Oh shoes....Pretty, GORGEOUS shoes. How I love thee...but in that lies the problem. I'll explain. I have a passion for high-heels, long knee-high boots, stilettos, or basically any type of heeled shoe. BUT for some reason I just can't walk in them. I can last maybe a few hours in them if I'm lucky but I usually wind up switching to my sneakers half way through the night or secretly taking off my high-heels under my desk at work. I know I have high arches & have literally tried on I think at least a thousand pairs in my life but only a handful of them ever fit. Perhaps I missed that strand of DNA.

I don't know what is it with me & heels??? When I was lil I paraded around with in my mom's high-heels & always wanted to grow up & wear them...tho when I do its a losing battle. I can never walk a straight line, actually I can't even in sneakers, I usually sway to the right, & I walk so slow. The ex-New Guy hated when I would switch to sneakers but I'm not changing things for him, it's for me. I even once tried on a pair of red bottom Louboutin's & couldn't walk 2 inches in them without almost falling over. lol.

So what to do? I'm trying to break my "Wearing Sneakers" 24/7 habit & you can only wear so many flat shoes because those adorable heels & wedges are calling to me wayyy too loudly!!!! hehe
I have a pair of Nine West boots that my feet don't hurt in so I've been wearing them all the time to get used to wearing heels. Maybe I have to constantly wear heels so my feet can adapt more? I don't know I'm at a loss, but I'm willing to work at it!!! High-heels somehow make me feel all grown up & I like hearing them on the pavement. I need to get away from the sneakers so I'll take any suggestions ya got!! =)
you are not alone! they're beautiful but not practical :)
I looooooove heels, and have been wearing them since I was in high school. :) I'd suggest finding a pair with a thick, sturdy heel . . . get comfy in those, and then move onto the more daring skinny heel/flimsy bottom (which are much harder to walk in). I know plenty of people who don't like wearing heels, so don't worry either way, but I do believe that if you practice enough, it will get better. :)
I hate to brag but I'm kind of an expert in walking in heels. Hehe. But you know why? Because I was forced to be. I used to wear heels 99 percent of the time to work for four years. I have been forced to run in them, walk miles in them, stand in them for hours at a time, etc. By my second month of reporting, I felt naked without them.
So, my advice: practice. Wear them all the time for a week and you will get used to it. It may hurt, but you get used to it fast.
Good luck!
I love shoes, of course you know that, but I won't wear too high of a heel for the same reason as you. Despite the fact that I'm only five foot tall, I prefer comfort to height, most of the time anyway.
My boyfriend always tells me to not smash up my feet, because every time I wear heels, my feet start to hurt really bad!
My husband always tells me that I'm ruining my feet by wearing heels so much and I'm going to have to get steel rods in my toes when I get older. Hahaha. I don't know about that...but I've been wearing heels so much for so long that I am uncomfortable wearing flats!! Wear them often and you will get used to it girl!! :)
I think it just takes practice! I went through a phase where all I wore was heels and that is when I got used to them. Personally, I never had much trouble but I think it is because I always walked on my toes1
Hey Mel :)
I'm the wrong person to be giving "HIGH HEEL TIPS" Ha In all honesty, (yea I was a PRO) My history of heels have BEEN unnatural and unhealthy since my beginning days of high schools. Wearing heels tooooo long over a period of time will ruin your legs! Seriously! I will say (knowing what I know now) wear them in moderation that includes the height. Go according and practice how you feel that day. They are LOVELY and quite sexy- ENOUGH to knock'em dead but please use wisdom......
Have a groovy day :)
The most comfortable heels I have are from Steve Madden. A chunkier heel is better to walk in - I'm pretty good at walking in heels and stilettos are tough!
Sam Edelman makes a fabulous flat sandal :) There are some awesome gladiator style flats that I get a million compliments on. Those are fun to wear and they are gorgeous!
I would go for a thick heel, walk around the house in them....maybe you could work your way up - get some heels that are 2 inches, and once you get comfy move to 4 :)
I can't give advice as I am hopeless at walking in heels too! But it's interesting to read what others have said xx
I have the same issue girl.
A mate of mine has only ever worn heels on her feet and the doctors reckon she'll need serious surgery by the time she's 30.
I've often wondered what the equivalent is for boys. I think it must just be incredibly violent video games. I love playing them, but I'm just not very good at most of them. I can't afford them, but they comprise about half my belongings!
