So I got a question...When Is the next full moon because today was an absolutely CRAZY DAY!! Work was insane, I broke the washing machine, I messed up my couponing selections at the super market, and there is a piece of my hair that won't come down. It was insanity. The Energizer bunny took over and I tried to cram it all in, which has left me frazzled. Thankfully there is wine...Just one glass and I feel better...
In lieu of the craziness my brain decided to take a mini vacation tonight so I took some pictures of things that made me smile today.
A Hot Apple Pie Candle...hmmm...my kitchen smells delcious!
I sent CJ my usual Good Morning text and I got this response from him:
"I love how you text me every morning. U have a good day. I love you."
My "M" mug from Anthropologie. <3
I left the flowers up on a shelf and then they dried themselves. Even wilted they are still beautiful!
I found a Mama's & the Pappa's 60's Album at a thrift store recently in pretty good condition for $1.50. I had to get a frame for it! =)
My Next Project: Mastering Cake Pops. I now have the mold...I can't wait to make them!! =)
Okay, I have to get some sleep. My mind is mush...See you Tomorrow!
Cupcake pops?! What?! I am in love!
Sorry your day was crazy. Love the Mama's and the Papa's though.
I'm tomorrow is a "less crazy" day! Thanks for sharing. And I love the good morning texts - so sweet!
happy post :) I want to try making cakepops, it seems so daunting! a mold would def help!
Love how you took a crazy day and instead made it about things you love.
I wish I had flowers that would dry themselves. They look great. :)
Mmmm...a Hot Apple Pie Candle - I love! And that cupcake cakepop mold is the CUTEST! :)
How did you break your washing machine?!!!
Oooh post pics of the finished cake pops, that mold is just so cute!!!
PS. I wanna see pics of the cake you decorated!!!!
MMmm cupcake pops, yum!
omg where ever did you get that cake pop mold? I totally need that!
I totally need one of those molds for cake pops:) I love them. Have a relaxing time, sunshine
Ps: I’m hosting a cute necklace GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in!
A hot applie pie candle...yummmm! Cute pic of you and CJ!
omg coupons!! have you seen extreme coupon on TLC?! they're crazy!! and love that song :D
Love the record in the frame, where did you get the frame from?
I love this post so much, I don't even know where to BEGIN!!
Okay, first, in response to your crazy day: WOW. When it rains, it pours, doesn't it?!
And I love, love, love that apple pie candle. It looks like it smells so yummy! Just what I need for my apt.
And I adore that photo of you and CJ. That text he sent you is the sweetest thing EVER and if I were single right now, your amazing relationship with him would make me sick and jealous. Haha!! Thankfully I'm not single and I can only look at you two in complete adoration and smile. :)
And I never thought about framing old records, which I think is a brilliant idea!! In the past few months, I have actually come across some cool old albums but never purchased them b/c I always thought, "well, I have no way to use it." Now I regret not making the purchases!!
Hope you have a great rest of the week! xoxo
cant wait to see the cake pops!
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