When I was a kid I used to be addicted to Nick @ Nite. Ya know when Nickelodeon showed the old shows from the 50's, 60's, and 70's after like 10 o'clock at night. One show I used to watch that popped into my head today was "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" staring of course Mary Tyler Moore. As I was editing my resume tonight, I started thinking of ladies that are inspiring and she popped into my head.
I would love to live her TV show. That might sound weird but hear me out. She has a big studio apartment, her best friend Rhoda lived upstairs from her, she had a job where they respected her, and her outfits were inpeccable. Well first and foremost in the show she had a strong position at the news station and her co-workers respected her. I want that. So I've gone to the resume classes, my christmas bonus is hopefully coming, therefore I'm left with to go find another job for the new year.
I'm going to try to work on things that I can personally control for a while. I can't control someone else or the weather but I can help lil things. So I sat down from 8pm tonight to 11pm and re-did my resume. Procrasination is the lil devil on my shoulder. I put my edited resume on Monster.com & Career Builder. Now I gotta just wait and see. But I DID IT!!! I did something new to start a change instead of just rant.
But I gotta ask. Is anyone else overwhelmed by these online job sites??
There are soo many jobs but it's hard to know EXACTLY what to put in the search engine keywords. There is also soo many qualifications that I fear I just don't have enough creditenials with my degrees. Why couldn't I be a dentist? All you put in the search engine is dentist...and there ya go. lol. If I wanted to be a math teacher, I'd just type that in too. Engineering is a such a wide field it's hard to narrow job titles down to specifics. I guess I gotta do some major searching with alot of different keywords. I'll try craigslist too.
I wish there was a class in college called "How to get a job" that really worked.

A lil while back I picked up this book at a thrift store. I gotta tell you it's old. Very old. It's from 1979. I'm sorry antique I'm not going to wear shoulder pads unless I'm driving a delorean. But businesses and the professional world is still the same with their attitudes. I'm going to flip through it and see what it can help me out with office ettiqute. Every little bit helps. It's funny tho...there are NO PICTURES in the book so im curious as to what they are going to tell me in writing about dressing professional.
But I am happy I did the resume. I'd been putting off too long. Is there anything special anyone of you know that you did to get your job? Internships? Projects? Mutual friends? People ya know?
Thank you in advance =).
btw...how did I get 98 followers? I'm flabbergasted. Thank you. It's making me smile so much. I will being doing a Holiday/100 followers giveaway soon...hopefully. Have a good night everyone. I have a cold from walking in the rain. yeah...me + weather don't mesh. But sleep will help. I wonder how much sleep Mary Tyler Moore got? *Wondering*. Title of this post is from the Fastball song, "The Way".
Oh that is so great that you put your resume out there. Good on you.
I was reading your previous posts and just loved the cute lil' pic of you writing. Your writing looks good too :)
Have a great day,
First of all, make it 99 followers! Yay! And I posted my resume on Career Builder and Monster, and guess what job opportunities keep coming up ...Chic Filet, Kohls, Turtle Wax, etc. I'm an accountant by trade and have the education to back it up, and these are the jobs they match me with? Go figure. I hope you have better luck with the websites than I did. I love Craigslist. I actually built up a little bookkeeping business of my own from companies searching for help on that site. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.
That's great Melanie... you've done the first step. Try yahoo hotjobs.com and yes, craigslist too.
Congrats on the 98 followers, before you know it you'll have more than a hundred already.
i guess i have been walking into many blogs where people are talking about putting their papers or looking for new jobs. and that too especially this year. when the market is messed up. i am looking for work right now. and it hasn't been going well, so when i find one, id let ya know. i know what you mean, searching online for a job has been kinda tough, and im only still sorting it out. yesterday i was changing settings on my job hunt email addresses. labels for 'shortlist' and auto forwards for key words like walk ins. life couldn't get any more depressive than this already. but then. its not like that i have a choice on the matter. i guess my routine and writing has kept my sanity in check. all the best.
Those job sites gain a lot of our personal info, put our resumes on the internet, and sometimes backfire when an online resume points us to a specific expertise and we want a different type of job, so proceed cautiously.
A friend of mine I worked with got a job at a great hospital and said he would let us know when there were any openings. He stayed true to his word and when there was an opening, I went in for an interview and got the job. I've had better lucky knowing people at a job and getting it than blindly applying.
Good luck with the job hunt and congrats for getting the resume up. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. (Oh and you got 98 followers because you are awesome)
Kate xx
I used to love that show too! I miss Nick @ Nite when it used to play really old shows like that one and Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley. I'm a little freaked out to know they are playing stuff like Fresh Prince of Bel-Air now. But I guess that is to today's kids what those shows were to us...yikes. Feel old now, Melanie? I do! LOL!! ;)
Good luck with the job search. You have a great degree, an sweet personality, and such an amazing grasp of common sense. I have a feeling you're going to find an awesome job.
