No I'm not the next Lindsey Lohan but I feel like I just got the jail card. I'm sick. Isn't that typical too? When you have a big weekend like your 25th birthday you just suddenly & I mean suddenly get tonsillitis...ughhh. This sucks. I did rush myself to the doctor & I got antibiotics but I don't think it's helping at all. I've been so good about not getting sick then Wham! It seems like every week there is always something on Wednesday or Thrusday that knocks me off my feet! =/ I really hope this clears up ASAP!
The people moved out of my future condo so I actually got to go in there yesterday & measure!! I'm still not sure on the closing & move in date. It looks bigger without the furniture but it's a perfect size for me. I finally got to show CJ & he said it looks great. He can't wait to help me decorate & fix some things up! Him & I....I'm trying to be more affectionate yet not clingy. It just sucks though that I can't kiss him right now. I feel bad, but I think he understands I don't want to give him tonsillitis. Thank you for all your ideas. It might be a self-esteem thing with him so I'm trying to be a great girlfriend & take it one day at a time. I'm not used to a guy treating me so well & actually being in a relationship that might be worth something big so maybe we need to meet in the middle? I'm going to try!

Ya know I just realized I've always been sick for major birthdays. I was devastastingly sick for my 16th birthday...so of course I'll be sick for my 25th! lol. I feel better than I look or sound but it I wish my throat was better. Grrr. Sigh. I'm going to drink some more tea & pop alot of cough drops. Maybe I'll get better by Saturday. I hope, I hope!!!
That sucks. I hope you feel better for your birthday! Have a happy one!!
Ohhh sweetie...I am so sorry that you are not feeling well...Drink a lot of tea and rest...:)
Kisses and Happy Birthday for the weekend:)
Feel better! I am so sorry you are sick!
feel better!
Be careful with CJ. I'm sure in the end its all insecurity, but just know whatever is going on with him right now is HIS problem,not yours.
aw, i'm sorry you're sick. :(
but i am glad that everything else seems to be working out.
oh noooo - get better!!!!!!
Damn.. major suckage. Hope that the ABTs kick in and soon.. so that you will have a great birthday and are able to drink something more than Nyquil.
Hope you feel better soon. I'm surprised the dr. gave you antibiotics so early. It seems like they let you suffer a while here before they give relief. Good luck with CJ and the condo too.
Feel better soon, hun. Drink lots & lots of fluids!
Oh no that sux, hope you feel better in time for your birthday!!
Get well soon!!!!!!
Oh no! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get better soon and hopefully you'll have a fantastic birthday!
SO....this is really disgusting but it cures a sore throat -
apple cider vinegar, warm water, and salt
It will make you gag, but if you can gargle it - it does WONDERS for the throat. Good luck :) Hope you feel better!
Happy Birthday :0)!
I'm so sorry, Mel. I really hope you feel better soon. And I mean soon as in RIGHT NOW or ALREADY!! You SO do not deserve to be sick on this special birthday. :(
Happy Birthday. I hope it's magical and wonderful and happy and HEALTHY!! xoxoxo
Well I'm sorry your sick, maybe this is life's way of saying low key is the way to go this year for your birthday.
I get tonsillitis every winter, so I feel your pain. Try hot honey and lemon, it usually helps me. Hope you feel better soon. xx.
I hope so, too! I'm excited about your condo, and hope everything works out with CJ. I'm sure he appreciates you keeping your angry tonsil germs to yourself. <3
That sucks! Hope you feel better and get to enjoy your birthday!
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