This week was a blink of the eye. I can't believe we are already in the middle of July. I guess because I'm doing so much & jammng as much as my A.D.H.D. brain can handle I just happen to not look at the clock much. I'm not complaining by any means of the word. The winter was so slow straightening out my life & dwelling on the ridicolousness that is sometimes my life. Now I do feel like I haven't come up for air in days. The whole condo situation is a yo-yo deal. I keep putting myself all the way out for it & then I've forced to retract my claws & then I get another chance to make a bid then, but then...yeah if I don't have gray hair now I will have it after this ordeal.

I did make a bid on the cono. I'm awaiting the next step. I never thought happiness would be such a chore in my life. I can see it & I can smell it & I can almost touch it......

If this condo works out I will have to put myself on a budget. No more shopaholic tendencies. Window shopping will be my best friend. lol. But it's do-able! The trip to Chicago is booked too. I have my writer's group meeting next week on character sketches. I can't wait for that. My birthday is in 3 weeks too so that should be a treat as well. It's moving so fast but I'm holding on for dear life not to fall off.
I'm hanging out with CJ tonight to go to one of his friend's birthday parties. We might also go buy a bag of balloons with the money we got & set them free at the break of dawn til one by one they'll be gone...lol jk. Tomorrow I got a post on a lil project I did for my boss's daughter's softball team. Some tissue paper & ribbon makes all the difference! =)
It's been so hot these past few days so I hope you all get to chill out & keep cool! Have a great weekend I'll be back tomorrow!
Don't forget to find me on Twitter too! I'm not a hardcore twitter person but I do post updates from my blog, articles I find, & youtube videos you just have to see! See you soon!

good luck with the condo, hopefully the weekend will help you sort it all out
good luck on the condo deal! haha lately I'm on a window shopping spree too :D and crazy that you heard of far east movement! I haven't met anyone else who has heard of them other than the people I went to the show with lol
good luck with the condo....budgets are not fun...but worth it : )
arg! im so jealous!
i wanna be able to live on my own already. and buy a house.
this is such a big step for you! but just remember, this just a part of growing up :]
Congrats on the bid! I hope everything works out!
hope everything works out with the condo!! we just redid our budget last night, boooo....lol..Have a fun weekend!
I am so happy you put a bid....How exciting!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed:) Have a wonderful time tonight and enjoy your weekend,sweetie:)
Its very hot here too....uffff
I'm following you on twitter now! And just saw that the condo thing might work out after all! How exciting!
I am sending lots and lots of good luck your way, hon! I hope the condo is YOURS! xoxoxo
I know the condo thing can seem like a stressful thing, but it will be well worth it if you get it, also the budgeting and stuff will pay off. I hope you have a lovely weekend :)!
hey i just read the about section in your blog. and that is basically all i write about. not as much being lost. but creating myself. since finding myself take a bit too much time!
Good luck with the condo, hon! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. x
I recently bought my own condo last year and I had to cut back a bit on the shopping as well, its tough, but it can be done! :)
xo Lynzy
I hope they accept the offer!! How exciting.
Ah Melanie, you have accomplished so much this week. Chicago will be amazing; and I hope that your bid for the condo works out. I hope you and CJ have a fabulous weekend!! :)
I really hope you get better because I really know how you feel! DAMN ANXIETY SUCKS! And just my personal thought- don't buy the condo! I'd wait....ain't a wonderful time at all on putting money on property! But, do what you want to do and you think is right! You'll be fine no matter what anyways!
ow exciting..your very own condo sounds amazing!!
Good luck and keep us posted..
Ps: love the randomness of your blog :)
Meho xx
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