I absolutely love first dates. It is actually the thing I love most about relationships. That first date where he's still a stranger & I haven't a clue what he's going to say. The playing of the 20 questions, seeing if his smile goes up to his eyes, watch him fiddle with his hands cuz he can't decide whether to take mine or put an arm on my shoulder, maybe the surprise laugh, & perhaps the spark when he might say, "Omg I love that too!!". It's a clean slate & the possibilities are endless.
Tomorrow I have my first date with Batman. Let's actually call him CJ. That's his nickname & I've been using it to everyone so they don't think I'm still talking to the Mess, my Brown-Eyed Mr. Big. They have the same name. It's weird saying his name again when I'm trying so hard to forget the mess BUT CJ is quickly replacing those thoughts with pleasant ones.

I got a text this morning from CJ confirming Wednesday night. I was shocked, then relieved. This is actually going to happen. He's cute, he's older than me, & has a good job..& he was sweet when he kissed me on the cheek on Saturday night. I told him, "Yeah sure we're on for tomorrow night"....to which I got this lil text surprise:
Of course I responded that it sounded great. It's a beautiful restaurant that overlooks the Hudson River. This is embarrassing to say but this is the FIRST time I've had a guy make reservations to take me out to dinner. I might have found a real grown-up guy who knows how to take a girl out on a REAL DATE!! This isn't some guy I made out with at a bar & then we started to chill. This is a dinner date. It feels so real to me & I'm liking this feeling. I'm not even freaking out, I'm ready for this.
Ironically tonight my friend Erin's sister gave me a new rope key chain for my set of keys to replace my old one. I've been using the one the Mess gave me for my 22nd birthday. I guess it truly is time to move on. New key chain rope, new date, new guy, new mind set. Eventually you gotta start again.
I don't know CJ well but that might be a blessing in disguise. At the date tomorrow we'll have tons to talk about getting to know each other & we do have mutual friends so there is stories that can be told & maybe we'll end up going for the walk. I told him I was having surgery on Friday, that's why we're meeting tomorrow & he seemed completely cool with it.
Who knows...It might work out...it might not...but regardless it's nice to be asked out for dinner to a nice place with "La" in the title, not just some mall place, & maybe it'll be nice to go on a real date with a man, not some pricky lil boy who has 3 other girls on his speed dial. I'm going to take a chance & who knows...Here's to hoping! =)
So cute! I'm glad you're so excited and that he's being such a darling gentleman. I hope your date is amazing!
Am unsure if I love first dates. What I do know is that I am in Love with the Courting stage of a relationship. It all becomes Boring for me after Courting, however, I agree with you, a girl can only Hope!;-)
Good for you my lovely! I am so happy for you! It is a great thing that he wrote and confirmed your date!
Ohhh...how fun :)
Have a great day:)
im SO glad u like 1st dates - i haven't been single in over 10 years! - i always went from one relationship to the next - so "single" is the unknown world to me - CRAZY .. when i look back i can't believe how i just haven't been "single" at all in my adult life - crazzzzEnes i tell ya!
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
I came from Barry's blog The glass wall (was blog hopping where I was actually suppose to work, but shhhh.. don't tell anyone ok)
Awww how cute. :) I used to love first dates (i'm married now so there's no first dates for me anymore) not knowing what the guys is going to say or do and the butterflies you get in your stomach because you are so excited about it. I can go on and on but you don't want to hear my babbling. :)
Nice blog. I'll be your newest follower from today. :)
Enjoy your day. :)
Mel, I'm so hopeful for you and as always I LOVE your attitude. So positive, it's infectious.
I'm dying to know how tonight goes, I hope you have a great time sweetie. You deserve a mature man (not a boy) who appreciates how amazing and beautiful you are, and treats you well.
