Tomorrow is my 25th Birthday. Wow. I never imagined my life would be like this on my 25th birthday. See 25 was the year I told myself when I was I little that I'd be all grown up. Well I'm on my way tho! I was honestly freaking out a lil bit that I was hitting the big 25 because I felt like I hadn't done much since I graduated college & was kinda floundering in everything I was up to. But the change I longed for ever so much has come slowly little by little & I'm so happy it did. I'm looking forward to this age more & more.
Hmm I wonder though when I'm going to stop being asked to show ID! lol! Before 21 I was never asked...now I get asked all the time. Oh well. SO tomorrow CJ is taking me out for a romantinc dinner & then we are meeting up with some of my friends & our mutual friends at a little bar called the Saloon. Maybe just maybe I'll get to see Inception! My mom is making me a cake with the yummy icing I like so I can have the beaters of the icing for breakfast. Yeah I can still be a lil kid sometimes. I hope I never lose that. =)
I am feeling a 100% better! I'm grateful for modern medicine!!! Thank you everyone for your feel better wishes! I kinda feel like Tinker Bell when you had to clap to bring her back to life! It worked! =) I'm going to partying around tomorrow so I won't get to post! Sooo see you all on Sunday!! =)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a great one! I love icing for breakfast...yum, actually I love cake for breakfast!
By the way, I have an award for you on my blog...consider it another bday present! :)
glad you're feeling better! enjoy your 25th! its gonna be an amazing year!
Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!
Happy birthday lovely lady!
25 is a fabulous age!
Hey sweetie! Have a wonderful Happy Birthday. I'm wishing you all the sweet things life may bring. XoXo
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It sounds like you have a fun day planned and I really hope it is filled with magic and love and happiness and laughter. xoxoxoxo
Have a wonderful B'day. May this be the year of dreams coming through for you.
Lisa xx
Wish u a great birthday! :)
Happy Birthday!!!
I know my life definitely isn't what I thought it would be and I'm not even 20 yet. From what I can tell right now, 25 is just jaded by shadows and dragons... I have no idea what's in my future and I get a little freaked out trying to think even into the next year.
happy birthday!!!!!! :) :)
Happy Birthdayday Melanie!! :o)
Hope you enjoy the day.
Happy birthday sweetie! I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Happy Birthday!!!!! Just becuase you are 25 doesn't mean you ever have to stop acting like a kid every once in awhile!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Gorgeous!
Happy Birthday!! Hope it's a great day and you have loads of fun when you go out. xx.
Happy birthday, lady.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to the 25 club :)
Happy, happy birthday!! Enjoy your birthday weekend!
Happy belated birthday Melanie!!!! I hope you had an utterly fabulous one!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday & weekend!!
Happy Birthday! I hope you had an incredible weekend!!!
I hope you had a fabulouuuus birthday, and that it was one to remember! x
ps- following you on twitter also!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday :)
I hope you had a wonderful Birthday,sweetie:)
Hugs and kisses
I'm 2 days late, but happy belated birthday!
Hope you enjoyed it. Unlike most, I don't dread a birthday, but I have great role models in my life. My dad worked as a textile designer until 75 and at 88 still golfs and sends emails.
My sister is 61 and runs marathons. She also got her masters in Bio Chem at 49.
Age is a state of mind. Embrace it!
Yay happy birthday! I hope you're all better!!!
Happy belated bday! I turned 27 on the 5th! Our birthdays are very close =)
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