I wonder how actors & actresses who stare in roles that are SO completely & utterly different from their daily lives, return to their normal lives. How can someone who stares in let’s say a costume drama with petticoats or a vampire show or a role where their mode of transportation is horse & carriage, come home, put on jeans & a t-shirt, use a car & go shop at Target? I don’t know. How do you return to your job after 4 days of rest & a surgery & just return to normal? Well it would have been easier if the air conditioner didn’t break at my job today…
It amazes me how within such a short time things can be so different. I wish I could take off more time from work but I can’t. My arm hurts more than my breast which I still don’t know why. I have my follow-up on Thursday. I guess it’s all connected. All the muscles & nerves, but it’ll be okay in due time. I had the same problem when I had the first surgery to remove fibroids. It just takes time. My boss isn’t going to be in for work so I hopefully can relax a lil bit. Daytime TV is a killer…I’d rather work.

I actually told my other boss that I was glad to go back to work. I can’t watch anymore TV. I want to climb out of the rabbit hole & return to my life. Even Alice had to return home after her encounter with the Red Queen. Yeahh there is always going to be the occasional drama wheel it seems but it was nice to just get off the merry-go-round for a little bit & just paint the white roses red. However I really really hope the air conditioner is on tomorrow. It was way too hawt & I got so nauseous & light-headed. Simple luxuries are really under-rated. Even being able to wear a bra after the surgery was a delight. Lol.

Well what’s up for this week? I’m still taking it easy & being sick today didn’t help BUT I have my SECOND DATE tomorrow with CJ. The flowers he sent to me on Friday are still blooming strong. I’ve been watching a ridiculous amount of True Blood so I thought I’d use a picture of Sookie & Bill. I grew up watching TV shows where dates are dinner & a movie or some activity. Lately, my dates were usually I met up with the guy at a bar with all our friends or joined the group dinner where we all just happened to be. CJ & I are going to play mini-golf tomorrow alone. I’m going to try to play rather. If my arm hurts I’m going to have to tell him we gotta only play a few holes. It’s just…so nice to go on a real date. Not just chill in a bar. It’s so refreshing. It seems like a step in a right direction. Who knows if him & I are going to develop into anything but I’m enjoying his company & delighting in the companionship. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Also this week I’m going to try and just feel better & heal. I’ve had to do a lot of healing lately & frankly it never gets any easier but you learn how to do it. Healing a broken heart, healing a mind, healing a breast, & healing a spirit. There are wonderful things in this world tho sometimes they appear to be hidden but they are there. I hope I can hold onto them for as long as I can. =)
Thank you everyone again for the all the comments in the past few days. I can't tell you how much I needed them & enjoyed reading each & every one. Thank you!
P.S. I received some awards lately & I will post them tomorrow!! Thank you ladies!! I have to get back into the habit of doing awards. =)
The key word is 'healing' Melaine!
All the best~
Glad to hear that the surgery went well! Get some rest! :)
get well soon mel. hows your zombie work coming?? where you able to work on it?
Feel better!! I totally get you -- laying around with nothing but soaps and talk shows is worse than any surgery pain! Take it easy at work and the date -- tell the guy he better treat you right or your boys at Tower Farm are gonna come after him!
Glad to hear that you are healing and climbing back out to the real world!! :)
Ohhh I think if you just take it easy you will be fine ...I am so sorry sweetie!!
I will be thinking of you!
when you go through the worst - you come out of it all the best - i know from experience - all the things u are going through - will just make you a brighter person in your soul!
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
Ahh!!! I feel like I've missed so much!! I need to go back a few posts and catch up!!! I'm so glad to hear that you're doing okay!! REST!! I tried to go back to work too soon after my surgery and I regretted it. Enjoy the time off!! :)
Feel better soon girl, I'm glad you are taking the time to rest and heal! I watched the whole season of True Blood over the weekend...love it!
I went through a divorce once LONG ago. Work was my salvation. Time passes so much faster and the pain (whatever the nature) lessens when you're busy. Have fun on your real date. (I know bars are not my ideal date either, as far as I can remember.) Here's to your feeling better in all ways, friend.
