There is a very important part of one of my favorite movies that I would like to share with you tonight to prove a point. The movie is "Bridget Jone's Diary", the scene is when Mark tells Bridget these lovely words. "I like you just as you are." It makes my heart melt every time I see that scene when he repeats it because she can't believe he said that to her. Yes it's a movie but it does happen in real life. There will be someone that will like you just as you are, whether it be just a friend or a significant other, so just BE YOURSELF!! Don't become something your not, & don't forget who you are, & just shine through with the truth.
I think I'm going to hold out on a relationship with any guy I know til one of them tells me a version of "I like you just as you are" because seriously this is all I've been getting....
Guy #2:"Those heels make you look like a witch. Go put your sneakers on if it makes you more comfortable"
Guy #1:"Oh I like you better with your hair down & straight. I dunno I think you look like a librarian with your hair up."
Guy #2:"Ya know. You look like Brittany Murphy with your hair curly. I like it, its cute.
Guy #1:"Your a mess. Oh I can totally see you & your ex driving around in a dishwasher. Two perfect messes."
Guy #2:"Well I'm glad you dumped your ex because he sounds like a tool. Your better without him."
Guy #1:"What are you wearing?? Your shirt is not tight enough. You should wear a skirt. Skirts are hawt. I hate jeans."
Guy #3:"Oh I like your shirt. It makes your boobs look big. What other clothes tho do you have in your car?"
Guy #1:"Oh if you had a tattoo that'd be hot."
The sad part is that those are actually things I've been told by different guys about the same things. I could go nuts trying to be what this guy would want or that guy might want. Now I could have gone in my car and changed into heels, I could have went home & put on a hotter shirt, I could have changed myself to cater to any of these guys but fuck it. If I want to wear heels I will. If I want to wear a certain shirt with jeans...then so be it. Eventually I will find a guy who I can just be myself around...and I can't wait for that day.
This is a short post, but I really wanted to send out a reminder to be yourself in each & everyday. Don't let anyone turn you into something your not & just embrace who you are! =)
Hey Mel :)
I AGREE. Any guy who's not in YOUR best interest, isn't worth the time nor a second look. Have a fab day :)
Do what you want to Melanie, your body, your life. Your decisions!
Look for a guy who'll say... I love you just the way you are. :-)
haha.. loved the lines of guy #1 and #2.. was LMAO.. did they really really say that??
"Wanting to be someone else is the waste of the person you are"
-Kurt Cobain-
awesome! I love blogging cuz I can be myself.
I tell my fiancee that I like her just the way she is all the time.
Good advice. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
How did you come across it btw.
Yup these are all actually things I've been told, which is ridicolous I think.
Great Kurt quote!! really. Great!
Mel, must play Billie Joel's song!
You are always so creative with your words~ no.2 is a good one LOL*
I love this post! "Bridget Jone's Diary" is SUCH a great movie and being yourself is such a great thing to remember! Confidence is sexy, and when you are yourself then you exude confidence! :)
Such a great post! ♥
You make a good point. Don't take that shit from those guys! Or rather, the first one who wants to change you altogether. Sounds like he wants a completely different girl. You're better than him, perfect as you are!
Yes you need someone that appreciates just who you are. I agree. Then again I don't think I would say half of those things either.
If you live your life for other people, chances are you're not giving yourself enough time.
I agree with you....it's definitely worth waiting for. No 'acceptance' is worth compromising your true self and identity...
There's someone out there for everyone :)
Once I got told by a date that He only liked women that wore skirts to sow their legs. Of course that night I was wearing Jeans.
Never went out with him again; then one day I was walking on the street and somebody called out my name, it was this guy and proceeded to tell me that I looked really nice wit a skirt (I was wearing one), after that I thanked him and replied, " yep, same thing that my fiance always says, in fact he decided to enjoy every outfit I wear"
SWEEEET!!!!! ;-)
In other word never pay attention to those demands, the right guy will come who will be with you regardless!!!!
