In other news, I got one thing on my mind lately that’s driving me nuts. Money. At the end of each month I try to do a post where I talk about saving money tips. People may think that a single girl in her 20’s that lives at home probably is able to save a lot money because she doesn’t have to pay rent. Nope, guess again. I tried so hard to skrimp & save this month but somehow my last 2 paychecks just evaporated. All the spending from the holidays didn’t help either. So I’m going to try a lil harder this month to save! =) I compiled a list of tips that may help you out too! Here it goes:
1.Buy your own Nail Polish: Now I LOVE getting manicures, it’s my favorite girly luxury. But those weeks were your just not feeling the French manicure why not just go to the store & buy one of your favorite colors & do it yourself? I have some issues when I paint my right hand cuz my left hand is wobbly but I got used to it. Also the benefit of doing your nails yourself sometimes is you can touch up whenever you want!!
2.Only buy the quantity you need: Yes we all see the sale signs in the store Buy 1 get 1 50% off or the cartons of strawberries for a better price, but if your not going to use it fast enough or not wear the other one (yea know just buy it because of the sale) then what’s the point? Pocket the extra money instead!
3.Friends & Family Discount @ the gym: Some gyms actually have a friends & family discount every once in a while. The one I go to has that they can join for $5 bucks a month with only a $20 installment fee. That’s a lot less than I pay. It’s small change to save but it adds up!
4.Frequent Customer Cards: Now for the girls who always go to the same salon to get their mani/pedi's or their hair done why not see if they have a frequent customer card? The nail salon I go to has that after 5 manicures you get a free one. They stamp your card each time you come in & its really easy. Who knows? It couldn't hurt to ask! =)
5.Free Demos: This one is cool. Now for those of who don't know I go to Williams Sonoma free cooking demos. They demonstrate techniques & products so you can see how to use them & get some free recipes. It's alot of fun & its free breakfast. hehe.
6.Set Realistic Money Saving Goals: This can also be used for a diet. Set yourself some realistic actual do-able goals. I want a grand to go to Europe but I know it will take me a few months to save up not just a lil bit of time. So I'm trying to save a lil here & a lil there & hoping it adds up. I know it won't take a day or a week but some time. You gotta stay focused & don't give up!!!
7.Part-time Job: I got hit with a whooper of a health insurance bill each paycheck so I'm honestly considering getting a retail part-time job. I'm not sure yet but the extra money may get rid of the "Omg I will never be able to afford to move out of my parents house!!" feeling. I got to think about it, but it is an option.

There are so many small ways to save that really if you take a minute & think about it, goals can be reached. It just takes a little time. A lil time makes all the difference. I hope everyone has a good week. Stay tuned tomorrow because I'm going to be doing a giveaway!!!! Til Tomorrow...
Money is paper value created within mind.
- someone said.
Another great savings post! :)
I'm glad you advised us gals to reconsider manis/pedis. I used to get regular manicures and pedicures a couple times per month and then just stopped a year ago. Oh my freaking gosh, when I realized how much money I was saving, I about freaked out. Totally not worth it. Now I only save that kind of luxury for what it is: a treat. :)
I'm glad to see your grandpa is doing a lot better! Yay! xoxo
Glad to hear your grandpa is doing better! I do many of the money saving tips on your list, especially with manicures because I feel like I can do them myself...which I can. I also trim my bangs too, gotta cut corners wherever you can!
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment,have a gr8 week.x.
Having more money coming in each week is the biggest thing, but I hate working full time, so a part time job on top of that is awful to think about. Those are good money-saving tips.
If you're a Starbucks' fan and shop at COSTCO, my sister told me they sell gift cards at a reduced rate (I think $100 worth of gift cards may be $80 dollars?-- not 100% sure on that one)....
number 2 is sooo true - ESPECIALLY when it comes to fruit! I waste so much of it!
I always love reading your money saving tips. And I'm glad to hear that you're grandpa's better. xoxo
I love these money saving posts..
