I have a friend who owns a delorean. I’m really considering stealing it & making it into a time machine so I can speed up the future just a bit. I’ve found out that in the months of March & April there are two events that I Omg have to go to!!
One event is that Open Call for a Modeling Agency that I mentioned in my New Years Resolutions. I’ve never really considered modeling but one of my dreams is to be an actress. Maybe an open call will let me see if I even actually want to do this!! It’s a free open call, they do a run-down of what the company offers & they do a screen-test kinda photo-shoot after the questions. I got NOTHING to lose going to this. It’s on March 1st about 15 minutes from where I live. I’ve been watching the locations for these open calls for months to see if they’d come back to where I live. Yup!!! Who knows what’ll happen? I don’t expect for some person to see me & give me the next 5-star movie but it should be fun. Even if nothing comes from it, it’s an experience I won’t forget.

The second event is really cool. I live near a town called Ridgewood, NJ. In Ridgewood there is a bookstore that happens to hold autograph signings for celebrities & their books. I’ve gone here before where I’ve actually met the wrestler Chris Jericho. (He’s adorable in person). One of my ultimate 80’s girl idol is going to be coming to town. Yup, Pretty in Pink star, Molly Ringwald. It's in early April that she will be there signing her new book called, "Getting The Pretty Back." I'm totally excited. I hope we can take a picture with her!! She rocked the 80's chick flicks. Totally.
I don't mind waiting in lines for these type of things either. Ironically I'll wait 4 hours to meet a celebrity but I bitch about the 5 minute line in Dunkin Doughnuts. I don't get it. lol. Those two events tho are pushing me on. I like finding those random events to go too. I live near New York City too so I'm always down for that adventure.
This weekend did not end the way I wanted it to. It seems like Gilda Radner said it right. "It's always something." That is so painfully true. Something seems to be out of place, someone got the wrong number, something or someone didn't belong. This trial and Error game that I seem to be in an on-going loop is getting to me pretty hard now. Different players, different groups & situations, but still this rutty loop. I'll elaborate more tomorrow. I didn't sleep last night, so I'm holding onto the positives to keep me warm tonight. I need them. Goodnight everyone.
oo modeling? wow good luck! you're right, you have nothing to lose, go for it!
hmm not so sure how I feel about your weekend, I am sorry, but I am eager to hear more tomorrow. thanks for posting anyway
You could TOTALLY model!!!!
good luck girlie!! :)
OMG, I am NOT telling my husband that Molly Ringwald is coming to your town, he's COMPLETELY in love with her! Have fun!
Go for it!! I wish you luck and hope you have a great time!!
Maybe if they had Molly Ringwald doughnuts it'd be easier to wait?
This is exciiiiiiting! I think it's cool..like you said, you've nothing to loose and you NEVER know where it might lead. Good luck :)
You could try acting, just join a drama club and your in it! You look good, you are certainly smart enough, have fun, and give it a try.
This weekend didn't end the way I wanted it to end either. sometimes I think we get to much expectations going into things that just aren't there.
Yay for exciting plans! :) I'm happy you have a couple fun things to look forward to! Good luck with the modeling call. And how awesome you might get to meet Molly! She was the teen queen of the 80s. Lol. Awesome!
Jersey representing. Bookends always has great celeb signings!
Good luck on your modeling audition! You'll do great!
Carpe Diem :o)
i just watched pretty in pink again the other week, such a great film :)
Oooh, I'm super stoked for you - these two events sound so exciting! :)
that's so exciting! keep us up to date on the modeling front--yay!
good ,uck whatever you decide to do
Meeting Molly Ringwald? How incredibly lucky, I too would wait in line for hours to meet her.
Mel, you could totally model! I've always said you have this certain air of mystery about you and the camera obviously loves you (ie, you're an attractive girl).
You're right, you have nothing to lose. Love the attitude.
Thanks for your kind words, but my big day isn't actually until Thursday 25th. I prepared something and I thought I had saved it but it posted by mistake. Oops!
So you didn't miss it and have another chance to wish me a real Happy Birthday on Thursday! :)
PS: I hope you do an "If I Were" post. :)
Good luck honey! I know you could be a model! Thanks for the comments on my celebrity apologies post. Hope you have a great night. Kori xoxo
I love Molly Ringwald! My Brother and his Girlfriend live in Ridgewood, NJ what a small world! I go there to visit all the time, such a cute little town!
Why not... you can be a model... I am serious. Your eyes are expressive. :-)
i just stumbled upon your blog and two things,
1) back to the future is my ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE! well all three of them. my dad's friend has a dalorean and i sat in it once haha. they are so cool.
2) two of my best friends live in ridgewood! i hear they have a good bakery...
I think every dream is possible, always. GOOD LUCK!! :)
ooo how exciting!! you have a great attitude, you don't have anything to lose so why not just go for it
good luck!
Good luck with the audition...you've got nothing to lose right?!! RIGHT :)
How cool that car would be. "Back To The Future". Lol
Flux capacitor, man. Deloreans are awesome!
Modeling, Molly Ringwald...March and April are looking promising. ^_^
Good luck modelling!!
I'm having a giveaway @ my blog, check it out if you like...
good luck at the open call modeling event! Be careful if they want to make you sign anything, or if they tell you things you want to hear in exchange to paying them for photos/promotions or whatever though!
Exciting- good luck! Let us know what happens :)
Good luck on the modeling event!
1. Pleassssssssse do a photo shoot with the Delorean. 2. TOTALLY go to the open call. 3. OMG, Molly. I big puffy heart her and the Brat Pack!
Go for it girl - reach for the stars and follow your dreams!
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