OMG!! This is soooo true! I love that movie it’s one of my favorites!!
I love it soo sooooo much!♥ and yes we have to wait for that perfect guy, most of the guys I talk to have personal opinions of what I should wear do and even the way I should talk!!!! It’s so frustrating…but wait do I tell them something? No I don’t I don’t care what clothes they throw on I just want to feel like they care about me but I guess that doesn’t matter to them right?……..True and amazing post♥
this is funny. I love girls with hair up, sneakers, and jeans.
Awesome post. And you will definitely meet that guy!! xx
My ex hubby tried changing me and that is why he's my ex.
Current hubby loves me as is. It was so important to me that someone love me, AS I AM, I held out. It was worth the weight.
Btw, this statement holds true for friendships. Sometimes, friends try to change you because of their insecurities.
oh yes, i feel exactly the same about that line--i love it!
Amen! I love that line :) That movie always makes me smile.
Definitely do what you want, don't let anyone tell you what to wear!
I love that movie and I love their whole story! So cute!!! :D :D
So I know exactly what you mean...
I gave up trying to impress anyone.
Someone will see me for who I am and love me for all those reasons...
I can't tell you anything more succinct than the last two sentances of your post.
You deserve a guy who's happy when you're feeling comfortable.
I love that movie, Colin Firth is so cute!
Don't let them get to you! You are awesome and beautiful.
Just be yourself and someone will love you exactly for that!
well girlfriend..I definately like YOU just the way you are! You are awesome and guys are just ignoramouses (sp) Ive found one that at least pretends to like me the way I am..and it's good. So..if they don't like ya..screw em I say! :)
First of all I love LOVE Bridget jones diary so I am already on your side. But seriously I totally agree with you, always be yourself.
Ps thanks for commenting on my blog, I am now a follower.
Aww, loved this post and what a great reminder! It is so important to be able to let your guard down and just be you. You are beautiful just as you are!
So true and i feel like ive been trying to be someone else for so long that im just tired of it.
I should remind my wife that every time she gives me a dig if I decide to have a second slice of pizza.
Way to go Mel! Now THAT'S the kinda of attitude we all need to take ... keep up the great attitude girl!
Woohoo Mel! It's hard to live in someone else's shoes and pretend to be someone you're not. I love the attitude and thinking that you had on this post! We love ya just the way your are Mel
Melanie you're beautiful and chic just as you are, I'm glad you realize even if those jackasses don't
good for you lady! i'm so glad that you embrace yourself just the way you are!!! you have to love yourself!! and you have to stay true to yourself! if they don't love you for YOU, then they don't deserve you!!
It's so true what you said, there's no point trying to please everyone else, just be yourself!
Happy easter, darling!
Great post, and I totally agree. Hold out your love for a man who definitely & truly deserves it!
That's such a sweet movie :)
I LOVE BJD!!! That line makes me melt every time, too! Love it!
Sheesh, some guys need to just be banned from women for life!
I love you for this post, Melanie. That has always been one of my favorite scenes from "Bridget Jones." Honestly, I've always found it obnoxious when boys feel the need to critique how girls look - unless it's simply to say that we look beautiful or something. Let them try walking in heels!! :/
Guys can be so insensitive!
Love your reminder, darling. You rock!
Fabulous reminder lady. Someone should love you for the fabulous girl that you are!
lol my guy tells me he likes the way I am... and it's pretty much true. i'm totally a dork and he loves it.
ps. if you have time please check out my blog:
You should tell those guys *they'd* be so much better with foot long dicks.
...See what they say to that.
I love this movie! Makes me happy. There is a Bridget Jones in all of us.
You write amazing, seriously
Great movie and Colin Firth is SO ADORABLE :) XX
I spent YEARS trying to be what my es husband wanted, and it left me depressed and miserable. He still left me in the end. YOu have to jsut be YOU, and the guy you're supposed to be with will love you just like that :) And you'll be happier, too, not trying to fit the "mold" of what others thinkyou should be. <3
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