I'll def be dropping in tomorrow. :)
aww how exciting! It's kinda embarrassing to admit that it's been a long time since I've been on a real date (I'm single), and I miss the fun and nerves of a first date. I hope you have a great time!!
ooo I hope all goes well, so far things are looking good. you deserve a real man, not some foolish boy and you found one!
thanks for your comment on my last post. wow, you sounds wonderfully proactive about your social life. demos, clubs, classes, etc! woah! I wish I had that drive. This past year in college I knew I wanted to break out more so I joined the sailing team, not the most natural activity for me, but it seemed fun and the kids were super sweet and I did meet one amazing girl out of that. But it just seemed easier to join things at college since the student org fairs are right in your face, however joining something at home seems much harder to do. Even though I am home for longer than a semester actually, for some reason I view home as much more temporary than a semester at school, like I don't have time to join things. hmph, sometimes I make so many excuses about why I can't do something I want to vomit haha
I think this is PERFECT! It sounds like he's got his head on straight :) Most men don't know how to call and make a reservation haha...definitely praise him for such a nice date (a man's inner 3 year old).
I hope things go well - you need to have a positive attitude going in to Saturday. But like you said....it could work out, but it may not. Either way it's nice to start moving on :)
BTW a series 7 test is the first round of testing to becoming a financial advisor - a broad spectrum test - a lot of financial info + common sense :)
OOOH,have fun, Sweetie! Enjoy yourself and let him spoil you a little. That's what boys are supposed to do on first dates :)
Thanks for popping over to my world to say hi! I married my high school sweetheart so I didn't have this experience much. Have fun! The restaurant sounds wonderful.
Hope you had a great time!!!!!
Okay I hate first dates, I hate the feeling strange I hate not knowing what is on the mind of the other person. I like the comfort of knowing the other person wants to be there.
But I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Hell I am going on a third date with Milla and I still haven't figured her out.
Aww it sounds lovely, I can only imagine how pretty the river will look there at night. It sounds so very promising already!
I love the buzz you get from first dates, those coy little smiles and lowering your eyes. Aww I love it all!
Good luck with it honey, let us know how it goes. and most importantly, whatever the outcome - enjoy yourself!
Yay! Isn't it nice to know there are gentlemen out there?! I hope you have a great date tonight and it's everything you want it to be :)
Oh this is sooo exciting, I'm happy for you! Can't wait to hear how the date goes and he sounds like a keeper this CJ. :)
Good luck honey! I am envious that you love first dates - I hate them. I never know what to say, I get so nervous.
Keep us updated on how it goes! :)
this is fantastic! it is happening! and i hope the date is SUPER!!!!
Mel it's 7:30 in Toronto, I'm sure you're well on your way to your date at this point. I know you won't read this until later but just want to say I'm thinking of you and hoping everything goes well!
Aw I hope you had a nice time tonight!!!
Yeah, dinner date is so important - that's when you know the guy is a real gentleman:)
Let us know how it went!
Awwww great post!
Aren't first dates just the best?
This was so sweet :)
So thrilled to hear this...I'm super nervous on 1st dates!
CJ sounds like the perfect gentleman. Ooh, I hope this went well? Tell, tell, tell!! :)
Hi thanks, for your lovely comment over on My Passport to Style, so nice to meet you, blogger hailing from a place I would so love to live and have never even visite yet boohoo ! Anyhow, your date sounds perfect and charming and perhaps a cut above your last experience, withing you a ton of luck, beautiful lady! Just be yourself and everything else will fall into place, so speaks the wise bard and British style guru, tee hee! Sharon xxoo
awwwww How cute!! I hope everything went welL! Can't wait to hear about your date! A lot of people dread first dates, but it's nice to see you so optimistic!!
wooow..... nice post
Ohhh! How did it go!? Please give us an update :)
And we all wonder how it went:)
I hope your date goes well! I've never really hate a first day :( My one and only boyfriend and I just started dating after we were friends for over a year.
I'm from a small town that overlooks the Hudson river! :D
Oh I so hope all goes well...hugs for a great date! xoxo
It's been quite a while since I've had a first date & I'm a single gal, too. I miss the nervousness of wondering if he'll still like me after that first date, will that first date lead to a second date, will I still like him, what will we talk about, the school girl giddiness, the freshness. So here's to your first date & having a load of fun!
P.S, love your blog. I'm a follower. Thank you very much.
oh i love first dates, too! so much possibility! eeee, hope it goes well!
So excited for you! Ah to have a first date, sometimes my husband and I will pretend we just met. After 20 years together it nice to get back to the initial butterfly feelings.
I'm getting all this after the fact, but ooooooh, am I excited for you! ^_^
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