Pizza. Ohhh How I love thee. hehe. Well. I have a bone to pick with you. You are messing up a few things.
So I had more pressing matters to dicuss yesterday but another ridiculous thing happened that I for the life of me CAN'T understand. It happened at the Gym. I've been trying to work on my New Year's Resolutions lately. Well, walking on the treadmill is one of them. I gotta fit into the Lacie maybe one day ya know? =P However a strange occurrence shook my whole equilibrium. Hear this out & no the Ninja Turtles were not there, unfortunately. lol.
I walk in to the gym & it appears to be just a normal Gym Monday. Packed-house. I, then, got hit with the usual dirty feet & sweat smell...BUT then another scent waved over me. Pizza. I scrunched up my face in that, "Huh???" look because WHY WOULD THERE BE PIZZA AT A GYM!!!! Right? I was wrong.
Apparently at my gym that I pay to go to, which I can't cancel cuz of huge termination fees, serves Free Pizza on Mondays to the members. Now come on. What the Hell??? I almost pinched myself because I was like is this another messed up dream?? Nah it was live in techni-color. Can my world be anymore backwards?? *knock on wood*. I just looked at it in disbelief. I've been trying to avoid pizza on all regards, because it's really fattening & makes my skin break out, & at my gym it stared me in the face. Grrr, is all I have to say.
I didn't take a slice but then tried to get as far away from it as I could. I went to the back of the gym, but did any of you know how powerful the smell of pizza truly actuall is!!!! The smell was there too. This gym is supposed to be a no-judgement zone but with pizza in the game oh it's on. Also I found out that there is Bagel Morning Wednesdays. I think I have a gym in the Twilight Zone where "gym" obviously has a another meaning.
Well I won't be going there on Mondays from here forth. It was a brutal. I haven't caved in & gotten pizza but grr. lol.
Do your gyms have any wacky crap like Pizza Mondays??? Or am I seriously living in some parallel universe?? lol. Maybe I shouldn't have turned left at the fork in the road. Yikes!!!

So to let you all know about my Last Post...I didn't call or text. I considered it, but I'm going to try & let it go. It would just be the same crap, new year, new day, but same crap. It hurts, but I have to move on. I read each & every comment of all you, & thank you! I needed someone to knock some sense into my head. I can't express how awesome it was to hear all your opinions & concerns & advice. He isn't going to miraculously leave his gf for me & say I want to be you. I gotta live in the real world on this one. I have to at least give it one true shot to move on with my life. I had a life before I knew him, I will have a life after him. I just gotta breathe. Just breathe. Just Breathe...
Pizza at the gym?!! That seems so bizarre. It's like they're trying to make sure you eat, so you feel like you have to keep working out and giving them money. Or they're just completely retarded. :)
This is what I call the perfect marketing strategy. They are trying to make their clients fat so they keep coming back. The client will most likely eat the bagels or pizza since they are working the calories off anyway--at least that is the psychological mentality.
WOW, WOW, WOW..... I love reading your random thoughts and experiences every night...
con aprecio,
Your gym is evil! This is my theory...They want everyone to gain pizza fat, so they'll never feel thin enough to...man! Yeah. So...I looked up, and Elizabeth Marie beat me to it. :P
Just breathing is good advice. It'll all work out.
first of all, TMNT is awesome! second, pizza at the gym is an ingenious type of torture, which i heartily approve, because if you're fat and uncommitted, better to know it now rather than a cardiac-arrest later. thirdly, good job not being sucked in by The Mess! forget Mr. Big and focus on finding Mr. Right (for you).
besides, what's the point of being random if you fall for the same game over and over again?
you're better than that =)
pizza at the gym?! LOL that's so random haha! wow, i don't think our gym gives out free stuff at all haha i give u props for restraining urself:) i don't think i would have the will power to turn down free pizza:D
Lol, i think they were did what we used to call marketing strategic ? Like Elizabeth said, maybe they try to make you keep working out n giving them money (well, that my negative assessment). The positive is, isnt that good. So you have extra meal for your day ?. Question, are they allow you to bring the pizza home or force you to eat on the spot ?
WHAT???? oh man, i'm going to the wrong gym!!! lol..but seriously that would be SO hard! its just not right!! major kudos for not caving in to the yummy smell of pizza! and stay strong lady...just breathe and stay strong!
Haha, I agree, sounds like a membership-retaining scam. Good job for being strong and resisting free food and delicious pizza (and texts to the ex)! You're doing much better than I am on New Year's Resolutions!
hahahah, this post is brilliant! Your writing is so fun to read, I was intently imagining how I would feel just the same as you - where is the logic in pizza at the gym??! No logic! :) Oh and the smell of pizza is beyond difficult to resist...and I loved your use of the ninja turtles haha.
Also you have a good head on your shoulders and a lot of courage - regarding your last paragraph. Your confidence will shine through and I believe wonderful things will happen to you! :)
Oh man that gym is evil! The power smell of pizza is awful I totally agree (I work at a pizza place - it is torture!)
mmmm pizza! well..I suppose they are looking for those that take the offer, and pounce! You'll need a trainer, and another year of the expensive membership...*insert evil laugh here*.. they are smart, evil, but smart! lol
In the real world, yes in the real world...