Same problem here. I like to buy nice heels, look at them, sometimes try them on in my bedroom after a shower and imagine the snazzy outfits I'm gonna put together... then it's time to go to work and I put on my boring black flats. Heels are just a fantasy for me.
high heels and i do not mix well, though i can spot a cute pair from a mile away... such an ironic conflict i live with. XD
My sister has high arches and she almost always wears wedges. There are some cute ones out there :)
That's so funny, I was thinking the same thing this morning. Wearing deep red patent Nine West heels, they are the best for comfort, but I'm so wobbly now. I used to be good in heels, think my knees are out of shape. I LIVE in flips flops though outside of work, trying to get into wedges more. I posted a Metatarsel post last summer about injuries from flips flops though. Miss ya girlie! :)
Can't help you there ;).
Oh, I so totally have the same issue. My feet look so good in so many shoes, especially heals and I LOVE shopping for them, but then I never wear them because my feet are so wimpy. I have the high arches thing too. I suppose the only thing you can do is keep wearing them as much as possible and perhaps your feet will build up an endurance to them.
Or I've seen commercials for those Dr. Scholls insoles for her for heals. Maybe you could try those out...
I love heels! My secret is to wear a low heel almost daily and cover as much ground as possible. Then it's easier to wear taller heels and stand and walk in them. But even if they hurt, I'd still wear heels for the sake that they are pretty...Plus I love the additional height!
Oddly I walk better in heels. There are some heels that don't belong on anyone's feet.
I think you should really practice wearing platform styled shoes...they give you the balance. Stilettos are just not comfortable. Period. The end.
Well, as a man...I can't help you. But I really think all women have the same problem. :P They just don't wanna admit.
Platforms are probably the best and my tip is always have a pair of flats in your bag in case they get painful!!! I waly to anfrom the station and bung my heels on in the office!!!
Hahaha, well not running to get fit, that would be silly - but I mean that I was ABLE to run in them if I had to, lol. Just thought I would clarify.
Oh I LOVE the red under-part (or wahtever it's called) on those shoes!!!
I used to wear shoes ALL the time for work in Los Angeles, but now not so much. I used to run in them!
I can't walk in my heels, I look life a baby giraffe when it's learning to walk!! But I do love my shoes.
I have an award for you over at my blog, if you'd like to stop by and collect it.
oh my gosh, i have so much trouble walking in heels too! but recently i got some wedges and LOVE them because i kind kind of walk in them.
my problem with heels is my height. I feel that I am too tall, so that alway makes me feel self conscious, I wanted to stop wearing shoes all the time so now I am best friends with FLATS!! I love them lol
I sometimes do, like when the warm weather finally arrives and I start wearing cute shoes again (because girl, my winter shoes are not pretty). It's like my feet forget how to walk with them. But practice makes perfect. Put them on some Sat morning and walk around the house with them. You'll do fine!
oh i definitely have the DNA for rockin heels...super SUPER high heels. now are they comfortable? well that's a different issue. lol.
oh and being a klutz doesn't help either.
I am the same way. I love the look of heels but despise wearing them. As a runner, they are never good for my ankles.
That being said - I have mastered the fine art of wearing them. The tip? I walked THREE miles in them in Las Vegas. I agree with everyone else - practice makes perfect! (Although my feet did hurt for a week after!)
My problem with heels is that I have really high arches. Low heels are okay, but the uber sexy ones are NOT possible for me. I'd rather be barefoot anyhow. It's the Kentucky girl in me, I suppose. :P
I was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland at the age of 10. I was taught to walk in high heels with the elegance and grace of an aristocrat. I do not wear "Sneakers", they are not apart of my culture. I wear super sexy heels to dinner only since they can appear somewhat "Vulgar" during the day. And when going to dinner, I never walk. I am either picked up by a gentleman or a driver. For daytime I wear heels but decent enough ones without looking over-done. My advise for you would be to do a Finishing school course.
I can't walk in heels either! I used to be SORT of able to do it, back when I wore them more, but then I started living in ballet pumps and now . . . well, falling flat on my face in the middle of the road because I couldn't walk in my heels last nght just PROVES I can't do it anymore.
Darling, No one can spend hours in heels without crying. No one, not even the skinny minnies. Here's what I do. I clean house in high heels to build up the legs. I find myself surprised when I realize how long I have had them on. I also wear alot of wedges, so much sweeter on the toes. Dr. Scholl's Toe Pads for High Heels, are a wonderful invention. Have you ever noticed that when Oprah walks out she sometimes has on different shoes than when she's sitting. I do this, I keep the high ones under my desk, and slide in and out on occasion when someone enters the office!
Now for the walking, pratice makes perfect. Stand up really straight that helps. Practice in flats, toe first roll to the heel!
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