Oh what a tangled web I weave. I'm sitting here watching the show, "Mad Men" & woa. It seems like their lives would be so perfect, yet they are actually far from it. Well we all go a little mad sometimes, especially when we least expect it.
I made my New Year's resolutions to give me focus & determination. Well the engineers of my life had other plans for me. The weather forecast even predicted a 6-12+ possible inches of snow. I'm looking at not even a flurry. The Smile Project I had started seems to be on vacation but it'll be back next week. I wanted a new job but right now I'm craving the stability of knowing I can do my job, do it well, & I know there will be a paycheck in 2 weeks. Somewhere in the back of my head I thought the Mess would come get me, but alas I'm searching for someone new. It's like somehow I've just veered off the paths I thought I've wanted & choosing different things which frankly has me in a whirlwind...and I'm just going along for the ride...
When I look in the mirror tho I still see me. I don't see a copycat of someone else, I'm not staring at a stranger, & I'm not seeing someone that I hate. I see me. And somehow I'm seeing a smile on my lips. Sometimes you have to change your paths & start anew...who would have thought just turning one new corner would mean so much. I stayed out last night til 3am with some new friends & it was awesome. To laugh, to share stories, to just smile. You don't have to change who you are to be happy, but changing the people you're around actually does make a difference. Such a big difference.
In the madness I'm finding a spot for myself & it feels great. Maybe I've found where I belong for a lil while. Maybe... Well back to "Mad Men" I go. The show is addicting. It looks like such a perfect life...or does it...
Well I'm seeing a picture of what you are seeing in the mirror and you look pretty frickin' awesome, so you should be smiling. That is an interesting idea spending sometime with new people usually that doesn't feel as comfortable for me as old friends.
Love the photo of you. :) You look like Angelina Jolie in it. Sooo gorgeous!
I have Mad Men on my Netflix and I can't wait to start watching it! I think I only have a few movies to go until I get the first season.
I hope you're having a great weekend!
great photo of u, melanie!:) i keep hearing about this show, but still haven't had a chance to see it. from the pics i've seen, the wardrobe from this show is gorgeous! anyway, i love ur attitude, melanie:) i'm so glad that u're moving forward! it's so true, changing the people around us really does make a difference. another great post! have a wonderful weekend!
You said some good things, you said we don't have to change who we are to have fun. That's true!
That's fabulous Melanie... you're getting there sweetie. And you are so gorgeous in that photo. xoxo
I, too, love that pic! Angelina Jolie for sure!! :)
I finally posted your Sugar Doll award, the one you gave me 507 years ago, lol... I'm sorry it took me so long!!
xoxo J
I agree, you don't need to change who you are but sometimes who you are with is the biggest issues. it certainly is for me. glad things are going well
Awww... I'm happy for you. This is such a beautiful post. People often try to change themselves to fit in. But you showed a different light about things. Maybe we need a change in environment and new people. =)
Oh, I so love this picture of you. You look absolutely amazing - I want your lips...and your eyeshadow! Glamour girl amongst us!!
I have yet to see "Mad Men." Don't hate me; I promise I will soon. Love the fact that you're taking control of your life. I've cut a few people out of mind recently who were wasting my time, and bringing me down - it's hard, but definitely worth it to make yourself feel better!! :)
I've only watched the first episode of Mad Men but I may start watching it regularly soon ;) Sounds like it's really good !
Happy to hear about your smile :) I've been feeling pretty happy lately surprisingly since I lost my job. I think it's a relief not to have to go back there for me, it was so boring :) Anywho, have a great weekend !
You look so fab!
I want to watch Mad Men! sounds interesting
I am also addicted to Mad Men. Besides the handsome Don Draper, I am obsessed with the fashion!
i havent watched tv in a really long time. i just have found it soo pointless in the recent. and i have been fighting to stay away from the laptop. i got over my yahoo chat addiction now. so i got it back and i am not tempted to buzz every one online to living hell. what a relief. glad to here you are in a pleasant spot at the moment. hard to be in one. my mental condition has been real bad lately. i have been visiting my shrink a lot lately. so you smiling is a biiiiiiiiiiig biiiiiiiiiiiigie thing.. i was actually up till 3 yesterday. it was insomnia though. i wasn't chatting up anyone :((.. you should goto the beach early in the morning to see the sunrise with your friends. that would be nice :)
Great attitude Mel. Progressing through life! Awesome. I love the show Mad Men. It's awesome, but sometimes it's hard watching the stupidity of society at that time. You know, with the sexism and all that, drives me nuts. Glad to hear about the new friends!
Good work! Sounds like things are going good, always excellent news. Nice post!
Mel,this has become my favourite photo of you. You look gorgeous my dear!
I've always appreciated how you're able to look inward. You have a way of evaluating your life and making corrections along the way which to me shows maturity beyond your years.
Glad you're having fun along the way.
"You don't have to change who you are to be happy, but changing the people you're around actually does make a difference."
This is legit the best thing I've ever heard. I wish I had realized it sooner... Luckily I've followed this saying, and find myself much happier.
I want to see this show, it sounds good! Glad we had some independent women way back then...now we can be strong women in the present!
I thought they did... sex in the city right?
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