I definitely think pizza at the gym is totally weird and unnecessary. It's like pouring salt in a wound! Luckily the complex I live in has a fitness center that has everything and is free for residents so not pizza or bagels there :)
yay! you didn't respond to him, way to move forward, Melanie :)
that is the weirdest thing I've ever heard, my gym is all about protein shakes haha
That's crazy that your gym gives out pizza and bagels! I probably wouldn't be able to resist. Maybe they think it'll keep you coming back to burn it off? And of course, I love that picture up top.
I think pizza at the gym would get me to actually go to the gym! haha, totally would defeat the purpose of going though....
that is hilarious!! ACK I couldn't do it. Pizza + gym = Iva not going to the gym ;)
Actually sounds like my kind of gym! They know how to keep their clients coming back!
The whole pizza at the gym thing is really bizarre. I think they're trying to pull some psychological crap on their members, maybe trying to see who's strong enough to resist the temptation or they're just trying to make sure that everyone has to keep coming back (to work off all that cheese and bread).
My gym is actually at my college and yes, sometimes they have pizza but usually it's just for employees. I think once there was a donut day or something. Very distracting when you're trying to work out!
I wish I had the determination to even sign up for a gym yet alone go to one. Luckily in my job all I seem to do is be on my feet and walk, walk, walking around. One way to burn off the chocie at least!
sometimes, at the gym I see Burger King commercials, and then I get hungry, and there so happens to be a burger king on teh way home, and it so happens that it's Whopper Wednesday so I get myself a Whopper meal... Then I think to myself.. thats ok, I just worked out! So YES I'm totally guilty of what you're talking about!!!
I HATE it when they offer food at my gym as a promotion. Even when it's healthy. I'd honestly rather get a coupon to a healthy place. I just frackin worked out, dude! I don't want to think about food right now!!
Okay, your gym is insane. Free pizza?! Bagels?! Wtf?! That defeats the whole purpose of the gym. Or...this is a technique to keep people overweight, hence they will be never-ending members of the gym...hmmm...
But um, yeah, never heard of that before in my life! Lol.
I'm really glad you didn't text him. I know how strong the sensation is to do so...I mean, you've known this guy for YEARS and he was such a close friend. I can imagine how hard it is not to text him and how frustrating this whole situation is for you. :(
I hope your week gets better! I am SO proud of you for not eating that pizza too. Because I probably would have!! Eep!
I'm speechless, which you know doesn't happen often. It's like, "hmmm, I'll go run on the track and then eat a huge slice of pizza." LOL
I don't have any pizza crap like that but I DO have a dodgy turtles joke for you.
When we were kids, my little brother was a massive Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles fan and he had a book of really crap TMHT jokes. And this one always stuck in my head. It's pizza related, so it's relevant . . .
What seven letters did Donatello say when he opened the pizza box?
That MAY be the worst joke EVER.
And now I REALLY want pizza.
(I had pizza for dinner tonight. You'd think that would make a difference. It doesn't...)
I don't know if we go to the same gym chain, but I was just talking about this to a coworker yesterday who goes to my gym! They give away free pizza AND some mornings bagels too! EVIL! I told him it's business insurance "feed them bad foods and they will never be able to cancel their membership mwhahahaha!" ;)
that is pretty odd lol, but I suppose they think a treat every now and then is not so bad specially when you are workint out, and will burn it off eventually...lol
That is pure EVIL! How could you resist?!
Much love,
Re: Pizza at the gym... talk about a recipe for failure!! Someone really screwed up there!! Or... its a great client retention plan...
Re: Last post... you made the right decision... I experienced the same thing with Laura... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... You will be ok... :o)
Ahh when you say no judgement zone, are you perhaps referring to Planet Fitness? Because it sounds like it! I go to the Y and swim competitvely, so avoiding food wise, I haven't had to do that this year since I "exercise" at least over an hour on a slow day, four hours on a harsh day. But that's so messed up pizza in a gym? But kind of ironically funny at the same time...
Honestly, I say as long as you do a good work out, you don't need to avoid food. Plus pizza really isn't horrible if you blot out the grease and only have one of two slices. I say do thirty minutes of intense cardio (elliptical or biking actually burns more than the treadmill) like speed intervals, you more than deserve a slice of pizza for the week =)
Ahhh and I tried the lacie btw, I got a free thing in the mail. It fits, but fits quite funnily plus I've never owned a thong before, so I was forever feeling like I had a wedgie!
PS I'm glad you found the dress for $10!! Sales are amazing =)))
Pizza at the gym? Oh those wicked, wicked, wicked geniuses.
pizza at a gym? WTF!!!
shoot...where do i sign up? BWAHHH!!!
no but seriously, that shit better be no carb, protein filled with weight loss magic as the main ingredient.
that is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard! i figure you can do one of two things... 1) make monday your day off from the gym, or 2) spend twice as long on the treadmill and enjoy a slice of pizza! :)
I agree! It's totally marketing. More exercise, more pizza, then work it back off again...thus you KEEP COMING BACK! Genius.
And this post has made me hungry...
I can't even begin to tell you how much this made me laugh! Talk about temptation.. and now I want some pizza too gahhh
Oh my gosh, talk about temptation having pizza at the gym, that's an oxymoron!! So glad that you didn't call - hang in there love! XO!
Pizza at the gym?!! i'm joining hahahaha
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