Of course this week went no where how I planned & everything took twice as long as it should. I’ve been running around trying to get my condo contract in order because someone forgot to write that the stove & refrigerator are included, work has been insanely busy with orders, had a writer’s group meeting on character sketches, bought a mattress, & barely got to see CJ for more than about 5 minutes so I’m looking forward to the next few days. Ever get a fortune cookie that is dead on accurate?? I don’t mean the ones that are like “The fight will be won when you embrace the butterfly”, No I mean the ones that say stuff like this…I swear I got this one at dinner last night:

It couldn’t be more right. Tomorrow I’m leaving NY to go to Chicago with CJ! Yup, Ferris Bueller’s Day off here I come!! I’m trying to keep cool, calm, & collective about the plane ride. I don’t like plane rides, but I did get someone to give me Xanax so I’m going to take a half & see how it goes. The flight however is at 6:05 in the morning. *Gulp*. I can’t sleep on planes so it should be interesting. I can’t wait to see a new city though. For some reason I’ve always wanted to go to Chicago, now I’m getting my chance! I’ve never been off of the east coast. It should definitely be an adventure.

One drawback of living with your parents which both CJ & I do is alone time. I don’t mean *Cough Cough* but yeah know just enjoying each other’s company & getting to know the other person better without a parent interrupting or asking us a question. That’s also one thing I’m looking forward to having my own place too & those moments where nothing else matters. We’re still learning & growing I hope & somehow meeting in the middle with things. He calls me “Mel-a-babe”. Lol. Cj is quirky & fun & I don’t want to change a thing about him. We’re going to be spending some time with his family too out there in Chicago so that should be enlightening!
This summer has been such a time of change for me & all for the better. I’ve actually gone to 2 states I’ve never been to, bought my first place, found a boyfriend who treats me better than I could ever hope for, gained some self-confidence & acceptance of my life, & I honestly for the first time in years don’t feel so lost. When I come back from Chicago I might have to change around my “About Me” part of this blog. Also for once I’m not waiting for the ball to the drop. I feel like I’m living…I’m liking it a lot.
I’ll be back on Tuesday with sooo much to talk about! For now here are some upcoming events I will be going to & writing about if you’d care to continue to follow me or join in on the fun!
Muse Concert
Writer’s Group Submissions
Moving in to my first place
Chiller Convention in NJ
My Birthday/ Blog Birthday Giveaway
Finally seeing “Inception”
I’ll be back on Tuesday everyone! I'll remember not to eat pancreas! I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Wish you a wonderful time in Chicago and have a blast!!!
Ufff you really had a busy week:)
I am so happy that everything with the condo is working out:)
Be safe and kisses:)
ps: I hope you had a change to enter my GIVEAWAY!!!
Have fun, Melanie! It sounds ideal. You deserve it. Post pics when you return. Love!
Enjoy the windy city :o)
Have fun and be safe!!! :)
Sometimes my fortunes crack me up! My favorite of all time was "You are working hard. :)" (yes it has a smiley face on the fortune) I still have it on my desk at work after years and it still makes me laugh.
It all sounds great, you sound happy! Have a wonderful time in Chicago!
Sounds wonderful :) It's nice not to be so lost eh?
CJ sounds sooooo great! Live in the moment girl, I know you'll enjoy Chicago :0)!!
woah, I'll be traveling this weekend as will several other bloggers I love! Glad we're all getting out the state.
You really have had a great life transforming summer Melanie! I am so happy for you!
Chicago always reminds me of Ferris Buelluer too haha. Whenever I go to the Institute of Art and see the famous George Seurat painting I think of Cameron just staring at it haha
have FUN!!!!!
I've never been to Chicago, and I really want to some day. Have a fabulous time and take pictures for us!!
ps:I'm grabbing your button too : )
i am going on a weekend adventure too this weekend - washington. oh the cool weather! have fun!
AHHH! I hope you enjoy Chicago!!! I cannot wait to hear what you do and what you think about it! Feel free to shoot me an email or Twitter message if you need anything while you're here!
Awesome fortune! I actually found one in my pocket today that says "All the troubles you have will pass away very quickly" ya..ok haha. Have a fun trip!!!
YAY!! I hope you have lots of fun sweetie, and the Xanax should be just enough to keep you cool and collected, trust me I know lol..Have a blast can't wait to hear all about, or more like "read all about it" lol
Oh, I love Chicago! Enjoy the travel.
Melanie...have a wonderful time! Great seeing you at writer's group the other night.
Best wishes,
Mel, my heart melted with pride and joy for you. You don't know how happy this has made me. There's nothing quite like having thing fall in place.
Have an awesome weekend and birthday etc. etc and I'm so looking forwward to your future posts!
I'm so happy for you Mel! It's so great to see things coming together for you... :) Have a great weekend. :)
Hope you have an amazing weekend in Chicago! I have never been but would like to!
Enjoy yourself =)
The Ferris Buehller ref made me laugh - in college one time we drove to illinois to find that house in the woods :)
Great post, you sound so alive and excited about life, YAY! Really good fortune cookie, enjoy Chicago!!
i hope you have a blast in chicago! and i hope the weather cooperates for you!
like you, i am no fan of flying. gulp. i have to get on a plane this saturday, and a friend gave me some xanas. i hope it works.
have a super weekend!!!
Have fun in Chicago! I saw Inception last week so let me know what you think of it!!
Happy Friday....
I am combining my blogs and would love it if you followed my new one.
I hope you have an amazing time in Chicago!!
I know you will have a blast in Chicago!! Is this the first time you will be meeting any of his family?
I gave you an award today. The way you've turned your life around is truly inspiring!! Come and get it.
wow! your trip sounds like such a good time!!! have fun!
Another great post! Here's an award to add happiness to your site, the Happy 101. http://www.nextdoorcritic.com/2010/07/happy-101-award.html
Sounds like you're having an amazing summer girl! Well done! ;)
Hope you will have had a wonderful time there. Can't wait to hear about it.
I absolutely adore you, Mel.
No matter how shitty my life is right now, this blog post put a smile on my face! You have such excitement and awesomeness in your life right now that you truly deserve. It gives me such hope that things will work out for me too, eventually. :)
I cannot wait to hear about your Chicago trip (and see pics!). I hope the plane rides weren't too scary. And now I am looking forward to hearing about everything else you have coming up! I am living vicariously through you now. Hehe. xoxo!
YAY this all sounds awesome! I have a birthday giveaway too! So many Leos on the blogs!!
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