Tonight I went to see “Eat Pray Love” with my Mom & Omg I loved it. I didn’t read the book so I was going into it fresh & I thought it was wonderfully done. It made you smile, cry, laugh, & think about yourself. In a year this lady goes to Italy, India, & Bali and wow it was an adventure. I’m so jealous of Julia Roberts right now because she got to go to all these places & experience marvels not many people have. She changed her life in a year… It seems a year’s time is very important. Someone can transform into someone completely different with one lil push forward.

Another of my favorite movies was “Julie & Julia” where the main character Julie also transformed her life by cooking her way through Julia Child’s cookbook in oh wait…a year. These movies got me thinking how much I’ve changed in a year’s time. I’m a way different person than I was when I started this blog a year ago. My real intention for this blog was something to do while waiting for my Mess Ex to come back to me. He did for a lil but for the better left me to live my life without him. It’s probably been one of the best things that has happened in my life. I emerged from the twisted cage & started to live again. In a year….my world has been turned upside down, twirled, & then I was right side up. Wow the things I’ve done.
In a year I have:
- Bought my own condo
- Traveled to 3 states I’ve never been too; Illinois, Massachusetts, & Rhode Island
- One man broke my heart & now another man ironically with the same name is putting back the pieces.
- Built strong friendships with some of my best friends & lost a best friend
- Remembered to smile.
- Learned to cook more than just prepare
- Had 2 surgeries for health reasons & got through it: gall bladder & fibroids
- My mom told me she was a proud of me.
- Finally went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Began writing my zombie novel.
- Ah yes…I didn’t give up when I thought it was the only option. I pushed forward.

Who knows where I’lll wind up in another year? I think I’m finally headed in the right direction. I took some wrong forks in the road but there is no GPS system of life. You have to make mistakes to know what’s right. You have to hurt to heal & ohhh it can hurt. But you can land on your feet. I feel so motivated from that movie. I want to do more in this next year & just keep growing… Catch me if you can. =)
I’d love to hear.
I love this post. :)
I just sat here thinking about my past year, and it's amazing how time slows down and speeds up exactly when it's supposed to. In a year, I traveled to England, found the courage to confront my depression, and finally started living again after a man tore me to pieces.
I'm jealous of the zombie novel, and Julie & Julia is part of the inspiration that started my blog, AMAZING movie.
I am totally into Eat Pray Love...I read the book and now I need to see the movie...I am going to watch it next week:)
I think the last year for me was a great one...I changed a lot for better:)
Kisses my lovely:)
Ps: Im hosting a really lovely GIVEAWAY… so please join in !!!!
I'm so proud of all of your accomplishments in the past year, Melanie. You have championed on regardless of obstacles that stepped into your path, and that is inspirational. I have to definitely reflect on my accomplishments of the past year now. :)
This is a fantastic post Melanie! You really have changed in the past year, but in the best possible way- the condo and meeting CJ were big steps! And so have I, not all of it has been fun, but that's life and growing up I guess.
Since last August I have:
-started to piece together what I want to do with my life, still no clue where I will end up, but at least I'm exploring all options
-ended a parasitic friendship and found friends who actually appreciate me for me
-lost my dog and Grandmother
-started to learn how to cook. I find that having the ability to feed yourself is one of the most fundamental skills that really makes you feel independent.
-traveled to New York, New Jersey, St. Martin, Colorado, Massachusetts, Tennessee, & Iowa
-took my first solo road trip
-made the decision to go to Scotland!
I guess it's been a big year for all of us!
Wait a minute, I have been blogging for five years and I don't think I've gotten anywhere!
How could you have change so much in so little a time when life is so long? :)
And you are still young too!
What a great list of accomplishments. It's amazing that I've been around to read about these as most of them have happened. (Not so much lately, but the earlier stuff) Thanks for sharing with us and congrats on everything you've done.
i haven't seen the movie or read the book, but i have the book somewhere at home and i'm trying to make time to read it!
you have had a hell of a year. mine has been rather hard and i feel like i have been pummeled left and right, and i'm trying to recover. i am hoping the good times start rolling in SOON! that would be nice! :)
So glad you mentioned these two movies. They're both on my must-see list and have just moved up to the top ;-)
As for my accomplishments? Boy, that's tough! New house, new boy, new blog... all the fun stuff I guess :-)
I adored the book and am looking forward to seeing the movie.
Let's here about this zombie novel!
Aw, what a sweet post, Melanie. :) To seriously sit down and figure out how my life has changed in a year, I would probably have to write a whole entry... Which I'm not prepared to do at the moment. However! I do love both of those movies and love what you've accomplished in a year.
I've honestly been wondering if I'll ever hit a wall with my blog, and if so, what I could do with it for a year to make myself feel more motivated...
You are so awesome -- you really have accomplished so much in a single year. Me: I drove from one coast to the other, started a PhD program, decided I wasn't in love with the program, figured out my next steps, fell deeper in love, started projects I've been thinking about for some time...
And I have to tell you, I totally want to be your friend. The zombie novel sealed the decision.
Great post! :)So proud of you!
I am afraid to go see that movie because I think it will make me want to travel the world more than I already do and I know I'm stuck here lol. My life has changed so much in 1 year too. I'm loving the uplifting spirit of this post
Oh I read the book..eat,pray,love and now I must see the movie. I love julia R....just love her. Thanks for letting me know it is so worth going...xxooo
I want to see that movie!
I'd say this year I've become outwardly a little stronger, but I hope it doesn't stop here. I still have a way to go.
I also have learned to roll with the punches, dust myself off and go at it again.
Hey sweetie. I am so proud of you. Looking back and reading through your posts I see that you have changed over the past few months and you have accomplished a lot. I haven't seen the movie yet, I think it comes out next week here. I am looking forward to seeing it
I am dying to se that movihave heard great things about it.
Thanks for sharing, I too loved Eat Pray Love and the book is really good also! :)
I am proud of myself because I am going back to school to get my bachelor's.
Mmmm, I love reflecting on the past year... so much more happens that you realize going into it ;) I should take some time this weekend and ponder my past year... :)
xoxo J
I need to see this movie. I really loved te book.
In the last year I've broken up w my bf, moved, and gotten a new job... it's been a lot! lol
this is a great post!!
In the past year I've:
-traveled the south on an amazing road trip
-saw two of my best friends get married
-downsized my body by 15lbs and counting
...it's been a good year so far :)
Great post Melanie,
I loved the movie- didn't like the book. I just could not get into the book- not sure why-
this year I have:
1.been on unemployment for one solid year.
2.have created a lot of art because I now have TIME (see #1)
3. made the decision to move out of state now that my husband retired
4. specked out a house to be built for our retirement home
5. fixed up our old place knowing we would be putting it on the market
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