I did go to the dentist & are feeling a little better. My tooth is just a dull pain. In life, trust me, never say, "WHAT CAN HAPPEN NEXT???". It can bite you where you totally don't want it.

Woa. This is awesome. So I'm usually chained to my desk in my small bedroom when I write, but thanks to an absolutely beatiful creature called a wireless rooter I'm actually on the couch in my living room. It's funny how little things make me happy. Now I can't fathom not having one. In addition to my math degree I also have an associates degree in Engineering Science. I love science & how things work. But ironically I don't have many technologically advanced things. I just don't follow technology as much as I should. I need to get up on that. I don't mean having like Richie Rich or Donald Trump gadgets, but things that make life easier. Like getting a cell-phone with a keyboard. That's priority on my list. I also need to get a laptop pillow because geez this thing is heavy and hot on your legs. I'll take being wireless tho, hands down.

In my desk freedom I'm sitting here watching "Julie & Julia". I love this movie because it clued me in on blogging. This movie came out on my 24th birthday, Aug. 7th, & I went to see it with my mom. I absolutely adored it. I love how Julie is so normal & Julia Child is hilarious. It wasn't easy for any of them, but in that I found it really inspiring. I even have a customer service job where people yell at me when they get the wrong product. lol. Thank you Julie Powell & Julia Child. They also have inspired me to go to those Williams Sonoma demos I go to on Sundays. One day I will have an apartment & will have a boyfriend & I want to cook for him & people. A friend of mine's cousin now has a boyfriend and they stayed in and cooked each other dinner. That sounded so cute to me. I want to do that one day.
It's cold out today. Really freaking cold. It makes all your muscles hurt. But it's alright, I just need to not be crabby about it. That's easier said than done. My mom & dad & I haven't put up a Christmas tree yet. We have honestly about 8 up in the attic. No joke. We have ALOT Of trees but finding them will be tricky & none of us feel good. I think tomorrow I'm going to add a #9. I'm going to buy a small fake tree to put on the coffee table because I want a Christmas tree this year. My mom will probably be mad that I bought Yet another one when we have alot of them but we need some Christmas spirit.
Alright. Off to the mall I think. I gotta get a few more little things... I hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit & having a great weekend.
Ah me and routers especially wireless ones have a huge love hate relationship, as I do with most technology to be honest! Have a lovely weekend and thank you for all your sweet messages on my blog :D x
You definitely need a keyboard on your phone and a wireless router and a George Foreman grill too! Oh and a boyfriend or I need a girlfriend is there just way to much suggestive wording in this post or is it just me imagining you chained to the desk and cooking for someone.
And as artificial trees tend to last for ten or more years I'd be a bit upset too.
LOL!! Oh I need a boyfriend definitely. lol. heh. I would enjoy cooking for someone totally. I'll get there.
Yeah my mom will be pissed but it'll make us find the other trees maybe & have a garage sale. =P
Loved this post, it was very cute. Yeah, maybe that's not what you were expecting to hear but it is. Cute, cute, cute gosh-darn it!
Your writing always puts a smile on my face so I s'pose it's all good right?
Hope you have an amazing weekend, Miss Melanie!
Oh, and I look forward to the day I hear you have a boyfriend. Enjoy your independence in the meantime but he'll be one lucky guy, that's for sure!
I really want to watch that movie. Meryl Streep is one of my favorites!
I like putting up Christmas trees. It does not feel like Christmas until the tree is up :)
Buenos deseos,
Hi Melanie! Glad you got a router...that's one thing that is so essential in my life and my boys' lives as well. Without a router, I know our relationship will not be as good as we have now. Hahaha!
It's good to have a break... you know what I do when I need a break... I play online scrabble. Hahaha! Such a geek, I know.
Have a good Sunday! And get your tree girl.
Hi Congrats! You won my giveaway =) Just e-mail your mailing address at youroxgirl@gmail.com
I could not live without a router. And yes, I agree it really is hot on your legs. I have not seen that movie yet, heard good things about it though!
Melanie, I love the wireless router too. What a relief to sit in a comfortable position when on the computer. A great weekend to you!
I love J&J, it inspired me to finally cook!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend too! I really want to watch that film, it looks so cute and good for you for keeping up with the technology. I need to be a bit better with that.
I really wanna see Julie and Julia. I just wanted to say hello this Sunday afternoon. I hope you've had a great weekend. Take care. Enjoy the week ahead. Cheers!
Yay for wireless! :) Oh, and I love that movie. I saw it at the dollar theater a few weeks ago. It's funny, neither one of my parents know about my blog (it's my own personal cocoon away from my family, lol) so after the movie they were both like "Jennifer, you should start a blog!" and I was like "oh, um, yes...perhaps." Hahaha.
I think it is SO cool that movie inspired you to start this blog. I'm really glad it did because you are a wonderful writer and every time I read this blog, I feel less alone because we go through such similar things in life. :)
I need to decorate my place for Christmas soon. I always put it off. Have fun at the mall!
Three cheers for wireless. It's the best! And kudos for taking cooking classes. I probably should do that... lol
J&J was seriously inspirational. I loooooooooove that movie!
i haven't seen the movie but loved the book!! have you read it?she's just hilarious!
oh wireless...i heart thou!...if only i could have a connection at home before...JANUARY!!
I'm not sure if I have commented here, before- but we have the same birthday!! And I absolutely love all of your movie references! Such a great blog!
Ah... the capacity to bounce off of a wireless signal. My wireless router allows me to multi task like I never had before, ie; (sitting in my easy chair.. blogging.. drinking some coffee.. catching up on Tivo'd shows.. all while downloading music) LOL!
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