Okay so I was sitting at my job today & my mind was wandering & I tried to think back to 1999....& honestly I hit a pretty hard mind block. I have a very vivid memory of omg so many things that I would truthfully be devatasted if I lost them, but for the life of me I can't remember what I did for that New Years or most of that year. I know the New Years included episodes of The Twilight Zone but other than that.......*Insert Cricket Noises*
Luckily Romy & Michelle have video montagues throught out their movie so they can remember everything...especially the magnet incident. I, on the otherhand are not that lucky. I know I was 14 & the COOLEST thing on TV was like Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Roswell. I know I was in 8th grade & was on the Varsity Cheerleading squad, & my Earth Science teacher was an absolute bitch. Other than that...I remember Hurricane Floyd & how I had to abandon my house because my whole street flooded a few feet high...I was obsessed with Sailor Moon too & Tuxedo Mask...but the bigger stuff escapes me.
I probably don't remember because I didn't have a cell-phone like Zack Morris & the internet was still ridicolously newish. Oh, and the word "text" had a whole different meaning to it. lol.

OHHH YES I do remember the whole Duct Tape & Water thing. Remember that????? When the world told us to stock up on Duct Tape & water for Y2K??? I think that's why I found boxes of tape in my attic a few months ago...hmmmm.....
High School memories is like this for me. I remember a few times, then another one will peek through, but overall I think I've forgotten most of it all. However I think that's a good thing. I do remember having the Sixteen Candles dreams tho...they were fun. Althought I'm starting to think my guy is lost somewhere on some train platform caught in a snow storm or his GPS ran out of charge so he can't find me & the cake has long ago melted. lol.

But this is now 2010. What do you do when you waiting for it all?? Waiting for the dreams, waiting for the boy, waiting for the hopes, waiting for the smiles...waiting for your life? You take it all & let it carry you wherever it will take you. Also you sleep & laugh all night at crazy youtube videos. LOL! I'm exhausted. Shorter work weeks always mean more work than ever. I'm going to go tomorrow to buy a piece of flare of New Years. Maybe a feathered handband, or a new dress, or just something to spice it up. lol. I'm soo happy I don't have to do the whole water & duct tape thing for this decade turning New years. hehe =P
Sleep well everyone...1 more day of 2009. I hope the door hits it hard on the way out.
I love Romy and Michelle, I haven't seen that movie in forever!
1 more day!! :) Hope the new year is so much better :)
Love your awesome memory Melanie... swear, I have the worst. Sending wishes for a wonderful 2010 to you and yours.♥
haha i remember the duck tape & water thing. i also remember them saying every computer will crash once it hit 2000. lmao
"Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" . . . so weird, I was talking to people online about that film last night and how I was going to have to drag out the dvd and watch it. I think I'll do it now.
It would be absolutely AMAZING if we had video montages of salient points in our life that we could refer to. In a way, I now see my blog as the equivalent of a "video montage" as it reminds me of important things that have happened, but I've only been blogging for 2 years. So I guess the only other thing I can rely on, apart from my fuzzy memories, is the diaries I've kept sporadically over the years.
But man, I would love to rewind my life to certain points and relive it. . .
Oh lordy, YOUR memories brought back a lot of MINE. LOL!! Sailor Moon...oh god.
Didn't life seem much more simple back then? It seemed like the future would just fall into place. We would go to college, fall in love, get married, have children, have a fabulous career, live in a nice house. I never dreamed there would be that waiting period in my 20s where I would sort of just be waiting for everything to fall into place. I think you know exactly what I mean...? And it's kind of scary because life hasn't exactly turned out like I planned at this age. Yikes.
We are so similar, I have a good feeling (and I totally hope I am right, lol) that you and I are going to have the best 2010 EVER!! At least that is what I am going to keep thinking. :) We both deserve it (especially YOU).
And I know I've said this a million times but I really wish we lived in the same city. I can't even imagine what kind of awesome adventures we would get into! Lol. :)
Happy New Years, Melanie!! xoxo!!
waiting for my life to be less annoying on a daily basis is my current MO ugg haha
I hope the door hits it hard on the way out too...see ya later 2009!!! Have a safe and happy new years...who knows, maybe you'll have someone to kiss tonight :)
I remember having water, extra food, and batteries downstairs what a waste. Or wait did we end up using them during the blackout a few summers later?
BTVS still rocks got it all on DVD. I don't usually remember much till someone starts stirring things up-- thanks. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! You'll have to post a picture of what you buy today. God Bless!
I've only just found your blog, but I am smitten - tres fabulous!!
For me...I am waiting for the boy of my dreams, and for my life to truly begin in 2010. I will be moving across the country in February with a friend - I feel that everything will be unknown, unfamiliar, and truly amazing! I can't wait!!
Happy, Happy New Year my love!! :)
happy new year! and i encourage you to get that one piece of flare, or more!!!
may 2010 be 14 scrillion times better than 2009! :)
Hehe - some of my frinds and colleagues tease me, when I compare situations to a scene in movies, tv-series etc... So I had to show them this blog :o) 1999...??!! Oh God - ditching one boyfriend 'cause he "forgot" to tell me that he was transferring to a university abroad until 2 days before he started packing... then falling in love with a guy, who I later predicted would marry his mountainbike, if he was allowed to do so....
Happy NewYear
Great post. Unfortunately, I remember what I did in high school because I kept a journal and recently come upon it and others and am struggling with the decision of reading them or not.
About dreams...chase down the good ones and go out of your comfort zone.
::Smiles:: @ High school memories...I have so many, purely humorous and unforgetable. Happy New Year :)
Happy New Year Melanie! I'm looking forward to lots of great reading in 2010
Believe it or not, I understand about waiting for life to happen. Even in my late 30's, I felt like I was waiting. B and I lived with my parents (along with my 50+ year old brother), then dad died, mom ended up in a nursing home, brother moved out, we finally bought the house (YAY), mom died. I feel like life has really finally taken off only in the past 15 months or so. So it happens to the best of us luv.
btw - LOVE your post ... I was busy helping my boss to prep for Y2K. I worked in commercial property management. What a joke that was....
Here's to an awesome 2010 ... I just know it's gonna be an awesome year!
just one piece of flare? :P
happy new year love!
Happy New Year!!!!
I love this post, and Happy New Year!!! xo
Ah I was seven when 1999 came to a close! I remember Boy Meets World was nearing its end and to me that was the coolest show ever ha. Hm... Oh geez, I was probably still playing with Barbies, swimming, and thinking Santa Clause was still real (whoa). Speaking of Buffy, I watched the Pilot the other day. Love love loved it. I can see why it was so amazing. I love that she was like an Elle Woods of the vampire world.
Happy New Year!
Melanie, happy new year sweetie. Here's hoping for the best for 2010. I will be with you as you take this journey. You know I've been silently wishing you the best from the sidelines all the time. xoxo
I never thought that I don't really remember any new years celebration either... how odd. You'd think it'd be a memorable moment for all of us? Thanks for the reminder! My two cents for you are stop waiting for the boy and the hopes and the dreams... you might as well just be happy and live the hopes and the life. Today is all we have and you don't want to spend it just waiting. xoxo
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