than I do, bur I walked into the friendship knowing they liked to party from the get go. It is tough when you find someone totally derailed due to drugs. I see why you cut her off. There are some beliefs that are too hard to reconcile and its best to end it. Maybe a second try would be useful though? good luck!
Personally, I think your bear looked a bit disgusted. Like "I'm supposed to wear someone else's UNDERWEAR??? And anyway, I like red silk underwear..."
Okay, that was disturbing. Apologies!
Maybe the Lacie is designed to get people to work out more or something? It could be trying to stop obesity?
one size fits all MY ASS! pardon the pun! there is NO WAY. NONE. stupid marketing ploy and it all smacks of size discrimination!
rachel ray was just talking about these on her show yesterday. I was wondering how one size can actually fit all. thanks for doing the detective work!
hahahahahaha on your teddy bear! DYING!!!!
One size fits all thongs make NO sense. FAIL.
i think the bear looks hot in your panties. i can't believe they fit! seriously one size fits all is a fuckin joke.
wow so you basically have to have hips the size of that teddy to fit this thing LOL pathetic
and i like the look on your bear lol---she's cute!!
What!? I thought I was following your blog and you neve posted, but sometimes commented. I'm such a flippin' idiot sometimes.
Anyway, the bear is looking HOT!
I'm 5'6 and about 110 and some of my undies from Victoria's don't seem to cooperate. I'll sit down and feel bare ass on my jeans. WTH!? Those things aren't meant for anyone of any size ;) Forever 21 has (or had, you never know with that store) some very cute lacy thongs for 3.50 Just don't expect them to stand the test of time!
Haha! What a crazy concept...How can one size fit all?! I don't think "sisterhood of the traveling thong" would go over well :)
What the heck?! That's just the craziest thing I've ever heard.
I've never commented before, but I've spent the last couple of weeks reading through your blog, and you are hilarious! I can't wait to read your next post!
i've learned that one size fits all is just a joke!! RARELY is it ever true! but i am sad that it didn't work out for you, you were so excited! but at least you have a sexy teddy to keep you company!! you crack me up girl :)
Are you sure you didn't get your coupons mixed up and bought that Lacie from Victoria's Secret Kids?
haha love it on your bear!
Lol! That's so cute, at least your teddy benefited from the one-size lacie!!
I've never been friends with thongs though, they just don't feel right to me:P
There is NO SUCH THING as one size fits all!!!
I have given up on SO MANY lovely clothes because of this stupid idea that they can make one thing to fit size6s AND size20s....it's not frickin possible!
HAHA i'm always skeptical of one size fit all stuff, most clothing you buy in asia on the streets are one size fits all and usually the top is too loose for me while the bottoms are too tight... I can't wear their one size fit all undies... What was Victoria's Secret thinking?! They should know better!
and lol about the eyeliner. yeah I agree it only works on some guys, prob guys where they just start out wearing eyeliner so you're use to seeing them in it? Whereas Lance Bass was such a pretty thing before hahaha
One size fits all? What is this, the sisterhood of the traveling g-string?
The bear pic is adorable though.
Hahahahaha that was really funny. I enjoy that your bear likes it. I agree, I'm disappointed by VS with this whole "one size fits all." Not what I'd normally expect from my favorite underwear store!
OMG!!!! Are you even kidding me???? Why VS had come up with something like that????
Yes I do think your bear looks great in it and I bet /s/he's proud to have a VS tongs on!!!
LOL! love how u put it on the bear instead. too cute!:) i agree, one size fits all is a bit deceiving.
hahahahahahahahahahahha I've always wondered if they really would fit. hahahahahaha
hahaha i cant believe you put it on your bear.
i dont know if anyone told you, but we tagged you to something on our blog :)
I have no comment at all about thongs (secretly backing out hoping nobody saw me...)
The thong on the bear is hilarious, I actually laughed out loud when I saw it. God you crack me up sweetie!
I'm so glad you're putting the pen to good use. You have SUCH a creative mind Melanie; the thought that you're using something I've given you to give those thoughts life is kinda amazing to me.
Oh yes, thongs are super-tricky. I hate the tight string ones that dig into your sides and make your tummy fat stick out. That is not a good look on me.
If you participate in the Bloggers Over Borders prject you could perhaps send The Lacie to your matched blogger lol ejejejje
Ha ha putting the thong on the bear was just perfect, I love that you did that. Yeah, that is pretty bold of VS to be advertising that it is one size fits all because there are apparently so many women of all different sizes!!
Love the pictures, made me laugh!
Hahaha I have a coupon for this thong too and I have not used it yet. If it didn't fit you, I highly doubt it's going to fit me. Lol.
They should have said "one size fits all if you look like this" and then put a picture of Giselle or something. :P
I think it looks cute on your bear! xoxo
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