And shepherds we shall be... Well Happy St. Patty's Day everyone!! I'm not Irish, but today I still wore a lil green & watched Boondock Saints!. I thought I would take a break from my drama and tell you a lil bit about my heritage today.
My nationalities are 50% Italian, 25% German, & 25% Dommincan; & part Panama-American Indian & a wee bit Scottish. It actually really fascinates me how all those things could come together to form a person. America is definitely a melting pot. My mom is a 100% Italian & my father makes up the later. I'm a total blend of the two of them, which is kinda funny. See...

I wouldn't change a thing about my heritage. You know it's really hard to tell people's nationalities today. My mom is blonde and green eyed yet she's Italian. Who would have thought! So I propose a question to you!
I love interacting with people from all over the world. That's one of the reasons why I kept up blogging. The interactions are priceless.
I once dated a guy who was Greek, Italian, Syrian, & Irish. I can't imagine if we had ever had a kid because the poor lil thing would have had to just point to a map of Europe if someone asked them their heritage. hehe.
Short post today, I know. I'm just tired. I didn't talk much today either, maybe I'm over-tired or just done. Don't worry, I took EVERY one of your comments from my last post to heart. I will be running, far far away from that train wreck of an ex. Thank you everyone.

I keep thinking about that stolen kiss goodnight from that kinda new guy friend I have. It's a refreshing thought in the chaos that is my mind lately. Maybe I'll get to see him this weekend. We have mutual friends so it's possible. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. I don't want to pick out curtains with him, but I sure as hell want another kiss...maybe...who knows...
I love Boondock Saints!!! And I'm not Irish either, fo'getabout it. ^_^
I'm a quarter Norwegian, Cherokee Indian, and German and the rest is Scottish and I don't know what. I'm a mutt.
My Dad's dad was born in Norway, came to America when he was little and married a full blooded Cherokee Indian. My Mom's mom was born in Germany, and came to America when she was little, while my Mom's dad's parents came from Scotland. Does that even make sense? Sheesh. I'm going to bed.
Good night, Mel! *mwah*
I have German in my dna. You may not be able to tell by looking at me, but it is there. I would have never guess that you had all of that going on. It is so great though! Sorry that I have been a little M.I.A. It can get so hard to keep up. I hope that you are doing well and still working on your novel. I have been a bad girl, but I am getting it together. Well, Happy St. Patty's Mel. Let us know if you do indeed go curtain shopping! Oh also, glad to know that I am not the only one with a flip phone! xoxo! :o)
Quite astonishing family tree :D
im all indian. 100 %. well from here an there in india. but all indian :P.. its intersting to expeirience that sorta diversity in your own family. so you speak italian too? so much about the drummer then. i guess i didn't read up you last post. so wouldnt know what happened to your meet up with him.. hope you can steal another kiss.
Ooo intriguing. Have been catching up on past posts....interesting too :o
I love seeing people's baby pictures because i like to see if you can see some similarities in the before's and after's faces. some people you couldn't tell at all that was them at 1/2/3-years old. but i can tell with your picture that that could be you. :) something in the eyes, i think. :)
Thanks for the good wishes! Well I'm just Irish I think, a bit boring :( Although my dad's family may have come from Scotland at some point. Hope you get to see the other guy this weekend! xx
ohh i love that you have such an awesome blend! i'm el salvadorean and mexican :) and boondock saints is my all time FAVORITE movie!!!
ummm .. I have Saudi, Indian, Lebanese blood .. quite funny :)
I too love learning about heritages and different cultures all over the world! ...and here I am in Italy one of your countries! :) You are so right when you say that America is such a melting pot. I am Swedish, Welsh and English...with a TINY bit of Native American. :) I loved this post!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I'm a mixture of most of the European Countries (probably all to be honest) lol
MAINLY though I have German, English, Russian, Cherokee Indian, Dutch, French, Italian, little bit Irish and Scottish too.
I'm Italian, French, and English. I'm pretty sure that's all. I've always adored interacting with people from all different nationalities, as well! As a child, I had pen pals all over the country - come to think of it, I kind of miss them. :/
Hope you're well, my love!! :)
Lovely post, darling! Your heritage is so rich!
I am Welsh, Scottish, Irish, French, English and 1/32 American Indian!
