Ever feel like the Energizer bunny where you keep going & going & going & never stop? Seriously that has been my days lately. They are blending & I know I’ve slept a lil but it just seems like I barely have time to even sit & have breakfast. Yesterday was the longest day of the year & oh man I felt it. I’ve reached a new level in my life…See how much I can cram into one day. For example yesterday. I went to work & added 200 products online to Amazon.com, went to the bank, paid my Victoria Secret bill in the store, shopped in Express cuz I had a coupon, went to dinner with CJ & his mom over the river, went to view my friend Debra’s new apartment, read the submissions for my writer’s group, watched the Real housewives of New Jersey, & then somehow crawled into bed around 11pm. I might have A.D.H.D. because that’s an awful lot to do.
Actually I think I do have A.D.H.D., Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, because I can do all of that & more in one day. Telling CJ about what I do in a day makes his head spin. I actually made him a list of all the dramas in my life because it was too complex & I do too much in a day. I live like 5 lives in a day. I was called hyper-active when I was younger but I thought I grew out of it. Maybe I didn’t. Is it normal to do a thousand things in one day? Or is it just the job of being a young woman in her 20’s? You always will be pulled in a million directions & will have a half a million things on your checklist.

The only thing I wish would happen in my massive marathon running to complete all the things I have to do in a day is lose some weight. I’m starting to get the “Boyfriend Tire” as I’ve heard its referred to. Yeah know the 10 pounds you gain from all the eating out?? I haven’t had any time to go to the gym lately & I’m trying not to push it since its only been 3 weeks since my surgery but I’m seeing & feeling the difference. I walked up a hill in Piermont on Sunday night & was so winded I was huffing & puffing. I’ve been trying to not go out to eat as much but then he invited me with his mom so I was a goner. I couldn’t say no. I did order the chicken last nite but somehow everything I’ve been eating is just going to those problem areas. It’s stress too. Even if you eat nothing in a day stress will make you feel like an elephant. I’m going to do some crunches before I go to bed. It’s a start.
Maybe I should try to eat less sugar or red dye because that inflames A.D.H.D. so I won’t feel like I’m at a dead run all the time? I don’t know. I think Thursday after work I’m going to do some stuff for me & stay home a night. Get a manicure & then come home to clean. You gotta find some time to rest. Yeah I’ll think I’ll do that. It’s a plan. =)
Do any of you have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D? If you do how do deal with it? Are you always running around like a chicken without a head or have you found a way to calm yourself? Please share…
haha.. hillarious.. but i think you are fine. some days i go like that. but then its been a while since that has happened to me .. :P.. keep the fire burning :D
Hey Mel :)
I don't have either, I do however have a short attention span if that counts for anything. I'm able to multi-beyond-task...but my body afterwhile just shuts down (literally) like a robot and I turn into some zombie. It's only happened to me twice in my short life...and I was side eyeing after I came to to what folks around me said I had been. SMH....
Hope have a "boyfriend not so tired" day today..... :)
I can totally get what you are hinting to..I think I suffer from the same disorder..
Maybe it's called the 'live life to the fullest' syndrome :D
Most of my days are a balancing act because of the job I have...The phone can ring any time.....I try my best to tick the things off my list and sometimes it works but sometimes it does not...But 24 hours is not enough for me for sure...How I deal with it? I don’t I just try to enjoy it and if there are a few more things left on the list then...so be it :)
Kisses darling and have a lovely day...hope it won’t be too busy :)
I think it is rather normal to be busy, I always hear people about how many things they have going on and stuff, I think it's part of the society we have become, always on the go. I am glad you have decided to take some time for yourself though! I totally know what you mean about the weight gain when you are going out to eat all the time with a boyfriend lol, it happened to me, but am sure you'll get back into better shape when you get a bit of a chance, remember to take some time for yourself girly don't burn yourself out! :)
i always feel like i'm running around like a chicken with no head!!!! .. i feel ya girl! - but keeping busy is better then being lazy and bored!!!
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
You need some rest girl!! You need some you time. A manicure sounds like a great idea. Stress will not help the weight loss at all. I know that from experience!! Maybe you can come home and take a nice hot bath and do some reading or something relaxing that you enjoy! :)
Lol. You are one busy lady. I think this is normal. I'm that way at times too. =)
With all that going-and-going there's really no need for the gym, is there?!
Have a great mid-week.
I know what it's like to be SUPER busy! I don't know how everything fits in...it just happens :)
Girl, I know what you're talking about the "boyfriend tire" thing....maybe you could get on a stationary bike or something....it probably wouldn't hurt too bad since you're focused on your legs.... just a thought!
You'll be back in no time :) just limit portions...
Have a great day!
pretty sure i have ADD, not ADHD, though i wish i did so i can get on some aderal. in any case, sometimes it's worst at times than others. i get bored easily and constantly need something to do. basically, it's hard for me to relax.
I hope you get some rest soon :)
oops I missed your CJ post, but I'm glad he's pressuring you less. He seems like a really great guy. The one you can trust to meet your parents and friends (and its a big, but awesome step that you met his friends and family too!), go out on nice dates, but also just hang out too. I really hope it works out, you deserve a guy who respects you, recognizes just how intelligent, beautiful, witty, and talented you are Melanie!
I eat out a lot anyway (part of being a college student and no one knowing how to cook haha), but I have some simple tips for when you get stuck in another restaurant snafu (exercise is good, but take it slow with your surgery and all, and really eating habits matter):
*avoid the bread basket, usually its not that good and empty calories
*limit yourself to one drink or a dessert, not both
*avoid cream sauces or cream soups, extra fat
*ask for dressings on the side
*know that you don't need to finish the entire portion, restaurant meals are huge
I don't personally follow all of these rules, but I keep them in mind
There's never enough hours in the day for me, but that's more to do with the fact I need at least eight hours lying around time on top of my at least six or seven hours sleepy-time. I could use a bit of hyperactivity I guess, if you have any spare I would definitely appreciate it!
During the school year I get so busy I feel like a cyclone sometimes--two jobs, a writing group, a social life, a volunteer project, etc. etc. No rest for the weary! But I think that your plan to stay in on Thursday night is an excellent one--sometimes the decision to allow yourself to relax and decompress is the best possible one. :)
oh my goodness. that is a lot to do in a day. what time did you wake up?
Oh gosh. When I had a job (feels like a million years ago, lol) I used to have so many days like this. Running around doing a million things at once and then crawling into bed, with that unbelievable feeling of "what just happened?". Hehe.
But doesn't it make the day go by quicker? And doesn't it make the day feel more productive? I dunno. I kinda miss those days. You're lucky to have them, even though they might seem a lil stressful!
And yeah....the weight gain. I went through the sitting-on-my-ass-at-work-all-day-and-living-with-boyfriend weight gain and I now have 30 pounds I want to get rid of. Sigh.
sometimes i WISH i had batteries, im so tired all the time!
i have a friend with ADD and she never ever stops, she's supposed to be on meds but doesn't take them. i wish i knew more so i could help ya!
I don't have either but I know when I'm amped up on espresso I get really crazed. THAT is interesting.
It sounds more like you're multitasking to me! Your life sounds like mine before my recent unemployment. I miss doing 200,000 things at once, it made me feel productive and I functioned well like that.
Please send some of that energy my way by friend. Sorry can't help you very much...xoxo
No ADD but definitely loving a full day. But I also love a day where I do absolutely nothing.
Ha ha it's probably because you are so happy and in love! Maybe you are twitterpainted. :)
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