I've always done my own nails/hair,etc etc..because not only is it fun, you can also save a heck of a lot :)
I always feel guilty when I spend money whether it's on clothes or even a bus ticket :/
Hello #2. I am terrible about that. Fabulous tips lady!
Great tips Melanie! I think everyone can benefit from them :)
another great post. Happy March !
Thanks for the tips! I am especially excited about the Williams Sonoma classes!
great tips. It is so true, do not bulk buy food just because it is on sale. it is really depressing to have to throw out rotting berries haha
thanks Melanie!
wanting & needing is still a blur sometimes...whoops!
I've been thinking about getting a part time job a bit lately, just till summer starts though so I can go on a few road trips.
Sorry to hear about your Granfather, I have him in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Thank you for the great money saving tips Melanie!
Wishing you a fabulous week Sweet Friend!!
i adore posts like this. i know there are many things i can cut out to save and i have cut A LOT so i'm proud.
good luck saving. you can do it woman!!! :)
Great blog! I know what you mean. I moved back home after getting laid off last year, and it's difficult to save--especially since I still don't have an income. Good luck with your saving!!
Good to hear about your grandfather!
& fantastic tips. I'm also a big fan of making a casserole & eating leftovers - Don't be a leftover snob!
Great advice in a time where we are need to be more frugal.
I'm glad to hear your grandfather is doing better. I love your money saving tips. They always give me something to think about.
Thanks for the great advice!!
Sorry for lack of comments, been busy, so trying to catch up! Hope your Grandpa gets better by the day.
Thank you so much for the money saving tips. They are soooo helpful!
Money is so stressful! Its awesome you're taking control of it! These tips are perfect.
Glad you're granpa is doing better honey, lots of prayers being sent his way. xoxo
Great tips!!!! Thanks we could all do with a few money saving ideas from time to time :)
I love your money saving tips! my car died a little over a year ago and my job at the time didn't leave me with any money to spare for a car payment, so I went back to the retail job I worked while I was in college. I figured out that I really only had to work one shift a week to make ends meet with a sliver to spare. It really pulled me through a time I would have otherwise been unable to afford!
i hope your grandpa is going to be ok!
just wait until you start paying for water and power. gah. so expensive!!!! now i am like my dad running around shutting off all the lights, and waiting until the dishwasher is PACKED before running it! yeesh! i hate that bill. it is downright RUDE. :)
Glad to know ur grandfather is doing better=) I read in a magazine some tips on how to save money. And a reallllllly funny one was that you should leave your call filled with lots of junk so that whenever you have to hang out with friends, you can always say "sorry, we cant take my car because there is no space, its a mess." LOL
great tips!
glad to hear your grandpa is doing better :)
Fabulous tips!
Glad to hear your grandpa is doing better! :)
I love the money saving tips! Especially free demos. That's such an awesome idea! If I won your giveaway I'd be toasting to saving money living with my mom right now :)
Great tips! i find my paycheck evaporating all the time too.
such a helpful post! (: I worry about money too all the time, it's as if it disappears so quickly even with me only purchasing the necessary! xo
This is great! Money always stresses me out.
So glad your grandpa is doing well, and you're right, the hospital is the best place to be. They can keep an eye on things until he's back on his feet.
I've been out of it lately, with some stress/health issues, so I understand having so much going on you just don't have the time/motivation to get back to everyone, or read their blogs. I think you said something about this in another post.
I'm caught up with your randomness now. I just didn't comment on all of it. Love Love Love
i'm glad to hear that ur grandpa is doing better:) so sorry i've been MIA the past two weeks. i've missed reading ur blog! these are great money saving tips! i admit, sometimes i fall into the buy 1 get 1 50% off trap lol thanks again for sharing!
Thank you for this. I have been trying hard to get my budget back in order. I paid off my CC's and now I am trying to save, it's hard because I have a tight salary but I will remember your tips girl!
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