Because I'm get Wayyyyyy tooooo into it!!! Okay let's back track. I have job where I work with 5 men who are Sports crazy. Constantly allll day long!! It drives me nuts! AND when I go deaf from listening to music 8 hours a day, I will send them the bill for hearing aids. If a day goes by where something baseball, football, golf, poker, basketball, or hockey is NOT mentioned then I realize something is wrong. lol. Well they roped me into doing March Madness. NOW I don't watch basketball, but gotta say now I'm hooked.

There is $40 that I could win if Duke University wins it all. I WANT THAT MONEY!! Mama needs a new pair of shoes & a cute purse to match!! hehe. I really don't care about the STATS but for some reason watching the game last night I was totally yelling at the TV...looking through my fingers at the 20 second mark...holding my breath at the Foul Shots...& Rooting for Duke to steal the ball away from Baylor.
Oh No...I'm going to the darkside & they totally have cookies!!!

I used to be able to tolerate Sports in High School. I actually was the Captain of my HIgh school cheerleading squad. Yeahh I don't mention that much but I think it's time to do my "I was a Cheerleader" Post. I always used to throw the discus & the shotput on my high school Track team. See I did like Sports a lil but from the job Constant Jabbering...it just irritated me to No END!!! I guess throw a lil money on anything people will become interested!! =P GO DUKE!!! I could use those $40 for some new things.
I bought a few new things in the past few days that I'd love to show you! Yes Emotional Shopping is my enemy lately but most of everything was On Sale all in regular stores so if you really like the pieces totally pick them up yourself! Stay tuned til tomorrow!! =)
Stay away from the darkside!!!!
i guess you already know that im a fitness freak. i wouldn't had minded taking roids only if it posed no health risks.. the thought of it makes me sad. so i understand why you go nuts about it. expecially the money.. welcome to the darkside.. the force is strong in you.. BUHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....!!!!!!
Hahaha awesome. I hope you win too! :)
I am only aware of college basketball when KU is involved. Normally they win this whole thing every year or something, but this year they really blew it early on. Ah well. Don't tell anyone else in Kansas this, but I kind of think it's nice that another team will take home the big win. Makes it more interesting. :)
I used to love watching the EPL ( English Premier League ) but i stopped watching them for one reason, it's too capitalistic.
Oh that was so funny you getting totally into the game...loved the "and they totally have cookies" :)
I'm with you all the way. Go Duke! Go Coach K! (I am a rabid UK Wildcats fan, but what the hell.)
I have always been a sports fan, but I really don't have a choice anymore. Both my sons play several different sports, and the tv is always tuned to some sporting event at my house. I don't mind. Since my K-State Wildcats are no longer in the running, I'll pull for Duke just for you. :)
Hi...thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I can't wait to read more of yours :)
I got suckered into the march madness brackets as well. My team lost this past weekend so now I can go back to ignoring the sports portion of the news. I didn't actually watch the baseketball games :)
I'm a football fan...specifically a JETS fan so I only care about sports from Sept thru Feb :)
I used to really be a fan of the Orlando Magic and Florida Marlins. I played fast pitched softball in jr and sr high school. Was fun :)
Now I'm not really into sports, but I do like going to Alabama football parties (mainly for the liquor and such lol). :)
P.S. - I tagged you in my photo tag post, I hope you do it! :)
hahaha! I watch hockey sometimes and I got my teams that I cheer for. So I'm somewhat of a sports fan- but if there is money involved I'd be a fanatic!
Hey Mel :)
Ahaaaaa, and this is why I LOVE coming to your blog, always good discussions! Well, I'm not the March Maddness for sport-- but I'm anytime a B-Ball fanatic! Just abruptly I begin to yell at the t.v. when the players look like they're confused as to what the ball's suppose to do within their means. I yell; "SHOUT IT", then everyone goes in silence (as though they've been quiet the whole time too ahaha) and smiles....then all jump in.
But me and HS sports? Nope, too boring, and our team (Falcons) always won too.....they just have ENOUGH drama for me ha (and I HATE drama) but still ha.
Have a fav day :)
Yeh, well sorry to burst your bubble but Michigan State is going to win ;).
Hate basketball, just can't stand this time of year, and the tv domination that ensues. I have heard there are many upsets and great year if your'e a betting fan.
am so totally with you on this!
i'm not really a sports fan, but having gone to a D1 school, i understand the craze!
Haha you're so funny. And I want to hear more about this Cheerleading Captain gig!!
I'm not into sports at all, the only thing I watch is Tennis.
I'm not a very sporty person, but I do love watching it on TV, and get very into it- especially national stuff when Ireland play! xx
My husband is way too into the Yankees!
Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing
I don't wanna talk about it. I'm still bitter over Baylor losing.
...and don't even get me started on Kentucky...
I'm not so much a sport's fan but I love going to see sports sometimes for fun aka hockey and tennis! Well, I have never seen tennis but want to!
yes I am!!! SPORTS ALL THE WAY! LOL ;)
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