Well in life you take the good & you take the bad. I had my gall bladder removed about 2 months ago but I still have some bad days with it all. I wish I could take mylanta or rolaids to ease my tummy & the nausea but nothing today is really working. I've been living on toast all day but it's not helping either. It's okay tho, my stomach somehow resets itself for the morning...Furthermore this is going to be a short post.
They have been playing the movie, "March of the Penguins" like non-stop lately. On the weather channel, discovery channel, and uhh Ion??? I dunno it's another channel on cablevision. Every time it's on I watch it. These lil guys up in the photo are just too CUTE!!! They are soo fluffy!!! It got me thinking about how Awesome it would be to be an Emperor Penquin. I know this is silly but hear me out...
Why I wish I was a penguin:
1.) The bigger a penquin you are the warmer you are.
2.) Baby penguins actually cry real tears.
3.) The male penguin takes care of the egg & the baby at first.
4.) Within a few days the mommy/baby penguin bond is so strong
5.) It's okay to be clumsy. They are very clumsy but no one pokes fun.
6.) You eat fish all day & your completely content with it.
7.) You get to swim all day.
8.) When a male penguin meets a female penguin they mate for life. They somehow find each other & come back. (My favorite reason)
9.) You get to be in a movie where Morgan Freeman narrates what you do. lol.
10.) The male penguin is responsible for keeping the baby penguin warm.
11.) The baby penguins are just too cute. I'd want to play with mine for hours if I was the mommy penguin.
12.) I'd like to also just roll around on my belly on the ice & snow without a care in the world.
13.) Oh yeah & the fluffier the baby ones are the cutier they are!!
From watching this movie I completely understand why Mumble's feet were cold in the "Happy Feet". hehe. I don't know, they just seem to have such simpler lives. Much Much simpler...

I just heard the train whistle from outside my house. I live very close to a train station & I can hear that whistle every hour. I wonder what it would be like to just got on that train & keep going...just keep switching stations til I get somewhere...anywhere far away from here. I wonder if it would hurt me to go or make me smile greatly....hmmmmm...maybe I'll do that one day. Just get a ticket & go. I wonder where I'd end up...I wonder.
I love this post honey! Too cute! I hope you are feeling better soon. Kori xoxo
aw, sweetie I sure do hope ou feel better tommorow I have had to live on toast and rolaids when I had an ulcer and every now and then I still feel shitty. I totally enjoyed all the penguin facts, how cute! I love penguins they are very cute specially the babies ahaha! Oh, and I often wonder what it would be like to flee somewhere new and far! Who knows maybe one day you will ;)........
sweet post... you are cute just like a penguin..
Ah, penguins. They're so adorable. :) Cute post!
I'm sorry you don't feel well, lovey. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!
I often wish I were a golden retriever... dogs always look so damn happy!
xoxo J
Ooo I saw this and they are just amazing, really amazing little guys, love them.
xxx DJ
You haven't been following me long enough to know about my love for penguins. I'm going to come back and copy and paste a poem I wrote about penguins when I was twelve. By the way, please don't get on that train. If you do, make sure you take a lap top for blogging. I would miss you.
I want to swim all day as a penguin too and have a stress free life. When shall we go and visit the penguins? Hope you are having a good night sweetie.
I didn't know anything much about penguins 'til your post! You are so fab!
Cute post! They really are so cute! If I had to be an animal today it would be a butterfly so I could fly away and also because they are beautiful so I would be flying with style and grace. lol. If you do indeed decide to take the train... let me know. I would LOVE to come along!!! Feel better soon girly!!! :o)
Very nice post. Thanks for sharing. And I always love watching Penguins within discovery channel. They are almost human.
Re.: Train
I wish your wish to be true soon.
I'd love to be a penguin too. This is an interesting post about penguins. I love Happy Feet.
Penguins are really cute!! nice post!!
Hope you're feeling better soon Melanie. I love, love that last penguin pic. Very cute and beautiful.
If you do hop on that train make sure it's pointed towards Toronto. Sandy and I will always have a spare room for you if you decide to visit. :)
Awww I love this post. Hehe. That movie (March of the Penguins) is one of my favorites. The babies are so cute and fluffy. Sigh. :) I'm not sure I would want to take the long walk that they did though...eep!
Another thing we have in common: trains. I actually work right next to a railroad track and every time a train goes by, I look out the window and fantasize about hopping the train and seeing where it takes me. I could be a real-life hobo! :P Except I think it sounds more glamorous than it actually is in real life...
I like the penguin idea :) And also...getting out isn't such a bad thing...I just moved away from everything and everyone I knew...but it's nice to hit the refresh button on life sometimes!
hehe cute list, the mating for life is nice
oh how sweet...they actually cry. i know i will end up seeing this film soon. so adorable.
happy holidays!
xox alison
You sound like you are having a bad day, I don't know about being a penguin. I don't like this cold. I'd be the little Hoboken penguin in the Bugs Bunny cartoon. Then again maybe that's what you are. Cheer up! A new year with new things are just around the corner!
I once called my boyfriend penguin belly. The comment didn't go over too well. Perhaps if he'd read this post he wouldn't have gotten so upset.
I love Morgan Freeman's voice and admit to putting on Shawshank Redemption when I can't sleep.
I openly admit, I was very upset when the leopard seal ate the mother, when stupid birds swooped down and took a baby but was totally stumped at how penguins can tell one another apart.
Aw what a cute post.
I feel armed and ready for a penguin trivia contest now. I never knew those things.
Best regards
I'm sorry you're not feeling well:(
I love penguins too. my sister and her husband are obsessed. for Christmas she adopted a family of penguins in antarctica in their daughter's name. sigh...
I didn't really like the movie, only the part where he's still a baby, that's cute. I do agree with you on penguins having a simpler life though, but don't all animals do? I'd rather be a cat... taken care of, but still free to go and do whatever you want!
penguins are so romantic...sounds pretty unlikely but its true huh :)
and peinguins are awesome...hehe specially in the movie Madagascar ;)
penguins rule!
I love this. It makes me wonder what animal I would want to be. It's hard to choose, there are so many amazing ones out there.
but the snowman knows true love will return one day and has the will to wait for it...
Oooh! now your making me want to be a Penguin too, if only to have Morgan Freeman narrate my life.
This is an adorable post.
As far as taking a train and going somewhere, I find that expensive to do here in NY, but I did it over the summer in Europe and it was fun.
feel better soon dear, should go see a doctor,no?!
(O'dear I sound like my mother!!!) I watched animal planets on tv a lot, penguin is one of my fave...such funny & resilient creature!
Melanie, in response to your last comment on my blog...
I people-watch here all the time! Blogs are the best character-studies around, there are many fascinating people on these sites.
If you take a trip up here, we really should try to meet up. As I said earlier if you can swing a visit to Toronto, Sandy and I have a spare guest room we can put you up in for a couple nights. No joke. We were talking about how great it would be to meet you. :)
..Hey, I know. We could meet at the train station and you could call us 'Platform Couple'. Haha!!
I don't think I'd want to be a female penguin. They have to walk for miles in the freezing snow. I hate walking to my mailbox.
i still havent seen this movie, lol. i heard good things about it:) i agree, so nice to have such a simple life. i also love the fact that they mate for life!:D thx for sharing these facts about penguins, melanie:D
That's so cute about the babies crying real tears.
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