Ohh yesterday. How I miss yesterday. It was like eating a poison apple & drifting off to sleep. It snowed and luckily I got the day off of work. Whew. With that knowledge I drifted back to sleep for more glorious hours. This pause button for a day was beautiful. The hustle & bustle of a week can take so much out of you, & of course the weekend is never long enough so to ACTUALLY get a day off...*dreaming*...I wish it snowed more often. Call me "Snow White" if you want, but I liked getting the poison apple, it made me feel rested. =P
Wouldn't it be nice to just hit a "Pause" button or a "Reset" button every now & again? I know, I know, there is a horrible movie called "Click" where Adam Sandler plays a jerk with a life remote control & abuses it. What if a normal person had the power to truly hit the snooze button just a lil longer & maybe a reset button to start over? Donald Trump probably has this power, that guy has everything. lol.
But really, if you could reset something in your life would you?? If I could rewind the time with The Mess or rewind to when I picked colleges or rewind to when I picked my job or another life decision?? Would I? Nope. I wouldn't because somehow it's making me who I am. I'm stuck with the reddish streaks in my hair til they grow out too. lol. You can't rewind the past, which people keep telling me & it's so true. You can only press play. That we can do. I can play out tomorrow & the next day & the next... Ah so there's the power we have. The power of decisions. It's an incredible power that we all have and unlike Adam Sandler I'm not going to abuse it.
I've decided to go to a party tomorrow. It's almost like my day of rest was a bit of mental preparation for it. I don't know who will be there or what will happen. I'm going tho but it's a party of people from my past. I'm trying so desperately to let certain people go, but they are in my dreams...my thoughts...my future?? I don't know about my future. Maybe I can pack a few extra poison apples so I can instantly fall asleep if drama happens...hmmmm....I don't think Snow White's story tho was supposed to work that way...Oops.
Buttons...I'm going to have to hit a button to unlock my car tomorrow night to drive for the party. Hit a button to start up my straightening iron. Hit the "On" button on my laptop for tomorrow's post....So many buttons, so many decisions...It can really give you a headache. But evidently they must be made. Must be...
Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Work was alright today, sweetly slow due to the snow day. I think it's supposed to snow again on Monday. As long as I don't have to drive in it, I'm happy. Well I'm off to hit the buttons on my alarm clock, tomorrow will be a busy day at least so Snow White has to get some more sleep, see you tomorrow...
Boy, do I know what you mean, I totally want to hit the pause button sometimes..Like when I was home and I see my litle nephews, I want to pause time, or when I went to diner with my mom, when I was happy with Mr. Heartbreaker, oh yeah I wanted to hit pause lol...but you are right thigns that happen to us shape us into who we are, what we believe in and so on and so forth lol...Anyway, have fun at your party, hope it goes great!! :)
I'm sure you are stronger than you think sweetie...no poison apple please, perhaps apple pies r more yummy no?!
I'm still shocked by McQueen's sudden death, so sad~ life is so fragile indeed.
Hope you enjoy the party! :)
I'm glad you realize there is no cause for regret, every decision (both the good and bad) shape who you are and who you're going to be. You mentioned people from your "past" will be in attendence tomorrow- try to keep yourself away from those that cause you harm/pain and focus your energy and attention towards those that support and uplift you as it will be much more beneficial in the long run. :)
Little bites, Melanie, just take little bites of the poison apples. Don't put yourself at risk.
i know how you feel - i loved that feeling when i had a snow day, i wish there were more days to relax over the weekend as well.
& RIP McQueen. I still can't believe it.
I know you can't go back and change the past. But, I would've asked Dana out back in 8th grade.
I wish I had a pause button. I have to prepare for a one year olds birthday party and my tiny little house being filled with people. :(
I hope you enjoy your party.
You got an award on my blog hun!
I love snow days! It is supposed to snow here well right now... so I am more than likely getting off work too hehe ::evil laugh::
Go and press those buttons for the party. But no poison apples okay. I don't want you sleeping when Prince Charming drops by. xoxo
Think positive and enjoy the party! I'm sure you will have fun! :)
You can't hide from the past it has a tricky way of finding you until you come to turns with it.
Ooh I quite like the comparison to Snow White, lovely. And I know what you mean about only having the play button to push! Good luck with your party!!
Still in shock over Alexander McQueen. Wow.
Oh, try to have fun @ the party!
Ive the same cherry notebook from Target :D
don't eat the entire apple dear!
I couldn't agree with you more! I sometimes wish I haven't bothered with university - or that I should have done a course that would have lead me into a more direct workplace career/job. Now i'm thinking of a career change into an area that has never needed a degree. And now all I think of and see is the debt.
I often wish I had a fast forward button - even though that is wishing my life away to an extent.
i love snow white, such a great look ;)
Yep sometimes I was there was a pause and a re-wind. But I know I can't change past events, however much I may want to (and boy is that big sometimes!). I know what you mean when people stay with you in your thoughts and dreams - sadly I can't offer you any advice in handling it; mainly because I don't really like the advice given to me in many cases about it...
Enjoy the party!
A pause button would be amazing right about now.
I know what you mean...I would love to have a remote control for my life. There are plenty of experiences I would like to fast forward through and a couple wonderful moments I wish I could hit slow motion...sigh.
But yeah, all those experiences do make us who we are, whether we like it or not.
Great post. :)
I have one question -- Why are you going if you need a day of mental rest before?
I completely agree with you about life experiences! There have been some hard times in my life, along with some completely embarassing moments but you know what? I wouldn't change a thing.
Because then I wouldn't be the person I am now, and who knows if I would still have all the good things and good people in my life that I do now.
I hope the party went well for you!
Wish we had snow days in LA! Then again, I don't think I could handle snow!
Yes. We all pressed 'Play' and the live our lives. It would not be good if we could stop for a few moments or rewind. I think the rewinding part might be the worst because everything happens for a reason...right? Or do you believe in coincidence? :)
All the best.
I sometimes wish that I could rewind and pick a different college. But, like you said, that choice made me who I am today and I wouldn't want to mess with that.
The whole Alexander McQueen thing is so sad.
I CONSTANTLY wish that I had the ability to pause and rewind moments of my life. It seems like there is always something that you want to hold on to, or simply erase completely from your existence. Having the ability to control things a bit more would truly give us the chance to take destiny into our own hands. If only... :/
That's life :) Only 'play' button and we are the director, writer, actor....we couldn't shout 'cut' ;-P
Stay happy :)be positive :)
I wish I had a pause AND freeze button all the time ...
So what happened at the party? Boring people want to know...
One decision at a time.
Much love on Valentines Day,
Yeah some moments I wish I could have a repeat button and others, not so much. I would love to rewind time on some things, but then I don't think I would have learned from these experiences.
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