So today I fell into a movie. I say that because I got déjà vu of it & was like Omg, really?? I’m in this movie???? There is a movie called “As Good as it Gets” & well I stepped right into it. There is a scene where Helen Hunt demands of Jack Nicholson a compliment. He goes on to describe that he hates taking his OCD medicine, but to like her & be with her, he took his medication. He tells her, “You make me want to be a better man.” Cj told me this today that he hates the quitting smoking medication but to be a better person for me & to work to keep me he has started taking the pills. I’m blown away by it. He said he was trying to quit but I pushed him over the edge with wanting to do it. I think he really likes me.
Second movie is those mean chick flicks where you see the ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend & then your heart falls to the pit of your stomach. Yup, out tonight with Erin & CJ I saw the Mess’s girlfriend with her friends. BUT wait…Where the fuck was he???? Wednesday is his night off….why weren’t they together? It was odd. I don’t care but it threw me for a loop. I hate that he somehow is still haunting me. He’s the last thing on my mind & then Bam…the girlfriend walks by. Whatever, I didn’t like this part of the movie.

Third is “How to lose a guy in 10 days” because CJ basically told me that I have pushed all his stereotypes about women out the door. He even mentioned this movie. He was like I have never gone out with a girl with looks, brains, able to keep a conversation, not be materialistic all the time, & someone he wants to have around. I guess he’s expecting the love fern type of a girl, with the dog, & the girl stuff everywhere, not me. I think if I was leaving he would do an end of the movie crazy moment to get to me that somehow miraculously works. I hope its not hang gliding or riding a cheetah to get to me tho.
Also I feel like I’m in the “Sisterhood of the traveling pants” where all my friends who are girls are in different stages of our lives & are off doing our own thing in different parts of the state. One just got engaged, one just moved upstate New York to start a new job, one just started a new relationship, & one just bought her first home. We all have common bonds but I wish we all have that pants & wrote to each other so we feel like we’re still connected somehow.
Life is not a movie but it seems awfully close sometimes! At least I’m not in a zombie movie or a ghost story, thatd be weird. Hehe. Oh well….Maybe I’m secretly in a Disney princess movie? Nah….
I think it would've been nice if life was a movie. Then at least you could stop something bad that happened and go back and do it all over again. Then maybe if we regret things we've done in the past we could go and do it and get it over with without missing out on opportunities.
nothing beats a movie day - i LOVE doing that in the winter months - especially when i don't even get dressed - stay in, under the covers, and just watch movie after movie ...
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
Movies are not a real thing but the surly have many things in common...I love all those movies and I saw them all :)
We should never look back...so right...lets move forward :)
Kisses darling and have e great Thursday
What a crazy movie day!!!!! That is so amazingly sweet about CJ taking the smoking pills for you. I swear...I've been married for 4 years and my husband has yet to quit smoking for me. :(
Maybe you and your friends should start passing something around to each other!! That would be so fun! :)
I'm always afraid that my life is "The Truman Show".
Sounds like CJ is a winner. (hope, hope) I like movies that are nothing like my life so I don't have to think about reality. Not scifi. Movies like You've Got Mail because I'd never be that lucky. I love the dog in As Good As It Gets. Some parts of that movie are sad too though.
Love this post, especially the "AS Good As It Gets" anecdote!
lol how to lose a guy in 10 days was funny. love the love fern and the dog part hahaha! but yeah real relationships isn't like the ones in movies at all!
intriguing post! CJ sounds really committed to you and your relationship without being as overbearing as you feared. good news!
it sounds like he's helping you heal from the mess, glad he was with you when you ran into the gf, stay strong
you're definitely NOT Andy from How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, thank god (so many women are, ugg), you're too smart and quick witted to be Andy and that's a good thing. CJs complaints that he runs into the same shallow girls all of the time reminds me of you saying you run into the same uncommitted jerks all the time, it sounds like both of you have been looking for someone better and maybe you two have found it in each other!
(oh and your move comparisons to your real life are far better than mine. The only character I've identified with was Gigi in He's Just Not that Into You haha, I totally stalked a friend in my freshman year because I thought he liked me...crash and burn haha)
Haha good god, the love fern scene was RIDICULOUS. Such a cute movie though :)
It sounds like CJ likes you for you girl...I don't thik you have to wear more make-up or pink around this guy...maybe he really does appreciate you!! I think he does :)
I went on my date last night and shared a sober kiss under the full moon...I know I sound like an alcoholic haha but the last 2 first kisses I've had - I've had liquid courage. It's better to be drunk on lust/love eh?
really interesting post! i'm glad i dropped by your lovely blog. xoxo.
Your guy sounds great and it is nice that someone has finally gotten just how great you are.
I really love this post - the tie ins to the movies was genius!
Darn makes me want to be in a movie, hmmm I'd have to thin of a movie I'd want to be in first though. Glad to see CJ appreciates you that is the way a man is suppose to treat you.
As Good As It Gets is one of my all time favorites! And a movie day sounds amazing- I may have to copy you and have one this weekend!
I love how to lose a guy in 10 days...except the end, they really butchered it.
Happy almost Friday!!!
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That's pretty sweet of him to say that you make him want to be better and that he is quitting! It sucks that you had to be reminded of "The Mess" but you are in a much better place it seems so why even bother with it at all. Sometimes I wish my life were more like a movie, but mine is more like a drama lol. Take Care girly!
it is so funny....so many things in life remind me of movies, or sitcoms, or books that i have read. i guess we all make connections and have so much in common after all. strange. but good. :)
Love this post!
Jack Nicholson looks sooooooo young in this movie. and it's kinda weird to see him in a movie like this compared to the roles he has played lately.
That's funny, while reading this, I was thinking at least it wasn't a zombie movie. Ha! CJ sounds pretty cool, btw
Life can most definitely be like a movie sometimes...it's hard to keep up with all of the different plot lines too!
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