I got my job by luck. When I was in college, I interned at my newspaper. They liked me so much that when I graduated they offered me a job. It was kind of just handed over to me. So if there ever is a time where I have to (heaven forbid) search for another job or prepare for a job interview, I'm going to be even more clueless than you. Oh gosh, I get all nervous just thinking about it. I'll probably be coming to YOU for advice!!
congrats on taking the first big step!
you're right, college really needs a class on hiring and/or what a bank account actually entails haha
I'm still a broke college student so sadly cannot help
Well hi! I think it's great that you're taking steps toward finding another job. And it's true...for every action there's a reaction. But only you are in control of putting yourself out there. Otherwise no one knows!
Fresh out of college I wanted to try my hand at sales. I went to a 100% commission based job, interviewed, and tried it out for a month. During that month I went to Houston to visit my boyfriend who had an internship at a financial advising firm. I had lunch with his boss and his dad and him one day I was visiting. I had to take a conference call mid lunch- but when I came back we took a tour of the office and just bull-shitted basically. The next day my (now ex) boyfriend said - Just to let you know he (the boss) is personally interested in hiring you.
That's where I got my start. He followed his instincts and thought I'd be a good fit for the office :)
Sometimes opportunities come up you're not even looking for. I graduated with a biochemistry degree and now I'm learning about annuities, mutual funds, 401k's, 529's and so forth.
Everything happens for a reason, GOOD LUCK!
I got a great job after a year of looking! Man was I freaking out. People kept saying, "Something will turn up." And I'd get mad. Well, something did turn up. I had to be willing to move to a different state but it was worth it. Besides, change can be very healthy. Good luck!
I loved Mary Tyler Moore show. She was not only the things you mentioned above, but also a girly's girl.
How did I get my jobs...except for my first one, they've all been through word of mouth. However, I haven't reached out to anyone since my last lay off and I think it's because I need to figure out what I really want to do. I was always referred into a company and sometimes, I changed careers with that referral. Haven't been happy and need to find me.
A dress for success book with no pictures. Hmmm.. My only advice is to be you, be natural and positive. Remember, you're interviewing them as well. If the fit isn't there, you'll be unhappy at the place.
"I'm not going to wear shoulder pads unless I'm driving a delorean"
HAHA! Love it. And good to know I'm not the only one who misses Nick at Nite. Those were the days...
I'm self-employed so I don't know if I can help much as far as advice. But I did work for seven years before that... The first few jobs I had, definitely it was helpful to know someone who knows someone. In my case, it was actually my parents. My dad got me a few jobs for his customers... my mom helped me get a job at the HMO she worked at... After that, I found that a good resume was honestly a great key. I think my resumes, and how I dressed at interviews, were two big helps. Those things seemed to make impressions that I could never make with just job performance or an interview. :)
When I was a kid we watched those shows on TV, we didn't have Nick at Nite ;). I hate those sights also. I suggest narrowing it down by location also. I found that the best site for jobs was my state unemployment site it was easier to go through and had a lot of high paying job. Try yours.
Yay on lots of followers and really for jobs just start networking. In this economy is it better to become friends with someone that you know works where you see yourself working, start submitting your resume, make sure you have the qualifications, and I am sure everything will work out. Good luck sweetie!
Good luck! And true about Nick@Nite. Good times!
Job search engines are crazy overwhelming, but they do work sometimes! And I'm STILL addicted to Nick at Nite!
it sounds really cheesy, but networking might help you land a job. tell all friends and family that you are on the search, and tell them what kind of job you are interested in finding. someone might be able to help and get you leads or an interview.
if there are specific places you would like to work, keep tabs on them and see if they ever have anything open that might be right for you.
i hope a fab new job lands in your lap...SOON! :)
"...I'm not going to wear shoulder pads unless I'm driving a delorean." LOL.
Well, I think you're just going to have to post it everywhere. I think you're doing it right. Personal connections are best, I usually ask around and find someone who knows someone who knows someone, that are looking for people.
Nick at Nite... le best. They need to bring that back.
Awesome post (from your 100th follower)!
I used to love the MTM show...that would be a pretty good life!
I've never had much luck from the online job sites. Not sure if this is specific to my financial background, but it seems like so many of the postings are just outside recruiters posing as legitimate job postings. It should be a good tool, but sadly, I've had more luck looking on my own. I hope you have the best of luck though!
Job searching can be so hard but you just have to keep at it!! Something will turn up! Im a big fan of networking...word of mouth and referrals work wonders!
Love Nick at Night! Good luck on the job searching. My husband is thinking about looking for a different job and the thought is sort of daunting. It will be well worth it in the end!
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