So there is so much coming up in my life that it’s making my head spin a little. It’s funny how there will be months of nothing & I mean nothing to do for the longest time then bam! All at once tons of stuff. Besides the new condo there is that question people are starting to ask me & I haven’t the slightest clue what to do!
On August 7th I turn 25. I guess the whole buying the condo deal, the ipod, a number of shoes, & my impulsive behavior can be attributed to the quarter life crisis. Well that’s what I’ll tell a therapist one day if & when I go insane from all of this. Lol. But 25? Woa it feels surreal. I feel like I should be older from everything that has gone down in the past 2 or more years. It’s been a really rough ride. I guess Six Flags Great Adventure is out!
I’m lucky that my birthday falls on a Saturday night so that flies the options window right open! The only thing is that A)My friends don’t all mesh together well B)I did just buy the condo & going to Chicago so money is a BIG factor lately C) I don’t have that many friends who I think will come if I had a party due to drama & I lost most of the Mess’s friends in the break-up….it’s also the opening day to the Renaissance Faire so I know people will be all caught up with those goodies…ahh I’m drawing a blank?!?!

One of my friends did Bar Golf where you have a drink at 9 or so bars & who it runs is that how many sips it takes you to finish the drink is how many swings you write down. If you chug it in one full swoop it’s a hole-in-one. This was moderately successful but people got WAYYY too drunk & sloppy so I think this is out.
Last year most people I know we’re busy on the of my birthday & the Mess had me a cake that even know I can’t forget about it. I just had a small gathering of people show up at a local bar & we just chilled. But it was for 24…it seemed to be a transition age for me in more ways than one. 25…hmmm…
CJ said he wants to spend the day with me which makes my heart flutter a lil more so I’m thinking maybe we could go into Manhatten for the day & walk around China Town & maybe get some Dim Sum or go to a Museum or walk around aimlessly? Maybe go up to the horse ranch near me for the day then come back down & do something with my other friends later in the night? I do have a pair of Sex & the City tour tickets I haven’t used yet but I might use that for a nice fall day because it’s been way too hot lately..Or maybe…*Spinning Head*
I got 3 weeks to figure this out! I won’t be in my new place by then so I need some help…Any suggestions??

humm i dunno how i spent my 25th - i'm sure a lot of drinking was involved tho and a not so fun morning afterwards - THEN again i'm SO NOT a birthday person so i could of just chilled with some close friends - this year (30th) i got a surprise party - which i got for my 21st as well .. so i SHOULD have known, but i don't remember things like that .. birthday's go right over my head ..
if u don't wanna go "out" just stay IN @ ur NEW pad and just do whatever make u happy - bake urself some cupcakes, rent a movie, and chill! - no rule you HAVE to go out or have a HUGE celebration - do whatever u feel best! - or have some friends over and have a 'painting party" @ ur new place :o)
Ooh, happy almost birthday! I just did a birthday picnic for my 25th, and it was a blast! Making it a potluck picnic could help make it even more affordable!
All of my friends don't mesh well together either, so I usually celebrate more than once haha. For my last birthday, I decided to have a simple dinner at Garage (in Manhattan) - they played live jazz music, which was nice. There's also a bar inside too.
First, OHMIGOSH I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, Mel - a condo!!!!!
Okay, as for the birthday...I haven't celebrated my 25th yet; therefore, I can't give any examples. However, what about just a small gathering - at a miniature golf place. I know it sounds childish; but it's really the best I could come up with. :P
Can't remember what I did for my 25th ... it was SO long ago! But why don't you go skydiving? What a way to remember and to celebrate a birthday!
I REALLY wanted to be on a game show for my 25th.... but ended up with the kiddo in the hospital because she was allergic to something (still not sure but she now okay).. so I still want to be on a game show lol maybe at 30. 25 is a GREAT YEAR. ENOJOY IT!!!!!
I too am looking for ideas for my 25th birthday in August! It looks as though you have several ideas to pick from.
For my 25th we went away for the weekend. It's a great age. I think whatever you do is fine as long as you're with the right people.
