It's amazing how change can bring about realizations of things you never noticed before even if its a small thing like a hand in a fist in a picture. Every time I used to take a picture with the Mess, my brown-eyed Mr. Big, he would put his arm on me but his hand with be in a fist on my shoulder. But for girls he met a moment before to pose for a halloween photo he would splay his open hand on theirs. A lack of consistency in moods or touches or names. One day he'd be all over me calling me baby and then the next day he'd be high-fiving me and calling me dude. He once cringed after I kissed him off guard. He never would go near me when I was near any of his friends...I was his dirty lil secret basically like that All-American Rejects song. But with CJ, I feel like I'm his.
He calmed down with the "Potential Talk" of marriage so this weekend we just enjoyed each other's company. He brought me to his friends house, introduced me to his friends, we chilled with his mom, made popcorn and watched a movie, and then just stayed there in his living room just enjoying one another's company. I'm starting to like him very much. When he kisses me, I feel like I'm being really kissed. When he says "I thought about u last nite" I can tell he's telling the truth. He takes my hand when we're walking, he opens my door, he wants to spend real time with me. I'm starting to get very used to it...

For some reason he doesn't make me nervous. He says he's nervous allll the time right before we hang out but I'm not. Maybe its because there's no drama between us yet. I'm not jumping at every phone call he gets or wondering if its another girl he's texting. From his actions I feel like he's being real. I haven't lied to him at all either. There's no reason too. I can just smile & laugh at his jokes and be there with him.
I hope this lasts. I really fucking do. I've been so lonely & the jerks I've met have taken a toll on me. I'm not saying I'm going to marry him or he is a full potential husband but I'm enjoying him so much & it feels good to be around him. My dreams are still full of that other idiot but its the same name Cj & the Mess have. My subconscious has to catch up to reality. It will, it'll just take time.

Probably the cutest thing he said to me was when I told him "I want to be Jessica Rabbit for Halloween". He told me he'd be my Roger Rabbit. I think that'd be awesome. hehe. I'm glad I met him. He's bringing out an affectionate side to me that I didn't even know I had too. I look forward to more time with him & our growing relationship. Maybe I'll have an official boyfriend soon. Maybe...
This week is going to be a long week because I have a huge project at work but its only 5 more days til the weekend. Can't wait. Til tomorrow...
Am beyond happy for you girly! How nice to be able to just enjoy time with him without feeling why? what? and if's? I sure wish I could find someone like that soon, I am tired of the jerks too :( Hope this turns into a real official boyfriend soon, you so deserve it Mel :)!! Good luck on your upcoming busy week as well!
He really sounds like a great guy and that whole halloween thing...how sweet is that? Awww...I am so happy you enjoying this and I am so glad he is such a nice guy:)Good luck with the project and have a wonderful Monday, sweetie
I'm glad he's calmed down a bit on the future stuff - you sound like such a cute couple. I'm so happy for you Melanie!
That's so sweet, it sounds like you two are so cute together & sounds like he's already acting like a boyfriend :)
awww the marriage talk! And thats nice that you met his friends and family and get along with them. lol I was actually thinking of being jessica rabbit for halloween too. I've never been a ginge before so thought I might try it out
I'll be Rodger Rabbit...now THAT my friend, is romance. SO cute:)
Awww - sounds like a very sweet weekend :)
I'm glad he calmed down :) Can you blame the guy for getting all excited though! I mean....you know what you have to offer!
I like so much that you're learning new things about yourself...that is what a relationship is supposed to be like - new discoveries, making you a better person, growth! I'm reallllly happy for you!!
I have a date with Clayton this Weds.....dinner, then bowling/playing at Main Event...I can't wait! I just want to have fun with someone - create a friendship & if something becomes of it that'd be great :)
I like that we're both pursuing NICE men this time around that are honest!
he most love you if he is willing to dress up in a rabbit custom for you.
WOOHOO!!! this is radical! i am so excited for you, and things are going SWIMMINGLY! lucky you!!!
Wow Melanie, CJ sounds like such a wonderful, nice guy! I have a feeling you guys are going to be together for awhile, and you definitely deserve this happiness. I love that he wants to dress up as Roger Rabbit too, so cute!
he sounds like a keeper!
Awww everything looks like it's going perfectly. <3 I hope it lasts. :) You know, you seem to be the only person out there with a classic old school boyfriend. I like that.
Aw, yay, I'm so happy for you, girl! :D
And I love that you used a couple of pics from "500 Days of Summer." Such a cute movie!
hey! sorry i haven't stopped by in a while :) i LOVE your new header for your blog, it's fabulous! you must be great in photoshop? also your whole blog layout just looks really great. by the way, i loved roger rabbit :)
Sounds like it's going really well with the new potential BF, darling!
You seem so happy, go with it! :)
Ohmigosh Melanie, I got butterflies in my stomach as I read this. I truly cannot tell you how happy I am for you right now; I think that every girl deserves to finally find a boy who is absolutely perfect for her. Maybe you've found yours! :)
I am SO glad to know someone is finally treating you the way you deserve. :) Hmmm the "M" word. I say 25 is too young! But everyone finds love at different times. The key is not to settle. You seriously have your whole life ahead of you. I almost got engaged at 24 to a sweet man, but something just wasn't there. Now, my boyfriend and I have been together 2 years, living with each other for 1 and half years. I swear I didn't really find out who he was until 6 months ago. Knowing what I do now, the idea of marriage is a VERY serious decision. I honestly don't know if I would say yes, but I'm not sure I would say no either. It's good to talk about the idea with someone, especially when dating, because you don't want to waste time with someone you don't see as a candidate, but just don't rush because it's easier to break up, then divorce. Hope you are doing well sweetie!
I hope it lasts for you too!
Great pics- love that movie!
Congrats, sounds like an awesome relationship! I have been totally behind on blogging, but is this the guy that you blogged about going on a first date with? That approached you about a month or two back? =D If so, sounds like the first date you were mentioning went well!
Sounds perfect! I'm so glad you found someone who is treating you right :)
I love this film!
Glad that everything is going well and just take things as they come, I'm sure things will work out if they are supposed to and if you put effort into the relationship. :)
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