I never look forward to returning to work, it is funny we can tell what is the most important things to us by the amount we focus on them on our blog.
Awww...I'm so glad that you are "healing" in multiple ways, Melanie; and CJ sounds like the perfect medicine to make you feel better! Ohmigosh miniature golf truly is the cutest date idea ever - I hope that you have an amazing time!! :)
Hope you get to feeling better!
Also - the date sounds pretty fun! I'm a golfer so I figured I'd give you a few pointers - you don't have to death grip the club...think of it as a tube of open toothpaste you don't want to squeeze out - and it just goes back and forth like a pendulum in a big old clock :) Aim and hit!
Hhaha- Hope that helps- putting isn't too tough on the bod- I hope it's more relaxing than anything :)
Have a great Weds!
I hope you are feeling much better soon, my dear!
Dates and "True Blood"??? Sounds heavenly! Are you Team Bill or Team Eric?!?! :)
I hope for the following:
1. AC is working
2. Arm feels better
3. You can play mini golf because I believe it to be the most awesome sport in the world and wonder why not part of the Olympics.
4. That you heal soon -- everything.
I'm glad to see the recovery process is going well. :)
And how exciting about your second date!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Like I said earlier, I'm so happy you found someone who knows how to treat a girl right.
I hope you feel infinitely better soon, sweetie! xo
hope you are recovering well. Speaking of actresses whos lives are completely different, I heard the actress that plays Charlotte on SATC says that she doesn't dress that nice in real life at all, and just really casual things. Which I can totally see cuz if wearing stilletos and dresses is a requirement for my job I'd def launge around in sweat pants as much as I can in my spare time!
i ALWAYS wonder this! how do they allow themselves to fully become someone else and then go back to their regular lives?? it would be SO hard for me...
Fun rumination, darling!
Have a fab second date!
Wow, another real date? I love CJ already! It is so nice he actually takes you on on legitimate dates, mini golf is so adorable.
I love True Blood, what an addicting show! It is more fun the first time around, but I bought the DVDs and still really love watching it, its fun to see the foreshadowing and the characters are so good. I dunno what it is about this show, other than Bill's sexy southern accent, but it oddly romanticizes the south. Suddenly I want to go down South on a roadtrip with lots of fried chicken haha. I mean the show actually does not depict the South as all that glamorous (excuse me, but Merlotte's patrons aren't too classy haha), but I guess its the fun supernatural element, the Southern accents, and the foreigness of it all. For some reason the South can still feel like another country and I love how the theme song shows that. Oh and did I mention that show is just hot and sexy as hell haha
So glad your surgery went well!! Keep healing and have a great time on your date! That was so great of him to send you flowers :)
Glad your doing well. Take it easy.
I'm so glad you're feeling better Melanie! Your second date sounds like it will be a lot of fun at the golf course, and I love True Blood too. Can't wait for the new season to start up!
Go to hear you're climbing out of the rabbit hole!
Glad to check in and see that you are doing well from the surgery. Don't overdo yourself though. You know I love True Blood too - new season comes out on the 13th! I can't wait. :)
Aw I hope you feel better soon, babe!! Rest well... I'm also excited for you going on the second date with him;)
Hope your arm feels better, and have fun on your date with CJ! :)
I hope you'll feel better!
Good luck with the date!
It's all about the power of the mind... actors and actresses are good at that. I know that what you're going through really sucks but it's how you control your mind that matters... positive thoughts and a positive attitude will help a lot in the healing process. Hope you get through all of this soon. xoxo
I certainly hope you feel better soon. Time off always does a number on me. I have a hard time coming back, as I have plenty to do outside of work. Oy.
That plenty to do keeps me from being caught up in the old Greader sometimes, too. >.<
TRUE BLOOD! TRUE BLOOD! Oh, Bill...I'm usually not a fan of shows that make me blush, and hide behind pillows but I love that one. ^_^
I'm psyched for True Blood to start again.
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