This is a small post because I'm ever so tired. I normally don't do product reviews but I had to mention how awesome this shampoo & Conditioner brand is. Ever hear of the brand "Aussie"? It's the hair product in the purple bottle with the kangaroos. There are even cute lil commercials with a big purple kangaroo. hehe. My title is their slogan. I bought these products myself with a coupon. And just thought I'd share the info with you.
I just wanted to say that Omg my hair feels so nice. I have naturally EXTREMELY curly hair & it's about half way down my back now. I dunno I always seem to have longer hair in the winter. I guess I'm a secret water buffalo that is growing an extra mane. I think?? With long hair comes alot of hassles. I think that's why I wear it up so much. But from the gel, the mousse, straigthening with the flat iron, & all the other goop I put in it, it sometimes screams for nourishment. It'll sometimes feel like straw. I'm not ashamed to admit that. With the weather & my health, my hair takes a beating. But it feels soo smooth right now in the curls that I gotta recommend these products.
Aussie Smooth Shampoo & Aussie Smooth Conditioner

Your hair feels so nice & clean. It doesn't have to be just for girls it can be used by men too. I love when a guy has soft hair. Yeah they can put all that gel in it to spike it up but if it's really smooth & nicely cut without the gel it does look incredible.
These Aussie hair products also have all different types too for different hair types. You can probably find them in the super market or a CVS or a Walgreens. With one washing you'll HONESTLY really feel a difference in your hair. =)
Anyone ever try any Aussie Hair products?? I'm hooked. =)

I'm incredibly tired because I went to see "The Blind Side" with my friend Erin & her sister. It's an extremely good movie. It's so moving. YOU DON'T NEED TO LIKE FOOTBALL to see this. It's a movie for everyone regardless of if your sports fan or not. Sandra Bullock is just great. It's very different from her "Miss Congenality" days but it shows how far her career has come. The gentleman that plays Michael Oher the main character played the role great. It's fun movie that makes you root for the team as well as enjoy yourself.
It's hard going from a week of 3 days to a full week. I'm extra tired. The coffee in the morning just isn't cutting it anymore. My un-made bed is calling to me, I must answer and sleep. Til Tomorrow...
P.S. Thank you for all the comments today on my last post. You guys are just the push I needed to be motivated to go to this thing & try to hold my head high. It's hard, it truly is. I can do this. I can move on. I have to move on. Thank you. =)
how funny, I was just going to recommend the best shampoo and conditioner I had ever tried, I am working on a blog of it, the Aveeno ones and the V.S. are AMAZING!! but now I want to try these :)..Plus I imagine they are much cheaper!
Hi Melanie! I haven't tried that product yet but it surely is worth a try. I can go out with an unmade face but not with an unruly hair.
cool blog Melanie! That shampoo sounds good!
Hey Melanie,
Great to hear you found the hair products that work for you. I struggle too because my hair is neither straight nor curly. I can get it straight between products and blowing it out. I've got an amazing hair stylist who takes the time to explain how to care for my hair. It's far longer than it's every been. And I'll have a surprise in my Sunday post ...
Re: your P.S. - yes, you can do what you need to do. You are strong ... you are woman! LOL
Hope you had a good sleep.
The hair looks good. Glad you are going to the party you will be great!
Hey Melanie. If I had hair I'd probably try this stuff!
The movie sounds great, we haven't seen a new one for a while so we'll have to put it on our to-see list (when we actually make one).
I'll be thinking of you during this party. I can almost guarantee that the anxiety you feel leading up to it will be much worse than being there.
I know you'll be fine sweetie. Just dress your best, hold your head high and show him all the reasons why this is his loss. You have everything going for you and you're a truly beautiful person.
I love trying out new hair products! I have at least 648923696 at home. I have seen it, but I can't wait to see The Blind Side. The trailers are amazing.
PS - I have a great giveaway on my blog. Don't forget to sign up! :)
Thanks for the product review! I have used Aussie stuff...the hairspray works well too! I am a big fan of their products. Also herbal essences makes a great repair conditioner...also (more expensive) is Bliss conditioner- it works to restore and detangle :) (Sephora)
Oooh I am always on the lookout for new hair products. I have not been fortunate to find something magical that works well for me. Sigh. I will definitely try out Aussie though!
I love The Blind Side! I saw it on Thanksgiving. Sandra was amazing in it. I totally agree!
I might see that movie, Thanks Melanie!
i used to use aussie when i was younger, but i really haven't bought it in a while. i've always heard your supposed to change shampoo and conditioner every few weeks so next time i'll give that a try... it always makes me wanna quote the commercial "it's the aussie philosophy".
i wanna see the Blind Side too! I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it from both men and women. what a rarity...both genders liking the same film!!
My daughter loves that Aussie stuff. I've never tried it, but maybe I will.
i love your blog! i think we should be friends. you feel the way i do about most things!!! and i am dying to see that movie. p.s. I USE THAT SHAMPOO :)
i heard that movie was good!
Hope you get some good zzz's in sweetie and I have heard so much about that film, sounds great! Glad the hair product helps your hair, I have tried it too and also like it. Happy weekend!
I haven't used Aussie in years. I need to try it out again! I remember loving the smell of their products. : )
Aussie can be very good! I'm going to see The Blind Side sometime this weekend and I can't wait, I heard it was awesome.
I heard that movie was pretty good, I might have to see it!
I can't wait to see that movie! I saw New Moon last night and wasn't overly impressed. Oh well. Thanks for the sweet comments on my Grinch post honey. I was scared to death of the grinch as a child and it was probably because of Boris' voice. Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Kori xoxo
I totally agree about the shampoo :) :) i love it but only have used it a couple of times!
Hey there. How are you today? Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. I did have a great birthday. I hope you've been enjoying the weekend. Take care. Have a great week ahead. Cheers!
You know I think I have tried every single hair product out there, but I have never tried Aussie. Good to know, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for entering the giveaway. If you leave a comment on my Penelope Cruz post, you'll gain a second entry in the giveaway. Thought you might like that. Good luck.
I loved the Blindside...
Hey, I noticed your favorite painting and remember a recent post where you have to write things out....well, I own really cool, hard covered journals with that painting on the front & back covers (http://astore.amazon.com/notebookstories-20/detail/1571330046) and thought you'd probably like one to write in.
OMG that stuff smells so good!!!!
first time on your blog..
following you :)
hope u will follow me
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