Apparently New York state & Alaska switched places. I'm in a blizzard. An absolute white-out conditioned snow storm. They said 10-18 inches by Saturday morning. I would be alright with it if I was getting paid for the time off. I'm not. I'm going to really have to scrimp & save this month & next to make up for these days.
Today regardless of the snow has been an interesting day. When there is snow & your stuck in your house, your mind starts to play games with you. What I mean is that it starts running scenarios in your head. What if this one called, what would I do? What if I did this, would that work? What if I shaved my head, would I be as crazy as Britney? hehe. My thoughts weren't as random tho as I would have liked them to be. They are centered on a certain upcoming concert.

I like a band called Dommin. They are Hot!! They are gothic rock & their lyrics are amazing. That's me with them in the above picture. They sound just like the cd. They are soo good live too. I went to see them back in October. Here's the post if you want to check it out. The Dommin Concert. I went with a certain boy. He is now asking me if I want to go with him again....................
After seeing him & his new girlfriend in matching hats about 2 weeks ago, I don't know if I can go to this concert with him. He asked,
That seems like a simple question. It's not. What he really means is, will you go with me AND who ever else decides to come along too, aka his girlfriend. I don't understand how he can possibly think I can sit there with them & be okay. There is no place for me in his life. Not one inch of space. No room in his car, no room with all his work friends, no room on his arm for me to hold on to, no room for talking, no room in his bed, no room for kisses, no room in his thoughts, and especially no room in his heart. I'm literally left out in the cold.
He wants to have his cake & eat it too, basically. But I really want to see the band play. I want to go to the concert, its just such a small concert hall that I will see him & he will walk over to me with her & I will lose my cool. I'm not sure what to do. Drats. He's obsessed with the band too so I'm stuck. I have to get over this by the end of March or I can't go to the concert. Ugh this is a mess, like the snow & like him. Maybe it'll snow & it'll get canceled.
I don't know what to do. The snow isn't helping cuz I'm probably not leaving my house til Saturday IF the snow stops. I want to go to the concert & have fun which I know I would have but I'd go home alone & he'd have a new memory with the girlfriend. Why can't Mr. Big just leave Carrie alone? Sigh. Tomorrow is a new day...new way of thinking. I hope my answer is clearer tomorrow. I really hope....
When I turned 24 I thought it would be a 24 hour party. I was a tad bit wrong.
i just left NYC today (to come home to Los Angeles)...luckily got out of town just as it started snowing!
xoxo alison
ugg that guy sounds like another jerk. i am glad you recognize that he is not good news though instead of fooling yourself into being dragged along
oh snow days, now you know how my life was a week ago hehe
OMG! the nerve of that guy, honestly...it reminds me of my ex when he was with his new girlfriend he called me and asked me for advice..yeah advice on his new relationship..what a jerk! I hope that you do have better awnsers tomorrow..Nice picture by the way!! :)
Mel, The Mess is still messing with you. Man this guy just doesn't effing GET IT does he? My unsolicited advice, go to the concert but see if you can get a friend (preferably male) to go with you.
First off, I am a fan of Dommin too so my immediate thought is go see them because they kick *ss! My 2nd thought is that I should go with you so I can, in fact punch this *ss clown, as I so desperatly want to and then we can enjoy the concert. :)
I have a guy who is kinda like your Mess, and I know that it can be hard to see him, especially with another girl, but you have to live your life and do what you enjoy doing. I'd go without him, when you see him (and dumb broad) just play it icy cool. Be polite but that's it.
Oh yeah, and remember to look hot and wear something you know he loves. Stick it to him hard!!
You never know, maybe the little girl friend won't let him go... Stay true to you.
I am just so glad that someone else is getting the snow and not me! Three blizzards in one winter is just too much for me. But hopefully it won't drive you too nuts to be stuck at home!
I agree with Barry. This guy just does NOT have a clue about anything. I think he might be legitimately insane too. Seriously. He treats you like absolute CRAP, breaks your heart, gets a new girlfriend, ignores you, and then somehow thinks you're going to attend this concert with him?! Really??? After all that? Wtf?!! I just cannot believe he had the audacity to even think you would, much less ASK you.
This is really frustrating for me because I'm really angry. I feel like we've become good friends online, so I'm very protective of you. It frustrates me that I don't live in your town. Because if I did, not only would I go to the concert with you, but we would buy really fab outfits, get makeovers, look amazingly sexy, flirt with all the cute boys, and give Mess the cold shoulder if he tried to approach you. We would make him look like such a douchebag in front of his new girlfriend. It would be total Mean Girls and it would be awesome! Ugggh. Why can't we live in the same town?! This kills me, Mel. Kills me.
Do you have another friend you could do something like that with though? Or a guy friend you could go with? We'll figure something out. I know how much you love this band, so I really think you should go. I'd hate for Mess to ruin your chances. :( That's SO not fair.
Ah! The snow! lol, my dad's on a business trip so I had to shovel all of it. That was definitely tiring haha.
The snow is crazy! It so i Alaska. And I still can't see Russia from my house. Alaska FAIL!
i heard there's lots of snow in nyc. hope you've managed to reach your decision :)
Fun pic of you and the band!
Don't go with him BUT be sure to go with someone else!
If I was close I'd pick you up at 7:00 regardless of the snow!
I thought this band name looked familiar; turns out one of their songs is an iTunes Free Song of the Week!
Looks like you've already got plenty of good advice here, so good luck making a decision!
Snow and a concert, huh?
I know what you mean about your mind playing tricks on you...
I've had it happen to me one too many times in the past.
I can't believe he has the nerve to ask if you're going to the concert with him! But I can see why you are a bit torn about it!
We were supposed to get snow too but instead it rained all week here. I can see your dilemma with the concert, personally I would skip it or take a girlfriend with me to avoid the awkwardness. I'm the kind of person though that will just tell someone to fuck off if I don't like them :)
I saw Dommin support Lacuna Coil in Birmingham last month! Haha.
Mel, I think you and Jennifer (Fabulous) should become roomies. You're already practically besties.
No shit, if I had extra cash I'd send one of you a plane ticket to see the other. Dead serious!
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