This just in! I am going to the The Birthday Massacre Concert tonight!! Yup! I got the tickets, CJ is driving, & I’m keeping my fingers crossed that no drama happens. See about 2 weeks ago I got a random text from my ex that my favorite band is playing in NYC tonight…I still don’t know why he would show me any kindness because he literally is a monster, but I let it go, I didn’t contact him & just took the information. I doubt he’ll be there anyway because he usually works on Friday nights. And if he is...Oh well, I’m too excited to see my favorite band anyway to care. But for those of you who don’t know my ex & my current boyfriend have the same name. If he is there it should make for a very interesting & infuriating introduction. I’m really hoping he’s not there tho. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
In a perfect world tho I wouldn’t be sick. I’m not sure if I’m sick with a cold, sinus infection, or just plain allergies. It’s a lil upsetting but I’m going to push forward. CJ is driving so I can bring a jacket so I don’t catch pneumonia or something. Gilda Radner was right. It is always something…

So who are The Birthday Massacre you might ask & why are they my favorite band? They are what is called bubblegum pop goth. I like them more for their lyrics & they put on one hell of a kickass show. AND I was actually in one of their music videos. Their song "Looking Glass". They did a casting call for extras in the NY area & I applied. It was probably one of the coolest days ever because basically I go to chill with the band the whole day & night. They are really nice people & they do it for the music & the fans. They hardly ever tour so I’m really happy to get this opportunity to see them. It’s also a small venue so I might catch their autographs after the show again!! =)

It’s funny how our lives change. The last time I saw them in concert was 2 years ago & I was still following around the Mess like a fool. Now I have someone who actually wants to take me & volunteered to drive me there. It’s incredible. I feel like I have actually moved on. When they say the storm will pass, well it does. It might take months, years, many tissues for tears, strength & power but it is possible to move on with your life & be happy. I saw the sign I guess….
Okay well I’m going to finish up at work so I can get out of here early to get ready for the concert! I also will be in NYC & they have the memorial lights up to remember the attack on the World Trade Centers. I can’t believe that was 9 years ago. Shit. I hope tonight is a good night. I really do. I'll take tons of pics! Wish me luck & Have a great weekend everyone!
Here’s the music video I was in for The Birthday Massacre: I’m in Mask #3:
OHH!! Don't forget to ENTER MY GIVEAWAY!!! End Date is next Wednesday!!
How exciting! Never heard of this band but I'm about to go check out some more songs!
I have never before heard of The Birthday Massacre - or the genre bubblegum pop goth; but you have completely piqued my interest!! :P
ohh ive never heard of them before but the song sounds cool!:)
That looks like it would be a fun time making that video and it explains one of your pictures on your header!
have a great time on the concert. :D
This is a new name for me, but I just watched the video...I loved it. This is definitely my type of band.
I hope you have a great time at the concert tonight!
have a great time! I think you will really enjoy this night, the circumstances are so much better
I've heard of the band, but had never listened to them before. So cool you were in that video!!
How cool is that! I like their music too. Have a great time!
So cool that you were in a music video!! Have fun at the show girly.
I've never heard of them but I'm excited for you! Nothing better than seeing your favorite band live :)
hmm, very interesting band indeed. I hope you have fun.
Have fun at the concert, and I hope you feel better. I once had two boyfriends one after the other with the same name too... it was weird!
I got all excited when I saw the title of this post, Something Corporate are one of my favourite bands.
I will check this band out, the video looked kinda cool.
Have fun at the gig, and if you see your ex, take the high road and just ignore him, he's not worth your time. xx.
oh very exciting, hope you have fun at the concert, and have a great weekend! :)
Have an awesome time!
<3 The Birthday Massacre!
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