I've also found that, more and more, I appreciate going out one-on-one with my husband in addition to a big friends party. We went out for dinner solo for my bday this past Saturday and I'm celebrating with friends this Saturday coming.
I don't remember my 25 birthday, I don't really remember any of my birthdays I'd like to remember as spectacular.
i had a dinner party with my friends when i turned 25. i think i grew older and wanted to do less "crazy things" but it was a good one nonetheless!
My birthday is in the same month as well! How cool. For my birthday, I'm throwing a Versailles themed party in a park.
I know how you feel; I don't feel my age either. It's just a number, after all.
Most of my recent-ish birthdays have involved me just choosing a bar and telling people to meet me there. Apart from my 30th, I didn't even book space, I just hoped for the best we'd be able to find a table or two.
I think the best birthday I had was 21 :)
But now, instead of organizing and planning - I either spend time with friends - or in your case your special someone CJ! I think it would be so romantic and special to have a low-key birthday.
With money being an option - the whole multiple drinks at a bar on a Saturday night can get expensive. And you want to remember this birthday right?
If I were you I'd do something low key and spend time with who you want to spend time with :) Friends and CJ!
I spent my 25th with my closest friends in Boston. It was super fun but fairly low key. I would just worry about the people who matter most to you and do what you want to do. Congrats again on the condo!!
I turn 25 in November and have no idea what I'm doing to celebrate; however, I did throw my BF a pretty sweet bday in May. We rented out a local cajun restaurant, ate and drank merrily, and then went back to his house for some BBQ and margaritas. All in all it was a delicious day!
i hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Anna Katrina
Ok, I sure as hell cannot remember what I did when I turned 25! I can surely tell you what I did 2 1/2 weeks ago when I turned 38! I went back home to New Orleans! I have no fam there, though so I didn't have to worry about making time to do that whole fam thing! And mind you, I didn't get drunk either! I wanted this one to be a trip where I went back and visited alot of old places I haven't in years and took tons of pics....and also ate like I was starving to death! So, I think you should most def go to New Orleans! Need help about where all to visit I'll send you some links and stuff!
Alternate ideas- Sky Diving or Scuba Diving! I am so serious about these two! Fun, fun, fun!
Thanks for stealing my button!
I'd keep it lowkey, spend with someone you know you like. Hanging out in NYC w/ CJ for the day sounds like a good plan!
I say no matter what you do you have fun and make it memorable :)!! YAY for being 25 my birthday is the 11th of August so am also looking forward to doing something fun!!
lol...when i turned 25 i had 2 kids and was prego with my 3rd, so i just had a low key birthday! i think a chill day in manhatten sounds lovely!! i'm sure you'll do something fun with your man!
I usually don't do anything for my birthdays so sorry can't help you out there -_- but prob a nice dinner with a small group of friends? and condo! nice! lol i went through a midlife crisis shopping spree lately too, now I'm brokeee haha
Hey Mel!
I say #teamSixFlaggs and take your LOVE CJ with you....just have fun! I went to the movies for my 25th birthday (wow @ me actually remembering that small detail of that day) - I'm 28 now, and did nothing, my birthday was this past May :)
I gave you a "Prom Queen" Blog Award. Have a fab day :)
First off, congrats on the condo, that's so exciting!!
Bar golf sounds interesting, but yes, messy too.
For my 25th I went to NYC with a group of friends. Messiness ensued there as well, but it was probably worth it!
Congrats on turning 25 soon!
So you are a Leo too:)I usually have a lovely dinner with Balazs and the whole day we spend work ...nothing:)
Its always so special because on daily basis we are so busy:)
If I think of something cool I will let you know,sweetie:)
ps: I am hosting a great GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!! If you haven't already!!!
Congrats on being 25! <3
I haven't made it there so I really have no idea what I'd do...
Not to mention, I haven't had a proper birthday party in a long time, so...
I don't remember how I spent my 25th birthday. That's been 15 years ago. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time. Happy Early Birthday! I hope you've had a wonderful week. You've definitely had a lot going on recently.
Wishing you an early Happy Birthday!
Best wishes,
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