There really is a silver lining to clouds sometimes. I'm not picking out curtains but I said, "Yes", because of his honesty, up-frontness, & he knows friends of mine so the guys told me he wasn't a creeper. Who knows? He's 28, has a job, he's cute, lives in my county, & likes Batman. Sounds good to me! I told him I like Italian food & he said he knew just the place to take me. I hope he calls. It would be refreshing to go out on a real date alone with a guy, not those group dates where it's basically a hang out.
I guess I read the sign of hearing that name wrong, but I'm glad I remembered the name when I saw him again. I was going to go into how ridiculous the chaos of this weekend was of not going here or there cuz so & so would be there or does this dress make my hips look big or the Omg why did that ex-new guy text me at 4am to see what I was doing because I accidentally ran into him on Friday night or that Drummer Boy called me but I didn't pick up the phone or me freaking out because I thought the delorean I saw was the mess's delorean...but I'm not going to. I'm going to hope the future & keep on sailing. The few moments with Batman made me blush.
I did however get to go to the Turkey vs Czech Republic Futbol Game Saturday in Newark, NJ with my friend, Debra & it was SO MUCH FUN!! I had never been to an Futbol game before & especially never to one with international teams. It was like walking into another country hearing all the different languages. I love observing different cultures because you learn so much. We had great seats, 5th row from the field, & I got so into it. I learned how to yell, "GO THAT WAY" in Turkish. From book signings, to concerts, & now sports events. It seems I really am random.
This week is going to be a lil chaotic because I've been cleaning like a mad woman, (The bedroom issue is being taken care of) so I won't have to worry come Friday for my surgery. Just breathe. Well I hope everyone has a good week. I can't wait for Wednesday!!!! =)
Here are some pictures from the weekend & the game!!! =)

That's awesome! Have a great time on your date! Super exciting. Good luck with surgery, too. Hope all is OK.
Well here's to Batman and blushing. I hope things go well for you here Mel, it would be about effing time huh?
Thanks for your comment, I won't ask how you know about his tattoo...
congrats on your date! I hope it's all that you want it to be. <3
Ooooh, excited for you and the date - this guy sounds nice!
Hope you have a good time on Wednesday :o) You deserve it.
I like football too (it's actually called that where I live) - but it has to be watched a stadium, seing it on tv is not the same.... you simply miss the good atmosphere.
I'm so glad that stuff is rocking in your world!!!!!!!!! :)
It's great that you are going out on Wed!!!! How cool and romantic is that? I am so happy for you!
The photos are very nice and I am going to keep my fingers crossed for Friday:)
YEAH! Date night! That's awesome - he sounds like a sweetie. Hope you have an amazing time!
And the delorean! I would have DIED! So cool:)
Nice snaps
Have a rocking date, hope you enjoy
Hey there. Good luck with everything. Take care. Have a fantastic week ahead.
oooh you look HAWT and have fun on your date! And yeah you two were super close at the game that is awesome :D haha yeah I was thinking the same thing about Lindsey's clothing line, it will pay for her debts and she can even design it in jail
r u from jersey? - i'm a jersey girl - so i know about all the places u been this weekend ..
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
exciting! I hope he turns out to be the exact opposite of the mess, funny how you remembering his name is what did the trick, oh life, can be odd that way. hope all goes well, so glad you're going out on a proper date!
oh, a few days back you asked if I'll be in NJ/NYC. I will for the family reunion, but like only for 3 days, 2 in NYC, 1 in NJ, so I don't think we can meet up b/c the timing is so tight and insane even though I would love to of course, but I'll look into it
Sounds like a sweet guy. I hope you have a great time.
hahaha your just like me, i would have totally asked for a picture in there too haha
that cute little story is awesome :) im excited for you, you'll have to tell us how the date goes!
Yay! I'm glad you're putting time in to something/someone else! All it takes is a shift in your attitude to bring positive things to you :)
I also met up with my new boy last night - he's sick so I brought him some popsicles to help his sore throat.......he's sooo cute! I can't wait to kiss him when he feels better :)
Yay for dates, cute boys, sweet kisses on the cheek :)
I'm so glad to hear! I hope everything goes well on the date. First impression of this guy certainly sounds better of some of the others!
Last summer I went to a Italian 'Futbol' game between Milan and Internazionale. It reall is a great time...
Three cheers for your date. I hope it rocks!
Oh yay for this date! I like this guy already :) Can't wait to hear what happens!
See what did I tell you about making your own signs.
woo hoo! i know someone that is about to go on a date with BATMAN!!! lucky you! and i hope it goes well!!!! :)
Have a great time on your date!
Good Luck to you and Batman!! I so believe in signs too! And after hearing your story, I so believe the quote that says "you can't go out and find love, love finds you"! Keep us posted girl, keep us posted!
Cute pictures love! Sending happy thoughts your way for the date and forgetting Batman for once and for all, xo!
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