Batman is my ultimate favorite comic book character. I grew up watching Batman, especially afterschool when there were actual cartoons in the 3pm-5pm TV block. I liked that he used to use his mind to do things & he had by far the BEST VILLIANS EVER!!! hehe. I dressed up as Harley Quinn two Halloweens ago because they are just so Bad-ass.
Well today is Friday, ergo I'm heading for the town. But it dawned on me about all the lives we live each day. I'm going to be living two lives today, kinda like Batman. He's Bruce Wayne by day who works, makes money, & a normal guy. Batman is his alter ego. During the day I go to work & put my hair up & wear work-type clothes. At night, the hair comes down, the make-up goes on, & the fun begins. lol.

What a difference a straightening iron and some make-up will do. I'm going out to night to have fun. I mentioned last week before the debacle that I did meet some new people to chill with. I'm going to see them later. New people, new good times, new memories. I'm not forgetting the past, but I'm painting a brighter future. Isn't that what Batman did? He wanted a better future. Well I'm all for that.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to try my hardest to relax & have fun. Hopefully I won't run into too many jokers. hehe. =P
I used to love the Batman cartoon show! Have fun tonight!
undercover hero! hehe
batman is my fave superhero!
You are so freaking gorgeous it kills me. I swear that second photo looks like a modeling shot. :)
love the batman metaphor, great before and after posts. I think it is good you're getting out there and meeting new people. you're not disrespecting the old and all of the memories associated with them by going out, rather you're just building for the future, which is more positive than dwelling in the past. I love your new go get 'em positive attitude, way to go Mel!
btw I cannot say enough just how gorgeous you are!
Would it be weird if I said you look hot with your hair down?
"You look hot with your hair down, Mel." There, I said it.
Batman is also by far my fave; I have a shelf full of Batmobile models at home. Perhaps it's the nerd in me coming out. :)
Well, you're adorable by day or by night. I think Batman kinda was, too. :P Have fun, and be careful.
wow lady you look adorable!! i love the batman comparison, lol....so true!! i hope you had fun tonight and that you have an awesome weekend :)
Oh you totally gorgeous girl you!!
have a fun weekend honey,
Melanie, you have great looking hair.
Not to be repetitive, but you are gorgeous either way. I hope you had a good evening.
Oh my thank you everyone for the compliments. I'm so flattered. <3
Well, Batman was my favorite superhero.
After being to the movies almost 8 times, I thought he would come out of the screen to thank his fan. But that never happened...:(
Have a great weekend...:)
I cannot agree with you any more! I adore Batman and all of the fantastic villains he has. He has so many and with Gotham City it's hard to believe that people prefer Marvel over DC.
haha sorry for the rant, you look so great!
Your title cracked me up.
I love Batman, too, and the most recent movies made my love for the hero even better. :)
I hope you have/had an awesome time. :D
I love Batmans villians too!! And dang girl, you looked HOT! how do you not have a man? they must be blind up there...
Thank you for commenting on my blog. LOL I loved this post, you're gorgeous in either state! :)
Batman had a lot of issues I think he liked things dark like Angel. He wasn't interested in a bright new future just in punishing the unjust.
I never got into Batman.. for some reason it just saddened me, even at a young age..it was too dark. Hope you have a good weekend. x
you are beautiful!! I hope you have a gret weeknd rela and have fun!!
You look great!
Hope your weekend was (and is) a good one my friendly. Been enjoying your blog hugely.
Would be even more pleasing if you did actually go out and fight crime whilst dressed as a giant bat, but the photos were great anyway.
Haha. I LOVE Batman! He's definitely my favorite too! I've actually gotten into arguments with friends over Superman vs. Batman. It is interesting how so many of us normal people have in common with Batman isn't it? I'd never really thought of that before...
Hey Mel! LOVE BATMAN. Good comparisons too about how we all look towards a better future. Hope you had fun!
p.s. - And thanks for reading the last post and commenting, I'm on the same page as you. "What's the point?" Exactly. I'm just going to play it by ear and let things be. I'm over it already
dont we all have issues?
besides hes cool in his outfit...
youre so cute!
Great pics hon!
My look really doesn't change much between worktime and evening - I tend to over-make-up and overdress for both!
Ha! I love this post, you are clearly just as big a geek as me! Spider-Man is my favourite, don't know what that says about me! You look gorgeous in both pics, hope you had an awesome night! xx
love it! i look like medusa when i wake up. i'd probably turn everyone to stone if it weren't for my flat iron.
I do covet that messy bun look, though. I've always wanted to learn how to do it so it doesn't look like I did it at all...
Everyone should have an alter ego. I was totally in touch with mine all weekend. It was the first weekend in I don't know how long that I didn't style my hair or put ANY makeup on. It was wonderful! Of course I didn't go out, other than for a walk today, which explains the lack of preening but it was totally worth it.
You look awesome in both pics girlie!
OR you totally remind me of Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in the Batman movie minus the blond hair who looks like the first pic by day (you have the glasses and everything) then vamps it up for Catwoman at night. And that is a compliment. :)
Haha! Love the title of this post and your pics. So cute. You look good in glasses - just like me. lol. Anyhow, I hope that you had fun and that these new people in your life will be grand! You deserve all of the happiness in the world! :o)
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