Once upon a time I always wanted to own Barbie’s dream house. I never had one. It’s totally cool tho because when I was lil it was like majorly expensive & my lil cousin had one so I just played with hers when I went over to her house. I’ve wanted my own dream house to live in & decorate for as long as I can remember. NEVER in this year did I truly believe I would actually move out of my parent’s house. I mean come on New Year’s resolutions sometimes appear to be going strong the first few weeks of the year & by the time August rolls around you’ve pretty much forgot what they were. Hell I’ll admit I had to look back on my New Year’s post to check that I had “Move Out” on it. Hehe. But somehow I’m doing it.
Well on paper I’m doing it but in real life it feels like it’s NEVER going to happen. The past month has been a real pain in the ass with this condo. The people have moved out so every day I see the windows of my future dream home all dark & it makes me sad. I WANT TO MOVE IN SO BAD!!!! There is sooo soooo much they don’t tell you on these HGTV shows that I hate to say it makes buying a home easy. It’s not. Bidding wars, waiting on the mortgage, finding out your mortgage payment, making sure the stove & refrigerator are included, buying furniture, finding places to put things until I can move in, light fixtures, cleaning the carpet, not using your credit cards so I’ve only been able to use cash, paying off my car first, realizing that the mortgage payment is a lil too expensive for me a month and oh yeah the biggest bitch thing of it all…WAITING.

Omg I’ve been waiting to find out my closing date now for a month. It’s going to be some point in September. The lastest it will be is September 30th. It’s stressful the waiting. I feel bad that CJ is holding boxes for me in his car because I have no where to put them. People are giving me things & all my lil tag sale finds are becoming lost amongst the clutter. I need to move in. I wish it was tomorrow.
I also have decided to get a Part-Time job to help pay for all of this. I have an interview at the Anthropologie store near me. I love that store but honestly I can’t afford much in it. That’s fine with me but if I had an employee discount I could get the lil décor items I would want in the future. My monthly bills are going to add up to a more than I hoped for but it’s all still do-able. The job is needed for other things that I might need. It’s all in my near future it’s just I wish it was now. Soon tho, very soon. I hope I hope!!

P.S. OMG I reached 300 followers!!! Woohoo!! Awesome! Thank you all of you!! Mwah! Big Cyber Hug! =)
Awww, I'm so excited for you. Moving out is such a pain, but once you have everything settled it will be fun.=)Congrats sweetie!
sounds all good. all the best for finding that part time. like everything else. its all a matter of time . take care.
Sorry to hear about all the fuss. I rented when I first moved out of my parents place... I was 18 and putting myself through school and working at the same time. I never moved back home so money was tight for a long time. Now I am a homeowner, PLUS I'm currently in the market to sell my condo townhouse and buy a detached house. I have to admit, the stresses of buying are totally worth it. You'll see... in the end, when it's YOURS!!
Congrats :)
I moved out when I went to uni and I've never gone back. At the moment I live in an amazing 1bed place on my own and it's so awesome! I love living on my own, no student mess only my own and no moaning students about nothing :)
I do hate the waiting around, I only rent but there is still a lot of paper work and things to sort before you can move in. The worst part is when everything in boxes and you have no clue where anything is!
It'll be over sooner than you think and then you can start making it your home :)
Its all true...Its very stressful & hectic...Balazs and I bought and sold 3 apartments so far...as we move from country to county a lot...Its always crazy but the good thing is that as soon as you are there...it will be everything you wanted to be:)
Its a very hard time now but head up and its going to be great!!!
Wish you all the best and see you soon:)
i think moving is always stressful - but like my mom (married to my dad a military man - meaning we moved around a ton growing up) reminds me to take it one step at a time. i'm in the midst of moving right now. this time the US navy isnt moving my stuff - just me and my fiance...but like mom said, take each day and each box one day at a time. blessings on your big move - whenever it may be! :)
1st place is ALWAYS crazy - b/c u gotta buy everything, experience REAL bills, ect ... but it was a BLAST that's for sure!
ENJOY the craziness of it all!
Yay!!!! I also moving out for the first time!!!! ;)
Let me tell you, I'm in chaos!!! So many things!!!!
I remember waiting too!! We saw the house the day after it came on the market and we put our offer out. They countered and we countered and they accepted! Then I realized that they weren't going to close until they closed on their new house. And those owners weren't going to close until the people closed on their new house! it was a giant chain reaction. That was super stressful and the waiting def sucked. but after that it was fun moving in and getting all the stuff put where we wanted it!!
I think it's less painful the first few times. It gets old real fast after 10 or 15 times. This will be fun for you though in your first real home. Congrats on the 300 followers. I'd love to work at Anthropologie though I'd probably spend everything I make at the stor.
I've never moved out, but best of luck.
college was the first time i really moved out, had to, but i'm hoping to make a big move to a sacred place very soon...
SOOO exciting!!! living onyour own is great and I loooove to decorate everything just how I like it :)
I hope you close on your condo sooner rather than later!
Good luck with the moving. My only stress came from roommates. One moment they were in and at the 11th hour they would pull out and I would loose the apartment.
I like Anthropologie too. oh man moving into a new house is stressful. so much money has to be gonig into stupid things like garbage cans, replacing paint, buying curtains.... eeek. good luck!
Moving is tough but congrats on your new place :)
i was more of a sindy girl...but i always wished i could have the house. good luck with it all!
Moving can be such a nightmare. Good luck getting in there and getting settled. Love the Barbie dreamhouse pic btw. :)
I've moved so much in my life and it's always stressful :p
I can't wait to see photos when you finally move in! So exciting!
Well, I'm still living with my parents!
I'm going on a highschool exchange to USA next year though so I'll ge t chance to practice my independence
Very exciting for you!!
xoxo Laura
Gah! Melanie I am so, so incredibly excited for you! I have yet to move into my own place so I feel as if I am doing it vicariously through you right now!! :P
ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:)
Oh Melanie...I am so excited for you but sorry to hear that things haven't been going quite as smoothy as you had hoped. You are a brave girl for interviewing with Anthro...not sure that I could contain myself from buying WAY TOO MUCH stuff if I worked there! :)
Hehe. Moving is super stressful, but that's life. :P There is nothing quite like the happy stress of moving out for the first time though!!
Good luck with everything. I hope the Anthro job works out. I actually know two girls who have part time jobs there JUST for the discount. They literally spend their entire Anthro paychecks on their wardrobes. That's the only reason they work there! Insane, isn't it? But I agree, it would be awesome if you could use your discount for home decor stuff. They have the BEST!!
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