Now this may not be the most adult thing a soon-to-be 25 year old can do, but to avoid certain things about my ex-boyfriend, the Mess, my Brown-Eyed Mr. Big, I have stopped going on facebook & have gone out of my way to NOT see him or hear from him in my life. I will sign on my aim invisible at first to see if he’s online, I don’t use my facebook, I don’t go to the CVS where he works, I don’t hang out with the group he used to chill with, etc…BUT somehow it finds me. I used to say Ignorance is bliss but actually I don’t think that phrase is right at all. Knowing certain things can actually bring a smile to your face & make you enjoy your life & your decisions even more. I’ll explain.
So my mom’s best friend husband, Peter, knows the Mess from these specialty shows that kinda was a coincidence that they both liked the same thing. Well he saw the Mess last night with his girlfriend. I’ve stopped pretty much all contact with him so I really don’t know much about what’s going on with him. The last day he called me to hang out was Halloween. Yeah pretty damn long ago. Anywho, apparently Peter had to tell my mom something about this jerk of a boy. He said,
Uhh Wow. I came home from my date with CJ last night to that piece of information. I’m shocked but then again I’m not surprised. Old habits die hard with people. The Mess can be a real creep sometimes & if that girl is stupid enough to put up with his rude-ness & abusive nature…then so be it. Not my problem anymore. He made his bed & he can lay in it. I’m too happy to worry about it or waste anymore breath about him.
I would never get back with the Mess or I doubt even talk to him. I’m going to actually sign back onto my facebook & do some deleting of friends & adding more. I have to grow up with certain aspects of drama. I have a grown-up boyfriend, I’m going to be 25 next month & I can’t keep having resentment or avoiding the situations. I have to Let it go… I’m ready...Now more than ever so to move on with my life emotionally & physically & I can’t wait for the next day more & more…

Today is also my parent's anniversary of the day they met. They met at a wedding. My mom caught the bouquet & my dad caught the garter at a wedding. They met and the rest is history. I always thought it was a cute story...
I think of you and let it go." - Nena 99 Luftballoons
They really met at a wedding?? That is such a sweet story...Happy Anniversary to your parents,sweetie! And about the mess....good for you!!! It really is time and I am so happy that you are moving on:) Well done!
Kisses and Happy Thursday...a hot one for sure...uffff
When I turned 25, I had similar "ah ha!" moments. You really grow a lot, and I'm glad to hear you are starting a new chapter in your life. You know what makes you happy, comfortable and sane. So do exactly that.
Good for you. Move on and don't let him invade a single one of your thoughts anymore. You do not ever need to look back now that your future is looking so good!
Doesn't it make you feel good sometimes to hear that people from your past that treated you badly aren't doing well? Ya me too lol. I have a really hard time letting things go too, I dwell on friendships that fell apart and things like that all the time and I drive myself crazy. Facebook deleting is a great first step to moving on!
You know.....I'm a 38 y/o man who's been through alot to include being actually blown up and shot at in Iraq! But, I have an ex that dumped me over a tiny argument the day before our wedding 7 months ago and let me tell you......I have had to call the Cops on her and change my number twice! I wasn't scared of the Iraqis as much as I'm scared of her....it's gone from being sweet to some of the most horrible things I have ever heard from her mouth! So....I feel for you and all women out there! Take care!
BTW- Stealing your button!!!
Melanie, you ARE an amazingly strong woman!! Go you!!!
It's always good when you find something out that makes you realise you are GLAD "the one that got away" is no longer in your life. :)
Ahh! I met my hubby at a wedding too!
Girl, I am SO happy for you. I am also a firm believer in the whole "everything happens for a reason" mantra and I am so glad you don't have to deal with such a jerk in your life! You deserve only the best!
See everything is falling into place and hearing comments like those just helps cement you on the new course, it just takes time. Congratulations.
Good for you! Wash that boy right outta your hair. Clearly you're on to bigger and better things. Oh and the story of how your parents met? Too cute.
xx Katie
I'm glad you finally got the mess out of your life, you always deserved better and CJ seems to finally be the real deal. You clearly didn't need the mess, you got out just in time!
That is such a cute story, about your parents!
Glad that the Mess isn't your Mess to deal with anymore, even though he might pop up now and then. Hopefully he wont' bother you. Best of luck!
Aw, that's such a sweet story of your parents :) And so glad you have a much better bf who treats you right!
Good for you that you've managed to let go of the Mess!
That story of how your parents met is definitely very cute. I love it :)
good for you, my darling, strive for the happiest life possible.
that top pic is quite striking, nice
Congrates on moving on! I'm seriously considering deleting my ex on facebook...
I hope one day I'll fall in life long love at a wedding! <3
and by the sound of things, you're MUCH better off without this guy tbh :/ Also re facebook..why not "hide" him from your news feed thing if you can't delete him for whatever reason? x
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