Seriously when life throws you lemons your kinda forced to make lemonade because there is just too many lemons in the basket. People keep throwing around the phrase, “Oh it’s because the economy is bad” kinda half-assly because they haven’t really been affected that greatly by it. Well in the past 4 years my mom has lost two jobs due to the economy being bad & companies selling their assets & combining offices to save money. It’s completely changed my life more than just deciding not to buy that XBOX or not having a Starbucks every morning. Yesterday was my mom’s last day at her current job. She’s okay with it because she’s going to take the summer to re-group, clean the house, actually relax for a few minutes, but it still sucks.
I really do think that high corporate America people don’t realize what it means to take a job away from someone with a signing of a paper or a snap of their fingers. Maybe because they don’t see the bills come in without a new paycheck, they don’t realize that their employees kids might be in college & now will have to come home(That happened to me), college might be a complete problem for some people, unemployment is actually not your full salary so it might not stretch as far, & when that car needs a new muffler its going to be a bitch to deal with.
I told my mom I wouldn’t leave my current job until she got a job so she wouldn’t have to worry about me. She did get offered a position in Newark, NJ but I don’t think she wants to travel that far so she’s going to hold out for a more local offer. It’s going to be okay because she did get a severance package for her time working at this company but what about all the other people? I guess you can say I’m a little bitter to the owner of her former company who decided to consolidate the 2 New Jersey offices into one that was in southern jersey, but I think we all have every right to be mad. It's way too far for my mother to drive or take the train everyday so she had to decline the offer at the other branch. We’re not toy soldiers that you can play with & then discard when you want a better toy.
It really is true that your life can change in a instance. A few words, one action, a handshake, a kiss, a signing of a document, a look…you name it. It all can change your life in a heartbeat. But we must learn to adapt & roll with the punches. It’s going to be okay it’s just a weird day when you know your not going back to the desk you had for 3 years. My mom is tough cookie so I’m sure she will be fine & get a new job soon it’ll just take a lil time. Time heals, time helps, & time fixes some things. We’ll just have to wait & see…
I'm so sorry to hear that about your mom. I know so many people that are being affected the same way. It's so sad to hear about all of the people losing their jobs and struggling to pay bills and feed their kids while all the politicians have so much money they don't even know what to do with it. It makes me sick and I try hard not to think about it because there isn't a whole lot we can do. I wish you and your family the best though and I will be praying for y'all! :)
AHhh. Just quit my job so I feel your pain ...
I'm so sorry your mother and your entire family has been having such a rough time. Something similar to my friend's dad and I know its been hard for them, but you sound like you're trying to keep your head up. You sound like a great supportive loving daughter, wow Melanie. Your compassion amazes me, you will make an excellent mother one day
First, I just have to say that the last paragraph in this post was written in the most eloquent way imaginable. I could not think of a more perfect way to phrase the current state of the nation.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom losing her job; though I think it's wonderful that she is allowing herself a bit of time this summer to just take a deep breath and see what she wants to do next. She's so lucky to have you! :)
Makes you wonder when or if its ever going to stop. So true that the fat cat execs have no idea, and never have to worry. They should be made to live the lives of those they devastate for a period of time. Then, maybe they would think twice about what they do.
Sounds like your mom has a wonderful outlook on things.
Ohh I am so sorry for your mom,sweetie...I know, its so unfair....Nothing is right about this all...I hope she will be ok and get a new great job soon:) I will keep my fingers crossed:)
I am sorry to hear about the job situation! I hope your mom finds something as soon as possible! I know how hard it is - my hubby lost his job a year ago, and things were definitely tough for awhile. But they will and DO get better:)
I hope your mum finds something soon. :)
I'm so sorry. I know that has to be rough. We have had some serious financial problems, too... I hope your mom finds something more local and that the two of you can help each other and help yourselves stand on your own feet.
I'll pray for you guys. :)
I am very sorry to hear that your mom lost her job. I'm glad she will take time off and regroup. I hope she finds something better.
My friend had to move to the NJ office and she lives in Queens. Its a two hour commute which she did up until she was 9 month pregnant. I think she goes back in July.
I thank God every day that my husband has a job and I have some retirement. There is so much unpleasantness in the world today. I hope your mom can find a job close to home when ever she wants to return to work. Life is hard...so hard.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she finds a great job closer to home. Everything will be okay! :)
I'm really sorry to hear about what is happening to you and your mom but perhaps, in time, it can be seen as a blessing for her. She will have the summer to relax a bit and then will likely find a job that is great for her. Stay strong, these bumps in the road never look so big in the rearview mirror. (((hugs)))
Corporate America truly doesn't understand anything when it comes to their employees. I'm so sorry about your Mom. Things will be difficult for some time, but just like you said, time does heal everything. Hang in there :)
I'm sorry your mom lost her job! I hope that she finds something local sooner than later :) I think one of the most important things in life is your attitude. Whether we lose our jobs, or something happens that's unfavorable- we have to stay up. We have to keep going. I also think everything happens for a reason! Hopefully there are much better things to come :)
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