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What a successful start to the week!!! I’m on a roll. I went to the gym, saved some money by doing my own manicure, & talked CJ about just chilling out. I love the days where we just snuggle on the couch & watch our TV shows. It doesn’t always have to be a big production. Anywho there is a roaring storm outside now in skies of NY so I’m going to brief today with my 30 days of awesomness. Rolling…
“30 Day Blog Journal”
Day #4: Your Favorite Book
1. The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
When the movie came out I fell in love with this story & had to have to more. At the time I was in love with a man obsessed with time travel sort of speak. He loved a certain movie called Back to the Future. In this heart-wrenching story this woman named Clare was picked by an accidental time travel of a man into a meadow when she was a lil girl. The movie btw is the G-rated version of the story. The book broke my heart, rebuild it, sliced through it, but then I came out realizing stuff about my future with that idiot I thought I loved. I’d be waiting forever for another chance to have a moment with him never knowing when it would happen. I wanted to be someone’s big event & be able to cherish it whenever I wanted. That life lesson I really needed.
2. Dracula by Bram Stoker
You would think most of the story would be told by Jonathan Harker & Mina Harker or even Reinfield. Nope. The story is actually mostly written as diary entries about Dracula by the drug addict Dr. Seward. Name doesn’t ring a bell huh? That’s what I thought. He is in the movie version as a man going after Mina’s friend Lucy, but he’s such a big part of the book. The book is ghoulish & dark but it grabs a hold of you & doesn’t let go til the last few words. Very good. I recommend it for a Halloween reading treat! =)
Yeah I know that was two but I also love the books, “Portrait of Jennie” written by Robert Nathan & the “The Poisonwood Bible” by Barbara Kingsolver.
“30 Days of Truths”
Day 04 - Something you have to forgive someone for.
I have 3 friends who in the past year have done some real childlish things. One won’t stop to see me when she passes where I live right by, one will blurt out anything even if its your personal business to an open room of people, & one is always late & won’t let you know what’s really going on with her. I’m not completely grown up myself so I have to forgive this caddy childishness. I’m trying to forgive my ex for being a child too. People think when you turn 18 you’re an adult. Sometimes that’s not the case. I’m not saying that you can’t still go play lazer tag at 25 years old but people need to grow up but it happens to everyone differently. I hope they grow up more in the future.
Alrighty before this storm knocks out my power, goodnight everyone! =)
Title of Post from Song: "Young Folks" by Peter, Bjorn, & John.

Love this idea of a 30 Day Blog Journal! I've never read the book, but the movie made me misty eyed. It was so tragic and beautiful at the same time? Glad you had a nice and productive weekend:)
So glad to hear you've had an excellent start to the week - good for you! I have yet to read/see the books and films listed above, but I think I ought to change that soon;-)
I definitely want to read the Time Traveler's Wife before I see the movie (which I haven't yet!) haha.
as my quote i published today - "let it be" .. when it comes to ur "friends" .. i sorta go through 'friends' - after awhile if ur annoying and won't stop - i gotta let u go ..
PS PASS IT ON --> GIVE-AWAY going on – 2 necklaces = 2 winners .. LAST day to ENTER!!!
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*kiss kiss*
Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~
Those three "friends" you have mama you might need to replace soon or they will pull you down like crabs in a bucket...trust me I know. Gotta ditch them before its too late!
I like laid-back weekends too. Time to just relax and chat and sip coffee, I love it!
Thanks for the summaries on these books. I love to read and am always on the lookout for newbies.
Oh Time Traveler's Wife. That book made me SOB.
Dracula is an awesome book it stands up really well considering how long ago it was written. Love it!
Gah! "Dracula." Love love! I remember when I was twelve and my mom was selling our house around Halloween. These people came in and asked me what I was going to be for Halloween, and I turned and said "Vlad the Impaler." They looked horrified and asked "Who's that?" I'm all..."Dracula" and rolled my eyes. Needless to say, we never saw them again. :P
Fantastic quote and books!
Loved The Time Traveler's Wife! I haven't seen the movie though. I guess I'll have to rent it.
Glad you are having a great week so far,sweetie
I so need to see The Time Traveler's Wife:)...I cant wait:) Kisses,sweetie pie
Wish you a happy week:)
I've neither read NOR watched The Time Traveller's Wife. I really should get around to that at some point...
I wonder if you're getting the storm we had last week. I wish it were still here! As opposed to our warm weather.
As far as forgiving people, I am so bad at it. I admit the way I cut people out is one of my worst traits. I have a tendency to stop talking to people when they do me wrong. In theory that's OK, but I usually just stop talking to them completely instead of discussing the thing(s) they do that makes me unhappy. Then again, if they are repetedly doing the same thing to hurt me, I figure, what's the point?
Wow, that was long, sorry!
1- I think I need to learn that about the time travelers wife, I'm currently the "time travelers friend that he likes to hang out with but doesn't want anything serious". Um wow, I'm a dummy!
2- I'm a bit older than 25, but I'd still like to play lazer tag! I'd say I'm usually responsible but not always 100% mature!
I'm obsessed with reading books before I watch the movie, so I finally read The Time Traveler's Wife this summer and watched the movie last month. Oh.my.gosh. I cried so hard both times!! And yes, the movie is very very G rated compared to the book haha!
im sorry but i hatedddddddddddddddddd ttw. so much. the movie and the book just annoyed the heck out of me.
glad you talked to CJ and got to have a relaxing night in together!
PS- I added your button to our "links we love" page! <3
I still wanna read The Time Traveler’s Wife!
I have some childish people n my life too. =/
I'm glad your week is going so good! :)
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