My mom is black...I guess just you regular American black which is a mixture of who knows what and a Ukrainian dad.
How have I managed to never see the movie?
LOVE Boondock Saints!! I'm half Colombian and European :)
I'm pretty much 100% Scottish. 3 of 4 of my grandparents were Catholic and some of them had Irish sounding names, so I'm assuming Irish is in there. And my surname (from the non-Catholic part of the family) is apparently English.
So not all that interesting...
Yaaay for half-Italians! I always knew I liked you :)..
I like the idea of having a 'European' child. As important as one's heritage is, I like the idea of the world's people blending together rather than focusing on differences.
...that's my deep thought for the day, anyway. hahaha.
What a sweetheart! Hope you had a great St. Patty's! xoxo
Love that you're such a mix---I think it's fascinating stuff! I'm mostly Irish and Swedish, but my fiance is a little bit of everything. Our children will be: Irish, Swedish, German, English, Scottish, Filipino, and Native American. I love it!!! XO Katie
P.S. Hope you had a fantastic St. Paddy's!
Mixed race is more fabulous I think!
Your baby pic is so adorable!!
i think it is fabulous idea
French Canadian - both parents are French Canadian and dad was born there. Mom was 1st person in family born in the States.
I love Boondock Saints! A lot of people think it's a guy movie but just about every girl I know digs it.
Hope you're doing well (and that you get another kiss)!
I LOVE Boondock Saints, esp. Sean Patrick Flannery... perfection. My dad's side is British and Dutch, my mom's is Scandinavian, primarily Norweigan aka I have no hope of ever having pigment :(
That is one crazy amount of background all in one person!!
Rianna Bethany xxx
Such a cute picture of you & your parents!
Haha, my family is Chinese but they were all born & raised in the Philippines and speak Filipino. I was born here in NY but sometimes people still can't figure out what I am either lol. I have half Irish cousins, half Australian cousins, etc. We sure got around the world haha.
OH cool post and happy belated St Paddy's.
I am part Scottish and a little bit Finnish from my grandma but mostly boring old English
I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day! I love that photo of you as a baby. You were SO ADORABLE!!
I love your genetic combination. I am a firm believer that mixed race people are the most attractive. :)
I love how you have this post now because I recently learned something super fascinating about my family when I went home for my grandmother's funeral. I am half Indian (my dad came here from India in 1970) and I always thought I was half Swedish (my grandfather came here from Sweden in 1944). But I just learned that my grandmother was NOT Swedish. She was an English baby who was adopted by Swedish parents in Chicago!! She was born in London. My family JUST learned this last weekend!! Everyone was stunned. So I guess I'm half Indian, a quarter Swedish, and a quarter English. Hehe.
I hope you're having an awesome Friday, Mel! And I hope another amazing kiss is on your horizon very, very soon. ;)
Mixed race is always better I'm Sicilian with a bit of French-Canadian mixed in.
There is nothing quite like the excitement of looking forward to a kiss!
I'm half German, and a mix of about 8 other European countries. I honestly don't really even know.
Oooh yay a new guy possibly! Good for you =)
And I'm 100% Chinese as far as I know (adoption, so really it could be different). My mom is 100% Irish and my dad is 100% Russian Jewish, so my siblings are a mix of that. We celebrate most Irish traditions in my house!
it is so interesting to be a part of so many cultures. me, i'm just plain old english!
I hope you get to see the guy this weekend too! I am mainly German, French, English, Swedish, and Scottish. I'm a mut! He he, happy weekend girl!
Well, my dad is all German and my mom is German, French, English, Irish, Welsh, and Pennsylvanian Dutch.
I'm all about being Heinz 57!
oh cool! i totally thought u were all latino. idk why.
50% Italian, 50% Irish. Do not make me mad or give me alcohol. And under NO circumstances make me made while I'm drinking alcohol. I might just end up in jail.
I am a mixture of Indonesian, Portugese, Chinese, French and German.
No kidding.
I'm from England.. My parents are from Pakistan.. and that's it really :( I wish I had a more exciting heritage, but its just boring, run of the mill. The only remotley exciting thing is that I constantly get asked what nationality i am cos I don't LOOK like a South East Asian.. Over the years I've gotten Spanish, Italian, Greek, Arab, Turkish, etc etc.
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