Well, you want to know what happens when you keep going out & going out & just kinda sleep in your bedroom & that’s about it in there? I think you become a hoarder……. Now I never have a clean bedroom, even tho my school notebooks were always obsessively neat, but it’s gotten really bad. The above picture, (hanging my head down low) , is the state of my bedroom. Is their Hoarders Anonymous anywhere?? Ohh Oops…I guess I’m not anonymous anymore. Nah, I’m not a hoarder but I guess I haven’t been paying much attention to my bedroom. Yeahhh….I need to move out.
I’ve decided to put a lot of my energy this week & next week into cleaning & starting the process of looking for a condo. I would rent but where I live it doesn’t pay at all. It would be like throwing money away. I would much rather spend the “rent” money on a mortgage payment. Ahhh mortgage. It’s easy to forget the technicalities that go with living on your own. However after my fibroid surgery next Friday & some healing time buying my first home is totally in the picture.
Can you register a New Home Party at like Homegoods or Pier 1 Imports?? People register weddings, baby showers, & now birthdays…why not register for a new condo? Maybe?

I can’t wait for the day I can have an open space all to my own to do with as I please. I have a small bedroom at my parent’s condo so it’s really become hard to find places for everything, especially when I go around to thrift stores all the time!! It’s literally all the major holidays at once in here. I got ornaments next to Halloween decorations next to sleeves of palm. Lol. I got cat ears hanging on the same hanger as my “Interview” suit. Lol. It’s time to move out. I’m going to be 25 in August. What better way to ring in the next quarter than with a new place to live.
To have the dish on a lil ornate table near the door for my keys, a cute lil glass dinette set with service for 8, a red comforter with cherry blossomed colored pillows, maybe a small fainting couch at the base of my bed, a lil potpourri bowl in the bathroom, dimming light fixtures, bookcases galore, & then, & then…. I get carried away with my dreaming.
First things first tho. Cleaning up this messy room. Yikes. I can’t believe I let it get THAT bad. Mini project for the weekend. Clean this mini bedroom up so it’s liveable. Is it bad that my calendar hanging on my wall still thinks it’s March??? That’ll be changed first. =) I need to find a place for these lil things too that I picked up around the week at the thrift store I go to all the time. I got these 2 ladies for $4 bucks each! So cute!!

This weekend I actually got a cool trick up my sleeve. My friend Debra & I are going to the Czech Republic vs. Turkey Futbol Game, European soccer, in Harrison, NJ. She randomly got tickets so we’re going to venture out there for it!! I’ve never been to a futbol game so it’s going to be interesting. Hopefully I’ll have a voice left tomorrow night. =)
Alrighty back to cleaning I go.
OMG GIRL!!! I almost had a heart attack when i saw that picture of your room!!!!! I wish i was there to help you clean up, I am totally OCD and would have that room ship shape in no time. good luck girl!!! :)
Moving is the best way to clean out and clean up! Good luck with that. Actually, it's super fun when I finally decide to go thru stuff. Like a trip back in time when I find things I've forgotten about.
HAVE a wonderful weekend girly!! :) I know what you mean by wanting your own open space, I can't wait to finally have a home to call my own! :)
I can't wait until you get your own living space. I just know it's going to be utter fabulousness. I love all your ideas for decoration. Man, I really wish I lived in the same town as you b/c I would have a blast helping you decorate and clean up and all that jazz. :P
Haha and that photo of your bedroom is shocking but kind of funny. Hey, it's a tiny bedroom and you've been living in it for a long time. I don't blame you for it being crazy messy!
I hope you have a great weekend, hun! xoxo
It's true that moving forces you to clean, organize, and get rid of stuff. Good luck with your rather formidable task ;)
Good for your for cleaning and organizing..I am a clean freak...Btw: My birthday is in August too....You must be a Leo, right?
Have a fun time this weekend:)
Kisses, sweetie
you are going to feel amazing once you have organised your room! there is no better feeling ;)
So funny....my daughters room is just like that! At least you know you have to clean it...so that is a good thing..if you didn't care then I would worry. xo
woah, that looks difficult to tackle, but I think you can do it and looking forward to a new condo will be a good motivator!
I feel for you petal and my room is just the same. I'm already having to start sorting all my junk out for when I move over the ocean. I have so so much stuff that I don't even want yet alone use. Always seems easier to hoard it rather then throw it away.
I think a few trips to the charity shop is going to be in order!
Why don't they have new home registries? It would make everyone's lives a whole lot simpler!
my room was like that at one point and i just wanted to choke myself for not cleaning it, but like you said, just never got the chance to do so..but i'm sure once you organize your room, you will feel much better!
I feel you honey! I have so much organizing to do! Thanks so much for the sweet comments on my Marilyn post. Almost done with the semester. I promise to be back soon! Kori xoxo
oh dear! We feel you on the space. The Love and I currently share his childhood bedroom, and childhood closet. We are so cramped for space!
I can't wait to read about your home search! :) We are currently doing ours too!
Moving = clean up your life haha!
Good luck with everything! I hope you find a wonerful place to call your own. It's so nice to come home and do WHATEVER it is you want.
You'll be there soon :) Just takes a little extra effort to stay un-cluttered and organized - a little at a time!
I'm a bit of a hoarder myself... and then every now and then I go on mass give-away & throw-away sprees.
I agree that moving is a fantastic way to de-clutter, as it forces you to reevaluate your attachments to things.
Good luck!
ps: your blog is fabulous!
OY VEY! woman your room is nuts! haha! but i would be lying if i said mine never looked like that before. i think i posted a pic of it before.
good luck cleaning and then eventually finding a new place.
I don't think you can call it hoarding when you just don't have any room. Looking for a condo is a good idea. I think it is time to move and a condo well not tie you down with a lot of outdoor maintenance.
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