– Avril Lavigne, “Im with you”
Hi Everyone. I thought it be best to explain what happened on Friday night that had me so done. Actually I’ll let the movie, “500 Days of Summer” explain. My Expectations didn’t match my Reality. Nowhere near it. Now I knew that magically ex-assholes were not going to miss me, that I wouldn’t have a few drinks & not get shit-faced or hungover, & that the night wouldn’t be the best night ever because for starters it was humid & my hair was frizzing. But I just didn’t expect it to be that bad. I had a feeling tho it was going to be one of those nights where I would regret my decisions. I handed the reins to one of my close friends & she took me to hell, figuratively speaking. I did the “Whatever you want to do” routine because she had been sick. I didn’t expect though to be left alone at the end of the night waiting for her to come retrieve me at the bar I escaped to. I thought we’d go grab dinner, head out for a few drinks, & maybe meet some new people whether they be future friends or future other… My friend, she runs with this pack…I don’t. I left because I’m not going to purposely sit and rub vinegar in my eyes. She let me go to the bar down the street & returned to her friends. I hate to say it was the highlight of my night. I went to a quieter bar alone & had a small drink & let out the breath of anxiety & tears that was burning in my throat. Eventually she came and got me & drove me back to her house to get my car. So what now?
What to do now? Never hang with that group again. They are bad people, without a trace of humanity left in them. I think the drugs, their values, & their own lives forced it right out of them. I thought it would be okay, but entering a lion’s den there will always be that possibility of a sudden attack. It’s completely fine too. I’m not a masochist so I don’t purposely put my hand in the flame. I know never to go with them again to a bar or go to their house. My friend tho……she is another matter that I will deal with accordingly, all in due time. I won’t ever let her drive for the night again. I don’t care if that means I’ll have to be the designated driver, if it means I have control over the situation that’s all that matters to me. People really need to think of others…like seriously ASAP.

You are all wondering where the apples & oranges part comes from in this post. It’s the perfect analogy for what I did Saturday night. I had my two best friends asking me to chill & up to this point they really don’t chill together. I’m not sure why they just didn’t mesh after high school but to each their own. The pressure of the two them asking me to chill was too much so I combined them. For some reason my friends are not friends with each other…barely any of them even like each other. It’s odd, so I usually have to pick sides & frankly I was sick of it.
So I called both of them & told them we were all going to chill. It was a total SUCCESS!!! We went to Dave N’ Busters and played games all night. It was nice to just have a girl’s night & not have the drama. The three of us went to high school together so we gossiped about who was now pregnant & who has gotten married & girl stuff. It just worked & it was such a reprieve. It is possible to have a good night out, thankfully. The weekend turned around & wound up being a good one. I’m actually still in a good mood because the night went so awesome. =)
I think I’ve talked your guys’ ears off so I’ll stop now. I got a few interesting posts for this week that I’m looking forward to writing. You gotta pick yourself up & keep going. That is so important. Til Tomorrow...
Hi there, you post really resonated with me, I have been having a tough time of my own for very different reasons. Sometimes good days some times bad. Lately who I class as my bf has been trying to get me together, (cancelling are usual arrangements at the last minuite)with one of her long standing friends that never make the effort to come over and see her. Fine I thought, roll with it. Even though I don't have much in common with this friend who dishes out advice like smarties! Until her friend spent all evening talking about their history as friends before me, that I know nothing about, my friend then asks her is she still on for going out together in front of me as if I'm not there!! This happened twice, frankly I was bored and excluded as well as confused about our friendship.Guess that's life, but I would never exclude a friend in that way and it does sting!Hoping your life is on the up and glad your week ended well with your friends! Sharon x
glad Saturday night was so much better than Friday :)
Sounds like you had a great weekend. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! It made me so happy...How would you feel about following eachother? I just got your button:)
Kisses and have a wonderful Monday:)
I am loving my button here...thanks:)
I just found your blog and you express your thoughts well. Good to hear you enjoyed the girls' night out.
that's good that your sat night turned out to be better than friday night. Your friend doesn't sound like a very considerate person. Yeah having a DD sometimes suck because you have to rely on the other person!
Good to see there was a positive to trump the negative!!
I love Dave and Busters for some reason I love putting those coins in the games just to see how many coins I can get to fall out all to get prizes that are not worth the money I spent on coins!
I definitely think you should hang out with people that care about you! Rude! that she just left you to hang out with other people....I don't understand that.
I hope you hang on to the people in your life that really matter to you and you matter to them.
I've been talking to a new boy - who's absolutely SWEET. I'll keep you updated :) There are so many wonderful people in the world, don't stop looking!
Sorry your Friday night was rough. At least you're being smart and taking control of the situation!
Glad Saturday was a lot better!
awesome post!
I am following you too,my dear!
Yay, get rid of the bad group, that is definitely necessary and for the best. I think your life will be a lot less stressful without them.
As for your fickle friend, well I would slowly remove her from your life, which does sound harsh and clearly I dunno the entire situation, but she sounds like bad news. I guess you could just avoid going out with her.
And I'm glad the other two friends are working out! you deserve some stress free socialization!
I am glad you were able to take Friday night and turn it into something positive. It sounds like you are making the right choice. I have learned that I need to surround myself with more positive people and energy, and it sounds like Saturday did just that for you!
so glad the weekend ended on a high note!
and it is funny....i never think my friends will like each other, but maybe i am wrong? humph. something to consider!
Yay! I'm so glad your weekend turned out for the better! I love Dave & Busters!! Great place for a girls night :)
Sorry to hear about disappointing ex-friends.... I like to go by the saying that "ex-whatevers are ex's for a reason"
Glad to see that it ended on a better note though. :)
It sounds like you are a wise girl...hang in there...you deserve only the best...make sure that is only what you give yourself. xoxo
That's great that your weekend became a great one! Girls nights out really help! :)
So glad your apples and oranges got along! I have the same issue. I've got a lot of drastically different friends, and they often don't mesh. You definitely deserved a relaxing, successful girls' night out. ^_^
I've had friend issues in the past too...I don't run my pack of friends either, so when they all start following a path that I don't want to go down, I just leave.
I'm glad to hear that you aren't afraid to think for yourself!
Glad you figured out that some of your friends are only going to bring you down, I've been going through times like this myself so I understand! Finding positive friends that love you for who you are is key, but often difficult unfortunately. Glad you had a nice time! :)
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